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JG M4A1 vs. Aftermath Kraken


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Old September 6th, 2009, 03:02   #61
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but there are going to be problems on both :P

right now I have a friend how is selling his JG G36C with a leapers red/green dot for $375. is this worth the money? i cant get any other G36's in Canada due to them being black, and that fact that I'm not verified
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Old September 6th, 2009, 04:00   #62
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Originally Posted by Sawstink View Post
but there are going to be problems on both :P

right now I have a friend how is selling his JG G36C with a leapers red/green dot for $375. is this worth the money? i cant get any other G36's in Canada due to them being black, and that fact that I'm not verified
I dont believe a JG G36 is worth that much (325 max), black or not its still Chinese made. No its not worth it, I can't make the decision for you, either a M4 or AK.
EDIT: I still beleive that a G&G will be your best bet, even if its just the rec version. I own a G&G M4 (intermediate version) and its awesome.

Last edited by scurvythepirate; September 6th, 2009 at 04:48..
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Old September 6th, 2009, 08:41   #63
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Originally Posted by scurvythepirate View Post
I dont believe a JG G36 is worth that much (325 max), black or not its still Chinese made. No its not worth it, I can't make the decision for you, either a M4 or AK.
EDIT: I still beleive that a G&G will be your best bet, even if its just the rec version. I own a G&G M4 (intermediate version) and its awesome.
You do realize that companies like Classic Army and Real Sword are both Chinese and considered very good quality right? Chinese made doesn't mean crap...Just like contrary to popular belief, not all American cars are plastic pieces of shit.
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Old September 6th, 2009, 19:02   #64
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even over the JG G36C? And thanks for your help.

Its just that this will be my only chance to get the G36C in Canada without getting verified, and its kind of a cool thought :P

keep in mind the G36 comes with a leapers red/green dot, an extra mag, and 2 8.4 V batteries with charger, and 2000 .20 bbs

sorry for all these questions btw, but that is generally how it goes on my threads. :P

Is the regulaar G&G M4 worth it over the Rec version? Is the advanced that really worth the extra $100 price tag?

G&G M4 Reg.=$308
G&G M16 Reg.=$319
(G&G M16 with RIS.=$392)
G&G M4 Adv.= $382
G&G M16 Adv.=$393

And does anyone have any idea if the M16's Carrying handle is removable for rails underneath? and also where I can get an M4 stock for M16 as a replacement? Thanks for all of your help guys.

EDIT: Just read Amos' review on the Rec version of the G&G M4, and apparently it's crap compared to the others

Last edited by Sawstink; September 6th, 2009 at 20:23..
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Old September 6th, 2009, 19:41   #65
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Ynot just get age verified then? Ur in Toronto, tons of av reps around here, then you can buy a proper airsoft gun
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Old September 6th, 2009, 20:10   #66
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Right now, I'm looking for a gun to plink in the basement with, take apart (maybe), just tinker around with and see if a am into the sport before dropping tons of cash on a gun, suit, and inevitably getting addicted :P

And wouldn't G&G be considered a 'proper' airsoft gun regardless?
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Old September 6th, 2009, 20:23   #67
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Originally Posted by Sawstink View Post
even over the JG G36C? And thanks for your help.

Its just that this will be my only chance to get the G36C in Canada without getting verified, and its kind of a cool thought :P

keep in mind the G36 comes with a leapers red/green dot, an extra mag, and 2 8.4 V batteries with charger, and 2000 .20 bbs

sorry for all these questions btw, but that is generally how it goes on my threads. :P

Is the regulaar G&G M4 worth it over the Rec version? Is the advanced that really worth the extra $100 price tag?

G&G M4 Reg.=$308
G&G M16 Reg.=$319
(G&G M16 with RIS.=$392)
G&G M4 Adv.= $382
G&G M16 Adv.=$393

And does anyone have any idea if the M16's Carrying handle is removable for rails underneath? and also where I can get an M4 stock for M16 as a replacement? Thanks for all of your help guys.

EDIT: Just read Amos' review on the Rec version of the G&G M4, and apparently it's crap compared to the others
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Old September 6th, 2009, 20:49   #68
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Originally Posted by Sawstink View Post
Right now, I'm looking for a gun to plink in the basement with, take apart (maybe), just tinker around with and see if a am into the sport before dropping tons of cash on a gun, suit, and inevitably getting addicted :P

And wouldn't G&G be considered a 'proper' airsoft gun regardless?
Doesn't matter what whether ur gaming it or not, there's tons of av'd members that have never been to a game being av'd really increases ur options for guns and parts, and by proper I mean not crap like the dpms and the cansofs/clearsofts

or you can disregard this, buy a crappy gun and have it break it's really up to you
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Old September 6th, 2009, 21:30   #69
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very good point. i will look into it... i just wish that the classifieds were open and everyone could see guns/prices, but non verified members just couldnt buy them. then we would know what we are missing

but that right now is regardless, back to the topic please.
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Old September 7th, 2009, 01:18   #70
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well krakens are very good guns once you tinker but don't expect it to last more than a year of gaming unless you "tinker" the gun

JG is a great company as your also forgetting "Echo1" "Rebranded JG" so your friends gun should be fairly decent "Depending on the year"

You can target practise and if you decide to play then you can play with less mods compared to ur standard Kraken.

If you like Aks get the Kraken if you like G36's then go for it.

There both good starting choices but realy its what YOU want
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Old September 7th, 2009, 13:00   #71
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G&G M4/M16 is looking good to me, advanced might be a bit much, but I will wait for Knyte and Amos' review
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Old September 12th, 2009, 19:36   #72
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If the advanced version is what I think it really is then it's basically the regular G&G (like the ones Ken used to sell before CAS got an exclusive contract).

G&G has 3 lines, Top Tech (high end), G&G (mid end) and Combat Machine (low end). As they don't want to "dilute" their Top Tech namebrand they will not make Cansoft Top Tech guns, so that leaves us with G&G and Combat Machine corresponding to "Advanced" and "Rec" versions. This is all speculation and there have been posts about some of their guns being halfbreeds between Combat Machine and regular G&G but only time (and some reviews) will tell.
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