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Front Cover Markham paper: Proposed Ban of Sale, Possession of replica firearms...



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Old September 19th, 2006, 23:09   #91
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good suggestion Vivisector.

I think if every single person here at ASC thats registered signed it, would make a difference.
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Originally Posted by BGrail25 View Post
I'm no expert on the law, but the only victims of rape in this story are the 40 men.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 23:21   #92
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maybe we could also give the government something to work with, like a PAL or something as well as registration, which probably wouldn't happen because of the money involved

don't all airsoft guns have serial numbers?

:adding: and what about some kind of cooperation with local police, like inform them of all our games where and when they are held just so they know and we can only use our guns then and if they are used other then that, a fine and confiscation (sp) of the gun

sure it makes everything a pain in the ass but it may just come down to that and we have to deal with it
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Old September 20th, 2006, 01:02   #93
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first lets ban airsoft becouse people could get hurt or thin they are real, then lets ban cars, cigerettes, booze, sports, computers and walking becouse they are all potentialy hazordus to our health. Then lets ban anything that does not conform to our bleeding heart mentality becouse some a-hole some where f**cked it up for everyone........ sorry about this had to get it out i hate c***P like this, some people get an idea in there head and wont stop until the wreck everyones fun, and all it takes is some young moroon thats played one to many fps to ruin things for every one. I hate people some days
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Old September 20th, 2006, 01:48   #94
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As much as I hate politics, why don't we nominate someone to run in the elections. All u'd have to do is spout pollitally charged bs so the muppets vote our nominee in and then just legalize airsoft? no this not a joke, if we truely want to change the BS the best place to do it is from within the gov.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 06:44   #95
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
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Whats going to happen to ASCA?

Good time to start selling off our guns?
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Old September 20th, 2006, 07:41   #96
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If the airsoft community came under the scrutiny of an investigative journalist on a mission, one trip to this, or any of the other airsoft forums, would paint our sport/hobby in a very bad light.

Has anyone done a poll to establish the age groups that populate this site? I would go out on a limb to say 17-22 year old males make up a large segment of the airsoft community.

This age group is also under the microscope in most media circles lately with the increasingly violent assaults, stabbings , fights that go on pretty much in every city and town.

To approach media, legislators, politicians and come under the scrutiny of the rest of the country amidst these crazy times?? To me that equals the end of airsoft.

That being said maybe alien pulse rifles for the win.

Oh, im 43 , work for the public service, airsoft not quite as much as i used to, and really tell no one but the people i airsoft with about my past time. People just dont understand, nor do they want to .

I think I'll just quietly watch what progresses. I have been around long enough to know better than to think politicians care about what makes sense, they care about what keeps their asses in office.

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Old September 20th, 2006, 07:58   #97
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Originally Posted by Opea
Has anyone done a poll to establish the age groups that populate this site? I would go out on a limb to say 17-22 year old males make up a large segment of the airsoft community.
Makes you wonder whatever happen to innocent until proven guilty. Shit, back what I was that age, you didn't restrict someone's rights on the basis that they *might* be an unstable psychopath. Think about this - the country wants to restrict the rights of gun owners and airsoft hobbiests on the basis that .001% of them might be psychopathic. What the ^%($&! is going on in this society? And what is worse is like lambs to the slaughter the public is slowly, voluntarily giving up its freedoms for supposed safety from that .001% - which, when they go psycho, will reach for whatever tool is handy to slaughter people - whats next, hammers? Better ban those too.

North America is fucked. Canada and the US are slowly going down a bad road to travel because history shows once you give up those rights, they never come back without revolution.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 08:03   #98
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Also media can portray things however they choose to, even if its not right. Anyone that has been through maintenance enforcement will know first hand how it is to be labelled a "dead beat dad" simply by gender. However when the shoes on the other foot and its a mother that doesnt pay child support the media wont even look at it, because the image of a mom in a welfare shack with three kiddies clinging to her apron strings with no shoes is a more powerful image.

Clean cut soccer player in a nicely pressed uniform vs someone decked out in full combat gear with a real looking assault rifle with their war face on.......

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Old September 20th, 2006, 08:24   #99
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Originally Posted by VipaMave
Whats going to happen to ASCA?

Good time to start selling off our guns?
Indeed, good time to be selling your guns because I'm always looking for deals.

Petitions are a waste of time, particulary electronic ones.

There is a method to lobbying at all three levels of government. It requires a dedicated, professional, well financed group of people willing to committ their time and know what they are doing, and who to contact.

Take a few minutes to think about what you have to really contribute to such an effort.

More info to follow.

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Old September 20th, 2006, 08:26   #100
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This just frustrates the hell out of me. (Like the rest of you)
I used to shoot real steel but decided there was just too much of this kind of stuff always in your face. Now this ongoing crap.
What, am I going to be restricted on just being able to play video games? Wait there already is a movement on restricting that too.
All this because a small percentage of the population go ape !$@%#! and ruin it all for everyone.

So what is the solution here? Anyone ? I dont know that there is .
I love Canada ...but I hate this. ( dont go telling me to move either )

If they take away the toy guns from law abiding citizens, sooner or later, only the criminals will have the really neat toys.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 15:39   #101
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The brits got their exemption to the VCR bill. It goes to show that you can get the governement to work with you. England is allot more strict about guns than Canada.


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Old September 20th, 2006, 15:44   #102
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I just realized how stupid the priorities in this country are, in Vancouver there are plans to give drug atticts drugs(in a hope that it will do what?). But in the same city customs raids two legal buisnesses. Maybe we should do what the brits did and talk to our mps, get a patition out and a lot of good press?
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Old September 20th, 2006, 16:00   #103
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Originally Posted by swatt13
if you have to be 18 to own, why treat these as restricted fire arms literally. have it so you must have a restricted fire arms licence to aquire one. you write a test in front of a government trusted individual who determines if you qualify to own/operate a real restricted firearm that can actually kill someone, then you also prove that a)you know gun saftey b) are accountable for your own actions.
This may have already been pointed out. But I'll be damned if I have to apply for ATTs to go to games, or hit a gun doctor.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old September 20th, 2006, 20:43   #104
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ya that would be a little rediculous. i mean just be certified that your not a retard. that should weed some people out, and prevent minors/ irresponsible people from buying/ aquiring guns so easily.
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old September 25th, 2006, 10:10   #105
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this government is f_cked up I work in downtown health centers and we give out crack pipes to crack addicts to support their illegal habits, we live in a city full of crime that the police turn their heads to. ( my vechicle was broken into twice and stolen once they said they won't take finger prints because they don't have time). The way it is now it is easier to go out and buy a real gun than a airsoft gun. They can't solve the real problems so they go after something else that will take the focous off of what they can't do to something that they make the public afraid of and make it look like they are doing something great for the people. If they want to ban a dangerous sport try boxing, football, I can go on forever but thats just my opinion.
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