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ripanu1's Albums
  Album Title Pictures Last Picture
Picture G&G Scar L Chrono readings
Chrono readings for the G&G Scar L I have in the classifieds .
3 September 26th, 2012 16:48
Picture Scotia Arms Airsoft (Game field)
team S.A.D. Players
11 April 7th, 2012 22:51
Picture just me
13 April 7th, 2012 22:32
Picture Scotia Arms Airsoft team S.A.D. (Scotia Arms Delta)
1 August 23rd, 2011 22:44
Picture New addition to my loadout for those slower days
G&G GR16
Custom paint and external work
- Systema / G&P / Classic Army Type 8mm Enhanced "Thick Type" Mecha Box Shell.
- M150 Spring. Velocity out put for this gearbox is around 525 FPS. w/.20g
- Low Resistance / High Capacity / High conductivity / Wire & switch assembly Set.
- High Grade 8mm Metal Bearing Set Installed. Providing enhanced stability over the 6mm and 7mm gearboxes
- Ball bearing CNC Stainless metal spring guide.
- Matrix Ultra High Performance High Speed Piston with Metal full teeth strip.
- CNC Stainless Steel Cylinder Head.
- Reinforced Silent Polycarbonate Piston Head.
- Steel helical Gear Set
- Reinforced Nylon Smooth Selector plate and tappet plate.
- Reinforced Ball Bearing Polycarbonate Piston Head.
- Reinforced Matrix Monster (Torque Up) Gear set Installed.
- madbull 6.03mm tight-bore inner barrel
-Magnum hi-torque motor
10 August 23rd, 2011 22:34
Picture my new bussines logo/cards/stickers/iron ons comming soon
this logo was desighned by me and this is the original i now also have this image copyrighted
7 August 12th, 2011 00:42
Picture m4-a1
6 May 7th, 2010 17:57
Picture gas blow back berreta (modded) prt 1
this started out as a hfc full metal blowback gun metal grey in color it was the semi-auto model but is now a semi-fullauto with custom finish also installed higher flow valves. and tapped a fit a hop up adjustment .
12 May 7th, 2010 17:53
Picture my we-m4 cqbr new version
7 May 3rd, 2010 01:14
Airsoft Canada

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