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ICS AK-74M Canadian Review *UPDATE*



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Old May 2nd, 2006, 21:03   #76
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Originally Posted by LewisQc
Mine got in yesterday. No creak or wobble on most parts, yet the upper receiver and front handle may rattle a little when the gun is hardly swung around. Very heavy, wouldn't use it one-handed!

Got STAR Ak-47 mags and the two ICS hicap. The star mags works flawlessly with a tight fit. The ICS hicaps are a little tricky: they seem to not always seal on the nozzle in the magwell so the bb don't always feed properly. I don't know if I just got a finicky mag as the other one fed well when pushed tight and held in the magwell (the fitting is not as tight as with the star mags and it seems to me that the hicap is kind of "falling down" little as if the mag release system didn't held it right).

The hop-up is idiot-proof easy to adjust as well as very sensitive. I think I'll be able to figure some 2 or 3 point sling as you got a ring on the stock and a smaller one on the front handle just before the outer barrel.

I also bought the ICS scope mount. Easy to install as one-two-three as the mount base is already riveted to the frame. The sights were easily adjustable without using excessive strenght ( the tool worked well ). A negative point is that the plastic parts have a fragile finish: it is very easy to scratch the stock or handle. The mat finish seems less durable than my TM famas one. At first the gun looks wery hermetic, without major way in for rubble and dust, but remember that scrap can come in under the upper receiver when you take the fire selector down to semi or auto.

I used Excel and ICS bb's without any problem. I didn't chronoed it, but had at least 60 feet (I don't judge that well) of effective range on a rainy slightly windy day.

I'll be working on a wood kit fot it this summer... giving it a AK-47 look...
1.May i ask you that where you got your ICS scope mount?

2.My two hicaps got the same feeding problem you mentioned.Both of them only feed 1 or 2 bbs,and they stop feeding unless i hold the magazine to the magwell by my hand.The mag release system didn't held the magazine right(not tight enough).Since i can't always use one hand to hold the magazine when i am shooting.The gun is practically unusable out of the box due to the feeding problem.
I sent the gun back for a new one(hopefull the new one doesn't have the same problem.)

3.Everything is very solid in this gun except the stock.
The stock is made of thin plastic, it is kinda of fragile.
I don't have a TM AK,so i can't compare them.
My TM M14 full stock is much much more stronger compared to this one.
I plan to replace the stock sometimes.any recommendation?

4.I use KSC 0.20g and 0.25g BBs,they are all high quality products.
I also heared that Systema 0.20g 6mm Premium BBs are pretty good,and I will give them a try later.
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Old May 2nd, 2006, 21:08   #77
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Originally Posted by freeman

2.My two hicaps got the same feeding problem you mentioned.Both of them only feed 1 or two bbs,and they stop feeding unless i hold the magazine to the magwell by my hand.The mag release system didn't held the magazine right(not tight enough).Since i can't always use one hand to hold the magazine when i am shooting,I sent the gun back for a new one(hopefull the new one doesn't have the same problem.)

I have yet to encounter this problem, and I have smashed this gun around quite a bit while playing, so it may have been just the first batch that were made.
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Old May 2nd, 2006, 21:19   #78
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Originally Posted by Preston
Originally Posted by freeman

2.My two hicaps got the same feeding problem you mentioned.Both of them only feed 1 or two bbs,and they stop feeding unless i hold the magazine to the magwell by my hand.The mag release system didn't held the magazine right(not tight enough).Since i can't always use one hand to hold the magazine when i am shooting,I sent the gun back for a new one(hopefull the new one doesn't have the same problem.)

I have yet to encounter this problem, and I have smashed this gun around quite a bit while playing, so it may have been just the first batch that were made.
Not really,I received my gun last Friday,and the gun is the newer version with turbo 3000 motor and imporved wiring. The gun looks very good,too bad it doesn't shoot bbs properly. :rrr: .
Anyways,I will probably get a new one this week or early next week. I asked the retailer to test it and make sure the new one won't have any sort of problems.
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Old May 2nd, 2006, 22:09   #79
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I bought the scope mount from Double Edge airsoft at the same time than the AK itself.

You can find the same mount on WGC.

I believe that I will be able to get the mags to stay tight... nothing hockey tape can't fix I think. If you shoot your AEG upside down (the trigger to the sky) you won't have the feeding problem, so try pushing the mag further when you insert it.

You may find the stock fragile or shaky, but I believe it is strong enough for normal wear and use: no one uses airsoft AEG to club his opponent behind the head. I also don't think that the stock is that likely to break as it is (I believe) the body that takes most of the stress and twisting; being metal, the ICS body will not break or crack.

My short review still states that this is a good rifle, given that the mag feeding problem is temporary.
AK-74M, FAMAS F1, Sig P226, M1 carbine
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Old May 2nd, 2006, 22:46   #80
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Thanks. :salute:
I found the ICS Ak scope mount on WGC and UNcompy.
Double Edge no loner have it in stock.

This gun is definitely worth buying. I think the one i received is defective.
I would still recommend this gun to anyone. :cheers:

Yes,the feeding problem can be fixed by tape temporarily .I tried to use some hockey tape to fix the problem,and it become loose and stop feeding again after a while.

I also tried to shoot my gun upside down,but it still have the feeding problem.
I think it is because the magwell doesn't line up properly.BBs got stucked in the middle of somewhere.I also lubed the magwell, and it didn't help either.
PS:You can't shoot your AEG upside down (the trigger to the sky) all the time.can you?That would be too funny to watch.

The gun is brand new.It should work well out of the box.The feeding problem is not a big deal,but it really bothers me a lot. I just give up trying to fix it. :smack:

I will let you guys know how the new one performs once i receive it.

Update:I just receive another one from retailer(by the way:I bought this guy from Double Edge Airsoft,and their customer service is excellent).This one is perfect.Absluately nothing wrong with it. :-)
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Old May 3rd, 2006, 00:08   #81
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well I just put my ms120s spring in and the motor won't compress the spring? I charged the battery (9.6 1700 mah). New systema torqe up motor, advice?
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Old May 3rd, 2006, 00:10   #82
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Bigger battery. 3000mah should do nicely.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old May 3rd, 2006, 13:04   #83
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Hey Guys,

Have any of you got a manual or catalog with the gun... I did not have any documentation in the box. only the gun and its accessories.

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Old May 3rd, 2006, 14:07   #84
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Well everyone.....

I just got my ICS Ak74M this morning and wanted to try it out..

Realised I had to charge the battery first though.

So after 1 hr of desperate waititng, I went outside set everything up and starting aiming for that middle dot in the target. At first , bb's wern't hitting, but after 1 min of hop up changes, they were flying perfectly straight.

So far there hasnt been any problems with the fring or loading of any of the bb's (that were included with the gun). Havnt tried my bb's yet that were obught on the side.

So all of you looking to get this gun, I have to say its pretty spectacular, and on the bright side ou get 2 high mag clips(even though u have to wind it up maybe once between unloading a full clip).

So as everything stands right now, It's all good. Gotta do some more testing, and try the NIMH battery to see if it makes any difference from the NICAD...but as for now, thats all I can write about this product.

One more thing...I would think about loading a new spring in it 150%, to most likely shoot a little faster in terms of FPS. But thats another day, and another challenge. As for now, everything is good to go, and looking forward to the game on the 13th at Flag Raiders. First time for everything I guess!!!

If you have any questions, feel free to reply or PM me. Hopefully all your answers will be answered.

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Old May 3rd, 2006, 15:42   #85
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I still don't get why they don't accept STAR Ak74 magazines. Also my bb's seems to lean on the left side..why is that.. and how do i fix it?
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Old May 3rd, 2006, 17:53   #86
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Originally Posted by [Avtomat]
I still don't get why they don't accept STAR Ak74 magazines. Also my bb's seems to lean on the left side..why is that.. and how do i fix it?
Check front sights - they might be off, kinda rotating on the barrel... I had to glue mine on to avoid that "leaning"...
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Old May 3rd, 2006, 18:13   #87
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I just got my Ak-74 last week from Rangers(new version). I shot off both mags of BB's allready with no problems. I have not adjusted sites or hop up yet. just wanted to use the new toy. The gun looks great!! no problems feeding bb's. I was able to fit a 8.4v 7 cell 3300 Ma battery in the stock witch fired the gun very fast. cant wait to take it outside to play.

What i did notice though was that the upper reciever and the dummy cleaning rod are a little loose and if your a little anal this will bother you. But it can be fixed easy with a little shim work.
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Old May 5th, 2006, 09:47   #88
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Hey I just got this gun yesterday ics ak74m; mine has the turbo 3000 in it. I shot about 50 rounds through it with a friends battery and it stopped firing. I then fully charged my battery, nicad 8.4 volt 1800 mah and tried it. I still was unable to fire it. When I put my clip in the gun, I hear like rumbling, like its working, but I cannot fire the gun. Help would be much appreciated.
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Old May 5th, 2006, 15:12   #89
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Originally Posted by Jesse_Kazzz
Hey I just got this gun yesterday ics ak74m; mine has the turbo 3000 in it. I shot about 50 rounds through it with a friends battery and it stopped firing. I then fully charged my battery, nicad 8.4 volt 1800 mah and tried it. I still was unable to fire it. When I put my clip in the gun, I hear like rumbling, like its working, but I cannot fire the gun. Help would be much appreciated.
could be the hop up, try adjusting it. It may be causing the gun to misfeed etc
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Old May 5th, 2006, 19:00   #90
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the gun doesnt even dry fire though
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