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Blastyman March 15th, 2008 17:52

Star SCAR has spring quick change
I bought both the VFC and STAR scars for comparision.

Even though the STAR's representation is a bit off compared to VFC's

They both have some nice features like more realistic field stripping. Though the STAR's is better with its quick change barrel system and another neat thing is the quick change spring on the gearbox

I stripped it today. Takes about 30 secs tops.
Gearbox is metal but a very interesting feature.

Quick change spring is possible.
I mean its not as easy as a PTW or even a m249 for that matter but it allows you to change the spring with a couple tools after a basic field strip.

First you undo the big screw that holds the spring guide in its proper postion then you can use a Metric allan key or probably even a flat screwdriver to push in and turn the spring guid to release it.

As you can see there is no bearing on the spring guide. I don't have a bearing spring guide on hand to see if I could swap one on. but I think you have to agree this is a great feature. Also the quick change barrel which takes all of 3 secs is priceless as well.

I am starting to rethinking about selling the STAR one.

Danke March 15th, 2008 18:21

Some folks are saying on Arnies that Star has a retro fit kit to bring the stock up the current type. SCAR-H they just released though still has the old version.

Ace of Spades© March 15th, 2008 18:47

Blastyman March 15th, 2008 19:59

But besides the cheek peice there are alot of differences.

different body, different method for how the stock folds and locks.
The attachment point at the stock to body is not only different colors but actually different as the star has a long slot good for a sling maybe and the VFC has 2 smaller ones.

The buttstock is straighter on the STAR then VFC. Quite a few things.

But unless you have both side by side its hard to notice.

Just look

VFC is the one on top in first two and on the right in the bottom.

Sergeantmajor March 15th, 2008 20:25

which one do you recommend?

ThunderCactus March 15th, 2008 22:05

well the STAR version comes with the EGLM right? I mean that's their whole marketing scheme, everyone already has a VFC or CA lol
I wonder why star didnt put the heat sink motor plate on their gun?

Danke March 15th, 2008 22:14

Star picked an earlier version of the SCAR to use as their template so there are a few cues that aren't in sync with the the production version.

The only thing I find disspirting about my VFC version is the wiring for the battery. It's like it was done by someone with no idea a battery needed to fit in too. Oh for a cell-phone type battery with contact points!

Cassius March 15th, 2008 22:24

I still prefer my VFC after checking your star but I must admit that the wiring for the battery in the stock is stupid. It broke at the last game and we had to resort to removing the fuse and using some tape.

Danke March 15th, 2008 22:39


Originally Posted by Cassius (Post 670085)
I still prefer my VFC after checking your star but I must admit that the wiring for the battery in the stock is stupid. It broke at the last game and we had to resort to removing the fuse and using some tape.

I cut the VFC pins out and subbed Prometheus gold pins less the outer casing with a longer wire to the fuse to get rid of that stress riser. I'm going to cut down the battery wires and swap the plugs for Deans. I'll take a shot when it's all done.

ThunderCactus March 15th, 2008 22:46

So what your saying is the VFC is better in every way except the wiring?
Well that's fantastic lol
Wiring and internals can always be replaced ;)
How's the mechbox specifically on each gun? are they both standard V2 shells?

Yuu March 15th, 2008 23:23

I still wonder if you can use standard replacement gearbox V2 on STAR or VFC.

So far I found the CA gearbox more durable the only reason why I had purchase CA SCAR before, although I had to replace the tappet plate which wasn't really hard.

Blastyman March 15th, 2008 23:38

Well pretty much any v2 parts should work in the gear boxes themselves. Obviously though its probably best to keep the STAR spring guide to fit the gearbox correctly though.

Also somebody mentioned it above. The STAR is the AEG with the heat sink. the VFC doesn't have one.

I do agree all in all the quality of the VFC is much higher. Fit and finish is so much better and it just all around tight gun.

Star definately is a good contender though. I love how it field strips in comparision to the VFC. The quick barrel change is awesome. But at the same time I believe that the quick change barrel might affect consistency and accuracy as there is a slight bit of play.

And the spring quick change would be a good feature to have if you only had one airsoft gun and needed to play CQB and outdoor and was changing the FPS a lot.

I think if you could add the few extra niceties of the STAR to the VFC you would have the ultimate SCAR. But you can't. So you have to compromise. For me that means I need to pick the VFC. Though since I have the EGLM I will keep that for the VFC. the VFC with the EGLM is the ticket.

The STAR with the EGLM is actually heavy bitch. The STAR is just such a heavy gun. But the VFC still is quite manageble even with the EGLM.

One other thing I noticed. When the STAR has the EGLM the mags don't come out very easily really some binding. But on the VFC they almost drop out of the magwell like they normally would without the EGLM.

That also is great. Though admitly the EGLM has a slightly tighter fit on the STAR then the VFC. Though that is very understable since it was designed for the STAR. Still a decent fit though and probably better then alot of guys m203's on AR's hehe

ThunderCactus March 16th, 2008 00:37

So are the mechbox shells standard V2 or do you not have anything to test it against?
I think it was STAR that's notorious for making custom shells...
I thought you said the VFC was the one on the left it that last pic? lol
Doesn't look like it takes regular replacement base plates either although it looks like you could replace the grip entirely...

IRONSIGHT March 16th, 2008 00:38

Another thing to consider is that the STAR uses a standard M4 grip, so all the fancy aftermarket stuff will fit. Although the VFC looks like a standard one on the outside, it sits further away from the mecbox so it is different internally.

Blastyman March 16th, 2008 01:02


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 670156)
So are the mechbox shells standard V2 or do you not have anything to test it against?
I think it was STAR that's notorious for making custom shells...
I thought you said the VFC was the one on the left it that last pic? lol
Doesn't look like it takes regular replacement base plates either although it looks like you could replace the grip entirely...

You are correct I mislabelled that one pic.

No the shells seem pretty much v2. Just with the ambi selector thats all.

ThunderCactus March 16th, 2008 01:06

Oh as an interesting note, the STAR with the EGLM is almost a kilo heavier than my M4 with M203 lol
I'd buy one if it wasnt twice as expensive, I'm kind of worried about the EGLM as well, instead of the beefy metal slide of the 203 it pivots at the end, could be cause for concern although I never got the chance to take it apart to look at the mechanism, any thoughts on that?

Blastyman March 16th, 2008 01:33

I feel the EGLM is the best part of the package. Simple and basic but feels very sturdy. The firing pin looks heavy duty and the trigger mec seems good and strong enough. I like the safety too. That works good.

I think it would work on an AR too wouldn't it. I just sold my last AR before the EGLM arrives so I didn't have a chance to try it on an AR yet.

anyhow far superior to the m203 and I like the fact I have the ability to fire it without taking my finger off the gun trigger. Nice to initiate an ambush with a grenade and immediately follow up with gunfire.

Yeah the STAR is ridiculously heavy and add the EGLM and a grenade and its like lugging a m249 around.

I know its ridiculous but I bought the STAR just for the EGLM to put on the VFC. hehe

SEALs March 16th, 2008 14:19

Looks like STAR is adapting to the changing of model, here's the newer cheeck pad....

Yuu March 16th, 2008 14:26


Originally Posted by SEALs (Post 670365)
Looks like STAR is adapting to the changing of model, here's the newer cheeck pad....

Even with that you can't changing it to Gen 3 without the lower receiver with better mag well and new glove area near the grip. Although SCAR-H can get away with it I believe since it seem that the lower receiver still use Gen 2.

Nabisco_Lobstrosity March 16th, 2008 16:47

Actually, STAR soldered the wires to the motor, so good luck trying to remove the inner screws that attach the grip to the lower receiver.

That aside, I have a Magpul PTS Miad replica that won't fit on my STAR SCAR-L without substantial cutting. Even if it did fit on, there would still be an annoying gap closest to the trigger guard.


Originally Posted by IRONSIGHT (Post 670158)
Another thing to consider is that the STAR uses a standard M4 grip, so all the fancy aftermarket stuff will fit. Although the VFC looks like a standard one on the outside, it sits further away from the mecbox so it is different internally.

Crunchmeister March 16th, 2008 16:56

That quick-change spring thing is a great idea, I think. And not only for changing springs, but also just for getting inside the mechbox. Mechboxes would be so much easier to reassemble if it weren't for having to fit the spring back in. This would solve that problem.

The Acer March 16th, 2008 17:59

just a fyi, a lot of stars, u can easily change springs in them, my Star M249 u can change really easy, like 5 seconds fast,

Blastyman March 16th, 2008 18:45


Originally Posted by The Acer (Post 670486)
just a fyi, a lot of stars, u can easily change springs in them, my Star M249 u can change really easy, like 5 seconds fast,

Yes but the 249 is a copy of the PGC design. I think the interesting part is the v2 mecbox. Its pretty rare in a v2. I wish it would become a standard in all mech boxes that would be great.

txaggie08 March 16th, 2008 19:30

Would those mechbox shells work in any armalite(just curiosity), or is it a scar only type deal...

Crunchmeister March 17th, 2008 01:14


Originally Posted by The Acer (Post 670486)
just a fyi, a lot of stars, u can easily change springs in them, my Star M249 u can change really easy, like 5 seconds fast,

I knew that M249s were a quick spring change, but I know nothing about them internally, so never looked into it. I didn't know that where were any other guns that you could quicky change springs that easily. Well, with the exception of System and ICS guns, that is.


Originally Posted by Blastyman (Post 670503)
Its pretty rare in a v2. I wish it would become a standard in all mech boxes that would be great.

+1 to that. It would be an excellent feature to have. In my short experience with airsoft, I don't know how many times I've wrestled a spring while to try to fit a mechbox shell back together only to have the spring disagree with my wishes... And I know I'm not the only one who's cursed while reassembling a mechbox. :D

ThunderCactus March 17th, 2008 16:58


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 670452)
That quick-change spring thing is a great idea, I think. And not only for changing springs, but also just for getting inside the mechbox. Mechboxes would be so much easier to reassemble if it weren't for having to fit the spring back in. This would solve that problem.

I've never found it a problem actually lol
However I think it's far more useful for changing springs, everytime you open a G&P mechbox you risk stripping screws, which is obivously VERY bad lol

IRONSIGHT March 18th, 2008 19:01

I guess you've never used a soldering iron? It's really not a big deal.

Originally Posted by Nabisco_Lobstrosity (Post 670449)
Actually, STAR soldered the wires to the motor, so good luck trying to remove the inner screws that attach the grip to the lower receiver.

That aside, I have a Magpul PTS Miad replica that won't fit on my STAR SCAR-L without substantial cutting. Even if it did fit on, there would still be an annoying gap closest to the trigger guard.

I have put a MIAD grip on mine, yes with some modification to the rear, but there is no more gap at the front than with the stock one. I'll Try to get some pics posted this coming weekend.

Danke March 19th, 2008 18:30

Here's the Deans conversion including "some" of the wire I gutted from the stock. The battery chunk I converted into a charger adapter and the other I put in the loose wire drawer. There was more wire cut out when I converted from the VFC pins to gold ones.

Nabisco_Lobstrosity April 8th, 2008 23:19


Originally Posted by IRONSIGHT (Post 672117)
I guess you've never used a soldering iron? It's really not a big deal.

I have put a MIAD grip on mine, yes with some modification to the rear, but there is no more gap at the front than with the stock one. I'll Try to get some pics posted this coming weekend.

Yeah, still waiting on those pics.

There's no way a Magpul Miad PTS is going on my STAR Scar-L, even if I cut off the entire rear (thumb) flair, without some rediculous amount of work. It's a width problem, up near the top, where the edge of the receiver meets the bottom of the gearbox.

If this is your idea of something that fits, that's just awesome.

safx April 12th, 2008 22:37

Alright dumbass, next time you call out someone on their mods
you should be sure it's just not your inexperience or your lack
of modding ability.

Not only did you cost me photography time and too many of my
Guinness, but I had to hear about this gun geek argument all night.

Here's the pics your all waiting for—

IRONSIGHT April 13th, 2008 15:28

Thanks for the pics. & Guinness Steve. Oh and for the record, it actually took longer to take the pics and post them than it did to modify the grip.LOL.

Zekk05 April 15th, 2008 16:41

nice work with the grip. it looks really good!
a shame that you cant swap grips on the VFC version though. unless someones figured that one out?

IRONSIGHT April 15th, 2008 21:15

Thanks.Yea the fact that it didn't fit the VFC really pissed me off, as I has bought it for my VFC. Hopefully they (VFC) will make one for theirs.

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