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Ras Vs Sd5


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Old August 15th, 2005, 01:23   #1
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Ras Vs Sd5

ok, so long story short... need a gun (my very first one) :-D i've decided that i want something that is compact, reliable and upgradeable... therefore i'm going with MP5...

but the problem is i'm not sure which one would be better... i've read reviews for both and still can't decide... so i'm asking those who have these guns for some advice... thanx in advance...
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Old August 15th, 2005, 01:33   #2
GBB Whisperer
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want to add accessories to rails? get the RAS. don't like the looks of the RAS and prefer the looks of the SD version? Then get that one. I don't think the decision gets any harder than that.

The SD version isn't silenced. It has a slightly different sound signature, but it's not that significant. For these two guns you're comparing, it comes down to looks...

They both have the same gearbox, and as long as you're comparing against the newer HG versions of the SD, they will perform exactly the same. It comes down to looks for these two guns and nobody here can decide for you what to get.

There's also the consideration that the sd5 has a full stock which allows you to put a larger battery in there... but a gun with a barrel this short typically wouldn't be used in outdoor play where heavier upgrades are sometimes used. Used in CQB, a mini battery on a lower velocity setup isn't really an issue at all, and as a result, could negate this difference. But again, it's up to you whether the battery capacity is an issue or not. A fully charged mini battery can power a stock gun for well over 1000 shots.
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Old August 15th, 2005, 01:56   #3
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well, i love the look of the RAS, i think its looks are second to none... but i've heard that because SD5 has an extended barrel, it's the better version of TM MP5's... can the SD5's foregrip changed to add a vertical grip?

if you upgraded the internals, wouldn't it be ok to play outdoors or would i still be outgunned?
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Old August 15th, 2005, 02:32   #4
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I'm not sure where you heard that about the barrel lengths, but the stock barrel lengths for both guns are the same.

I suppose you could find some way to attach a vertical grip to an SD5, but it would be a hack and slash job that would pretty much look fugly, seeing as how a vert grip just doesn't look right on an SD5 (my personal opinion.) If you have some ingenuity, I'm sure you could find some way to do it and be different...

You have an option to put on the ICS rail system (meant for SD guns) onto the SD5, but it's an ugly-ass contraption, if you ask me:

You could upgrade the internals to give you better range outdoors, but short-barreled guns (such as the MP5 series) will experience diminishing returns as the power goes up. The amount of money you'd have to spend compared to another user with an upgraded armalite, AK or G36 to reach the same performance level would be greater.

If you're dead-set on using an MP5, at least get a longer tightbore inner barrel in there if you're going to be doing any power upgrades. It'll make the system more efficient. This is only really feasible with the RAS as you can attach a longer silencer to cover up the extra inner barrel length - which would be longer than you could get in an SD5.
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Old August 15th, 2005, 03:40   #5
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Pm wiseowl, he found an RAS with an aftermarket silencer for the SD series and it looks awesome

EDIT - found this on UN company
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Old August 15th, 2005, 08:59   #6
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And this is what the G&G GARS looks like on a SD :tup:

I'm bringing in a coupel more of these bad boys on my next group order from overseas.
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Old August 15th, 2005, 12:58   #7
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the first link doesn't work... but hey that sd6 looks nice...

here's one that's off topic... my brother ordered his famas last year from taiwan a TM and actually got it... he paid dirt cheap for it so i might think about doing the same... i saw a g36c for about $350CAD with battery and charger, after conversion that is... what you guys think?
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Old August 15th, 2005, 13:25   #8
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your taking a risk
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Old August 16th, 2005, 02:10   #9
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ya, i think so too... but it's sooooo tempting... i think the secret is getting it shipped by boat... that's what my brother did...

but man... it's so hard to pick out a gun... i've been soo dead set on getting SD5 or the RAS but now i have my eyes set on G36C... i think the G36C might be a better starter gun just cause it's more versatile than mp5's... can play both in/out doors... although not as compact as mp5 the stock folds so helps in CQB's... what you guys think? is the G36C a better choice for a starter gun?
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Old August 16th, 2005, 05:37   #10
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With the SD5, if you think that the barrel is too short simply install a longer barrel and run it though the silencer.
It takes about 2 minutes to dremel out the silencer to allow the longer barrel to fit, but its well worth it IMO.

There are also a few really long silencers out there that will allow you install an even longer barrel onto the SD5. Regular silenver is about 6" or so, I have one here that is about 10" that will hide a SG1 barrel nicely.
Do you have any MP5 accessories that you're looking to get rid of just let me know.
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