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Old July 14th, 2008, 12:53   #76
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Originally Posted by sabermetrics View Post
i think this has gone on long enough, any mod/admin here to lock down this thread?

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old July 14th, 2008, 12:53   #77
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Ooh, internet butthurt... One more reason for ASC to go age verified all over.

Gunner: lulz at your lame attempts at e-thugness.
m700: Stop fellating gunner
Everyone else: free candy in the classifieds, come quick!
Annoyingly good with numbers

Stop American Censorship
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Old July 14th, 2008, 12:56   #78
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
so ur congratulating this yard on posting old information, this same douche called all of Asc a bunch of goochgobblers insulted other users (good ones mind you) and the only other person supporting him is his life partner m700emo well done!

They say evil triumphs when good men do nothing, it seems like idiocy/asshatery triumphs when longtime users chime in to support obvious trolls...
First off, I'm not supporting his behavior. I think almost everyone who posted in this thread are idiots who need to grow up. All I'm stating is, in this one thread (well only his first post actually) he's contributing something to this community. I don't know what he's said about the community because I don't live off of the drama here.

As a "longtime user," I've seen tons of people who started out the same way as these guys and changed their behavior to become respected (well maybe not respected) members. It seems people are too quick to judge and are to stubborn to change their views.

I could be wrong about some people but at least give them a chance to change.

Anyways I'm not responding anymore in this thread. No need to be caught up in this stupidity.
Age Rep for Petawawa Area
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Old July 14th, 2008, 13:07   #79
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Gunner and M700 =


P.M.C. - Prostituée Militaire de Campagne.
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Old July 14th, 2008, 13:56   #80
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Originally Posted by PaCHeKo! View Post
Gunner and M700 =

Says fucking you,
Posting the big picture of some bitch on your post.
Fuck you.
You are an inconsiderate, immature, fucking hypocrite. Fuck off.
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Old July 14th, 2008, 14:18   #81
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This is rediculous. Thread reported.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old July 14th, 2008, 14:20   #82
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Do as you wish, I've been reported many times this week but the mods are too busy dicking around with BB guns. PEWPEW-PEWPEW I GOT ONE!
They don't care about the threads. Fuckin' gimme a break.
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Old July 14th, 2008, 14:26   #83
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Hmm. Whered the next three pages go?
: o : O : O : 0 : o : O : o : 0 : O
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Old July 14th, 2008, 14:31   #84
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Yea, they care. I'll be surprised if you don't get a ban after this.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old July 14th, 2008, 14:40   #85
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Trust me, I probably will get banned.
But it gives me an excuse not to come to this god awful website.
NDAS and other faggots like him are hypocritical, and fuck it up.
I was contributing, putting up an instructional on a quick and easy mod. If people didn't know how to do it, they could use it as a reference.
But it couldn't all be happy-happy joy-joy. Mother fuckers always thinking negative, and always thinking down on minors. So they start to tell me how its' stupid and all this other bullshit. So what do I do? I defend myself, I don't agree and take it in, because I don't agree. I refuse to agree, with something I don't believe in. Minors should be allowed airsoft guns. If they fuck up physically, take it away. Ban them until they're 18. It should be based on maturity, but nobody has the time or money to set up a program studying every kid in Canada, so they best they do is ban it from all the little children. The government is fucking stereotypical, and needs to take more shit into consideration. Christ almighty.

And if you're over 25 and still airsoft. Go get a girlfriend and stop jacking off to airsoft magazines. At 25, shouldn't you be starting a career? Saving for a future home? Not a fucking $2000 AEG? Fuck.
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Old July 14th, 2008, 14:57   #86
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Originally Posted by gunner552 View Post
And if you're over 25 and still airsoft. Go get a girlfriend and stop jacking off to airsoft magazines. At 25, shouldn't you be starting a career? Saving for a future home? Not a fucking $2000 AEG? Fuck.


you can really tell he's in high school

shouldt you be studying so that your not 25 and in the 9th grade?
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Old July 14th, 2008, 15:01   #87
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Yeah, cause I study during summer, retard.
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Old July 14th, 2008, 15:03   #88
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Originally Posted by gunner552 View Post
Trust me, I probably will get banned.
But it gives me an excuse not to come to this god awful website.
So does not typing in your browser.
NDAS and other faggots like him are hypocritical, and fuck it up.
I was contributing, putting up an instructional on a quick and easy mod. If people didn't know how to do it, they could use it as a reference.
But it couldn't all be happy-happy joy-joy. Mother fuckers always thinking negative, and always thinking down on minors. So they start to tell me how its' stupid and all this other bullshit. So what do I do? I defend myself, I don't agree and take it in, because I don't agree. I refuse to agree, with something I don't believe in.
You weren't defending yourself. You went for an all-out swearing shitfest with other members. I'm not saying you're the only one in the wrong, but you sure as hell didn't help the situation.
Minors should be allowed airsoft guns.
The actions and reactions of certain minors in this thread prove otherwise.
If they fuck up physically, take it away. Ban them until they're 18. It should be based on maturity,
If it was based on maturity, you still wouldn't have one.
but nobody has the time or money to set up a program studying every kid in Canada, so they best they do is ban it from all the little children.
Yup. Just like driving, drinking, voting, etc. Live with it.
The government is fucking stereotypical, and needs to take more shit into consideration. Christ almighty.
The government has nothing to do with the 18+ rule.
And if you're over 25 and still airsoft. Go get a girlfriend and stop jacking off to airsoft magazines. At 25, shouldn't you be starting a career? Saving for a future home? Not a fucking $2000 AEG? Fuck.
I'm 22, hold an advanced diploma in digital forensics, and am attending grad school in September. So take your career advice and shove it up your ass. I play airsoft because, aside from being a fun sport, I've met a good amount of very nice and interesting people. The social aspect alone makes it worth it. The same thing applies to many other hobbies -flying, boating, paintball, etc.

It's immature little pipsqueeks like you that reinforce the need for the 18+ rule.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old July 14th, 2008, 15:16   #89
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So does not typing in your browser.
I bookmarked this and my paint job thread, to see what you fuckheads have said.
You weren't defending yourself. You went for an all-out swearing shitfest with other members. I'm not saying you're the only one in the wrong, but you sure as hell didn't help the situation.
Because you're in my head, right?

The actions and reactions of certain minors in this thread prove otherwise.
Oh yeah. I act like this in real life. Totally. Anonymity causes behavioral change. You don't know me, don't talk to me like you do. This is text, not voice.

If it was based on maturity, you still wouldn't have one.
Again, you don't know me, don't talk to me like you do. This is text, not voice, and it's anonymous. I could say whatever I feel like saying, and I could give you any impression of me that I want. RL : ASC Different things.
Yup. Just like driving, drinking, voting, etc. Live with it.

The government has nothing to do with the 18+ rule.
Who does? Aunt Je-fuckin-Mima? The government has everything to do with everything.

I'm 22, hold an advanced diploma in digital forensics, and am attending grad school in September.
Congratulations.. I guess..

I play airsoft because, aside from being a fun sport, I've met a good amount of very nice and interesting people.
The nice = To suck you into their trailer to rape you in your date-rape-sleep.
The interesting = The crazy 30+ year olds who still play. They just need friends.

t's immature little pipsqueeks like you that reinforce the need for the 18+ rule.
1. Freedom of speech - I can say anything I want, and it will not do anything, but piss a few people off.
2. The 18+ rule isn't enforced using this website, so, there ya' go.
3. Immature Pipsqueek - Again for fucks sakes, you don't know me, yata yata yata.

Don't forget to write this on your resume, see what the boss thinks:

" I'm 22, I boat, I fly planes, I'm outgoing, educated, I spend all my money of toy guns, I play in the forest with a bunch of ugly high-school drop-outs who have nothing better to do besides that & sit at home on ASC coming up with reasons to hate Gunner."
When do I start?
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Old July 14th, 2008, 15:25   #90
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Holy shit..

I've FINALLY had enough.
Later ASC!
PS: Feast on attention now, all you like. Make yourself look like a big tough funny guy ; I'm totally gone!
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