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Star G36C vs G&G M4 CQB


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Old June 3rd, 2009, 02:44   #1
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Near Edmonton, AB
Star G36C vs G&G M4 CQB

Hey guys,

Just wondering your thoughts between these two guns. I am new to the sport and looking for my first gun.

I am looking for something all-around, indoor and out, with good outdoor accuracy.

Any help would be appreciated
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Old June 3rd, 2009, 10:04   #2
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Well I dont have the guns your talking about, but I do have a similar collection (ca g36c and a gg m4a1) honestly, you cant go wrong either way. I cannot comment about the star g36 dont have one never even touched one, but I can say that the GG is a great gun, fairly well built and has decent accuracy. Although if your using it for CQB it might shoot a bit too hot, mine is in the 370ish range. Also you will eventually be dropping a pretty penny on the M4 for a metal lower when the clear plastic one kinks out.

Theres way more to this than I can imput, but hopefully this gives you some perspective
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Old June 3rd, 2009, 17:08   #3
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I bought one of the very first-generation STAR G36C's when they just started to hit the market in Asia and I still have it today. It has suffered through several self-inflicted disasters, and it still works just as good today as it did then. I have come to think of it as one of my most reliable AEG's. I don't believe it's made with super craftsmanship, though - it's just survived what I believe any decent AEG (for the money) should be able to stand up to.

I can't give you any specific comparision to a G&G M4 because I've never owned one, but I can give a broad suggestion when it comes to any Armalite comparison.

The primary fault of any G36-type in airsoft is accessibility. Out of the box, you have fewer options when it comes to magazines, batteries, and aftermarket parts. Armalites are just more widely supported, that's all. It's not a big enough problem that you should eliminate a G36 from a possible purchase, but it's something to think about. Before buying any new gun, I recommend taking a look at all the additional purchases you may have to or would like to make, in order to get a weapon that fits the idea in your head.

Personally, I typically use a Guarder Enlarged Handguard so I can use a Large-type battery, and I have an Armalite MagWell Conversion also as an option. These aren't exactly authentic modifications but I appreciate having them, for flexibilty's sake.
Nabisco Lobstrosity
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Old June 3rd, 2009, 20:19   #4
will always be Mike Litoris in our hearts
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Also, with the M4 prepare to drop down, or be willing to drop down some cash to make yours stand out from the crowd. Hell even be prepared to watch your savings go south!

One thing that is excellent with the g36 is that theres are numorous accessories to support is, but you do not need to purchas many (if any) to make your g36 all that it can be. On the contrary, with the M4 just look in the gallery and try to guess how much the guys there have spend on their guns.

Oh course this is just opinion, and not fact. You have to make your own decisions on what you want.

Last edited by jordan7831; June 3rd, 2009 at 20:20.. Reason: i dont proof read enough
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