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WTF my gun blew up


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Old April 28th, 2009, 19:19   #31
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im in the process of buying a new gun but there were no new parts, that begin said I know that it was a sham and will not change my mind. Thank you to those with the helpful info
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Old April 28th, 2009, 19:20   #32
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Originally Posted by tattooedfreak_1 View Post
I trust scooby will all my gun repairs, I have never had an issues with scooby with any of my 8 guns. I wouldnt go to anyone else, what you have done on here is a big no no. After all he did for you and you turn on him like this. Duude you are "DICK", stay away from me.....

not a problem never cared to be around you anyways
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Old April 28th, 2009, 19:22   #33
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Wow you're kind of a dick.
He explained himself and you got many MANY explanations that a cheap mechbox will break, and people standing up for his gunwork. Hell, ANY V2 mechbox will break there.

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Old April 28th, 2009, 19:35   #34
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hey he said his say and i said mine. Sorry if I dont feel like saying your right man and Im sorry. the battery wasnt pooched due to a bad charger it feel apart i still have it thought maybe i can salvage it, the gear box was a gear that said ca on it and two with nothing on them, I know what i saw in that gun and it wasnt new, I cant even get the barrel out cause its jammed so hard. You guys feel free to intrepret this any way you like. Anyways once again thank you to everyone for the help
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Old April 29th, 2009, 02:16   #35
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3 guns upgraded by Scooby, as well as numerous ones of my own and others i have seen him take apart and fix on the field or in staging and not a single problem with any - quality work...

Besides his quality work Dean is one of the most trustworthy and honest guys I've had the privilege of playing and dealing with and I can't see him being anything but forthcoming about his reservations of the durability of a cloned AEG. Not to mention the countless warnings I've read on these forums alone from other reputable gundocs. This may have been an issue that you should have considered PM'ing him about first, but hey everyone seems to be agreeing with you so far...
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Old April 29th, 2009, 02:23   #36
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Originally Posted by pipefitter316 View Post
hey he said his say and i said mine. Sorry if I dont feel like saying your right man and Im sorry. the battery wasnt pooched due to a bad charger it feel apart i still have it thought maybe i can salvage it, the gear box was a gear that said ca on it and two with nothing on them, I know what i saw in that gun and it wasnt new, I cant even get the barrel out cause its jammed so hard. You guys feel free to intrepret this any way you like. Anyways once again thank you to everyone for the help
... lol...

Guess what? Gears only say the brand on ONE of them. You're being quite ridiculous, I'll never be working on any guns for you... Same thing can probably be said for MANY of the guntechs here.
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Old April 29th, 2009, 03:15   #37
asexual lumbricus terrestris
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The parts that take the most beating on a V2 mechbox are the mechbox shell's front bit, and the sector+spur gear bushings. Cheap clone mechboxes are not only non-reinforced, they are made of a poor quality metal with many impurities, prone to either cracking or flexing. It wasn't suprising really... By scooby's list of parts, you will be able to get a solid $200 out of parts alone. You can always learn to do your own gun work like I do... It's a slow process and in the end you will have no one to blame but yourself.
EDIT: So... I added all the parts on a calculator for shits and giggles, it came to about $350-450... Umm... Holding off payment for work for 3 months and then ragging him is kind of... Unfair? To put it mildly?
Originally Posted by Deftonius View Post
I'll bet Ronan was the one who sent that email.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
The chinese steal everything. Haven't seen an original idea come out of that country yet.

Last edited by yuhaoyang; April 29th, 2009 at 03:29..
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Old April 29th, 2009, 13:18   #38
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Well Pipe, you're going to have a hard time finding a gunsmith after that little display. Good luck you might as well starting learning how to assemble your own guns because you're now labeled as a high risk customer that no gunsmith will want to deal with - and good ones are hard to find and Scooby is one of those.

This isn't like buying gas - you don't like Shell so you go over to Esso... having a gundoc is a careful relationship and a balance and respect for his/her time and skills. And sometimes a shit set of parts is simply a shit set of parts and it doesn't matter what you do - and Illusion's approach is exactly what many are doing now so they don't get caught in this exact position.
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Old April 29th, 2009, 13:42   #39
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Originally Posted by pipefitter316 View Post
I cant even get the barrel out cause its jammed so hard.
I think it was jammed really hard because your piston knocked it into the outer barrel when you kept firing it. That's not scooby's fault.
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Old April 29th, 2009, 13:46   #40
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Also, you opened up a destroyed mechbox and came up with the conclusion that it was assembled improperly. Is that your opinion or from a qualified gun doc?
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Old April 29th, 2009, 15:20   #41
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It doesn't matter what gun doc works on your gun. It will break, it's a fact of airsoft life. Those parts are all quality parts. In fact, from the list it looks like the only thing left out of your clone mechbox was the shell and switch and trigger assembly and guess what broke. No gun tech could have prevented that. Unfortunately one problem compounded the next. I don't know what any other gun tech would have done that would have prevented this. There was even a sorbo in there so the impact was being reduced.
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Old April 29th, 2009, 15:33   #42
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Locked. If any of the associated parties has anything more to add, PM me and I'll open the thread.
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