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Old October 1st, 2009, 20:59   #16
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That looks like the new CA Cansoft line (blue)
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Old October 4th, 2009, 18:07   #17
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Why don't you guys stop being a gang of elitist douches and try to HELP?

Also, TokyoSeven, had you actually researched your post, you would find that the only item tagged as airsoft on is a pack of BBs.
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Old October 4th, 2009, 18:19   #18
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Ive said this before and I'll say it again. This is a forum for HOBBYISTS. We take our hobby seriously, and we would expect people to respect the fact that we treat this as more than a passing whim. Just because you don't understand this fact does NOT give you the right to moan and complain when we don't help people that don't wanna follow our rules of getting guns. If you don't like how we don't hold your hand and kiss your booboo's then maybe go to mommy and daddy for that. We are adults here and if you want to be a part of this community, then start acting like one please.

To the OP, even if you wanna try it out to see if your gonna like it or not its gonna require money and effort. If you don't have an airsoft community in your area then you will have to travel. Unfortunately due to our laws airsoft is not something you can just walk into a store and buy. We have our ways of obtaining guns and thats through the classifieds in this forum and that is only done through Age Verification which ensures that guns don't end up in the hands of minors. If you are in fact a minor then I suggest you wait until you turn 18, this will also allow you to start saving money for when you are ready because airsoft is like a coke habit, it only gets more and more expensive every day. You cannot play airsoft and cheap out on it as you will find yourself being disappointed and it will give you the wrong impression of airsoft.
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old October 4th, 2009, 18:34   #19
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Originally Posted by disasterarea View Post
Why don't you guys stop being a gang of elitist douches and try to HELP?

Also, TokyoSeven, had you actually researched your post, you would find that the only item tagged as airsoft on is a pack of BBs.
Why did you feel the need to revive a thread in which the OP got a valid answer and doesn't really need to be discussed anymore?

If you actually read the thread I posted A LOT of information and so did T7. In fact T7 said.

While we may not condone cheaper products, we do understand is that people sometimes have a budget. If you limit your budget be prepared to limit your expectations in terms of quality and performance. If you just want something for target shooting, buy a pellet gun.
If you're going to start shit then GTFO of the newbie tank. You're not required to come in here and read through. I myself may not be the most knowledgeable on airsoft but I still try to help newbies find their way (as long as they have legitimate questions and type with proper grammar and punctuation) as do most of the other members who come in here to post.
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Old October 4th, 2009, 19:21   #20
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You know, I've seen a good amount of people post on Operatorchan ( calling ASC a fest of elitist pricks

One crazy world, and I don't fully get it.
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Old October 4th, 2009, 19:55   #21
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If you don't want to spend big buck's but want something good and decent, go to
Bass Pro Shop.

The airsoft rifle is amazing for the dollar.
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Old October 5th, 2009, 14:15   #22
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I was one of the ones on operatorchan voicing my opinion.
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Old October 5th, 2009, 14:33   #23
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Just so you know, asking for help / info / support about Walmat & Cdn Tire clearsoft guns on an airsoft forum is like asking for help / info / support about your moped on a sport bike racing forum. It's sort of out of place and likely to get you little info - at least the info you want to hear.

But that aside, no one in their right mind will recommend anything that's sold at either of those stores with 2 exceptions. The S&W springer shotgun that Walmart sells actually performs pretty well. It needs a nice coat of black paint, but otherwise, the performance is decent. Ditto for the clear Crosman Stinger shotgun sold at Cdn Tire. It's a clone of the TM M3 shotty, takes TM-compatible shells, fires 3 shots at a time, etc. It's probably the best clear shotty out there.

Otherwise, avoid anything and everything "airsoft" sold at either of these stores, including their ammo. It's garbage and not upgradeable. Performance is terrible at best. And they have a very, very, very short lifespan. And they're not repairable when they break. And they WILL break.
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Old October 5th, 2009, 14:59   #24
Con Murder
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A few I know have been using the crossman co2 pistol (NBB) and it seems fair for a side arm, no hop up though.
Now Latency has it right man, along with tokyo seven. Lots of info on airsoft is irrelavent when you actually mean CT or Walmart, it is as Rock'nRoll says man not the same class of product. A fridge cannot be a deep freeze.
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Old October 5th, 2009, 15:04   #25
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Nice way to revive a thread that my question was answered in. Just so you know I found the airsoft community in my area, so I migrated there. Now all I need is money.
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Old October 5th, 2009, 17:46   #26
airsoft newbie
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yeah I don't see why it seems like everyone on this forum thinks everyone in Canada has $500 to spend on an airsoft gun starting out. Also, they make it seem like you "have" to spend that much as a beginner. Playing just for fun in a forest or something you do not need to spend that much on a gun. I myself started playing in various forests before moving up to real games and I found that the unchanged environnment actually helped me go on to real places because of all the different obstacles.
Another thing, this is airsoft CANADA, NOT canadian airsoft elite JTF2... and this is a NEWBIE tank section... do you think that every noob that creates a post here questioning a $180 gun wants to spend $500???
Originally Posted by Cheeseduck
Stealth in airsoft is like getting a "hummer", as long as your teammates keep their head down and keep moving they are safe...but as soon as they lift their head past the "bush" they get a blast of white stuff right to the face.
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Old October 5th, 2009, 18:05   #27
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Originally Posted by airsoft newbie View Post
do you think that every noob that creates a post here questioning a $180 gun wants to spend $500???
Well for $180, you can do a LOT better than something at Cdn Tire.

The point is, it's better to spend $300 on a G&G or JG (the new Velocity Arms line) that's repairable, upgradeable, and performs well. And it actually has decent resale value if you don't like airsoft. Buying the CT / Walmart junk means that you buy a $180 junker that will break and is not repairable, forcing you to buy yet another one. And it has zero resale value if you don't like the sport and want to get rid of it.

It's not about having a super-duper $1000 gun. It's about having one that will last a full game and that you can actually hit targets more than 30 feet away with.
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Old October 5th, 2009, 18:07   #28
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Well you come here asking US for advice on a POS and will tell you its a POS. You come here asking US for advice and we give it to you. Just because its not what you want to hear, suck it up buttercup.

I will say again, this is a forum for Airsoft ENTHUSIASTS. If you want a forum for kids with no money that still wanna play airsoft, this isn't it. If we tell you that you will need between $500-$1000 its not because we pocket your money, its just how much you will need to integrate yourself in our sport. If you join a hockey league will you show up with crappy foam padding because you dont have the money for the stuff they require you to use? No, they kick you out and don't let you back until you pony up the dough. With airsoft we don't tell you to leave, but we just tell you that a certain amount of money is needed to fully enjoy the sport and treat it as more than a whim. Don't like it? Too bad then.
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.

Last edited by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw; October 5th, 2009 at 18:09..
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Old October 5th, 2009, 19:40   #29
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Originally Posted by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw View Post
Well you come here asking US for advice on a POS and will tell you its a POS. You come here asking US for advice and we give it to you. Just because its not what you want to hear, suck it up buttercup.

I will say again, this is a forum for Airsoft ENTHUSIASTS. If you want a forum for kids with no money that still wanna play airsoft, this isn't it. If we tell you that you will need between $500-$1000 its not because we pocket your money, its just how much you will need to integrate yourself in our sport. If you join a hockey league will you show up with crappy foam padding because you dont have the money for the stuff they require you to use? No, they kick you out and don't let you back until you pony up the dough. With airsoft we don't tell you to leave, but we just tell you that a certain amount of money is needed to fully enjoy the sport and treat it as more than a whim. Don't like it? Too bad then.
And again you all just made yourselves, out to be idiots. I never asked if that was a good gun. I never said OMG I'm going to get that gun and go to a game. I asked if there were any problems from ordering by walmart. I know exactly what quality that gun is. I don't expect to get cheap crap. I am going to be spending money. I play hockey I spend over $3000 dollars on hockey gear, I know exactly what commitment is required to make it in a sport.

However I do know this about hockey I have played with people who had nothing more than street gear playing on ice. They done that because they didn't know if they wanted to play, or not. So instead of spending money on gear that they might only use once, they got gear that was good enough for a test. The people they played with knew exactly what they were wearing and they respected what the person was wearing for gear. They gave him a chance.

They same thing should apply for airsoft, this is expensive the community is small and it will not get bigger unless people start shaping up. thankfully for everyone here I know that not all the ones here are jerks there are some very nice people. So what if someone shows up to a game wearing green and with a cheap walmart gun. If he can get AV'd there AV him and let him have a few minutes of play time. Give the person a chance let them see what kind of sport it is. That is the only way you will get allot of good players. Sure now we get a few good ones but how many just spontaneously said hey I wanna airsoft. There's probably a few but the majority have had friend's that done it. I found out about the sport from another forum. I done research and discovered that it could be fun. Granted this will take a small investment but even if I do not like it I can sell the gear and get back most of what I spent.
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Old October 5th, 2009, 19:49   #30
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Originally Posted by disasterarea View Post
Why don't you guys stop being a gang of elitist douches and try to HELP?

Also, TokyoSeven, had you actually researched your post, you would find that the only item tagged as airsoft on is a pack of BBs.
I had researched my post and my statement stands. I'm not entirely sure what you were getting at in the first place.

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
remember to check if they have a .ca website instead of going to their .com as items available at the .com may not be available for us here at the .ca
Originally Posted by Rai View Post
And again you all just made yourselves, out to be idiots. I never asked if that was a good gun.
I never said it was a good or a bad gun, I was just trying to help you locate an item that would be easier to get since ordering items out of country can always be a head ache.

Thank you kindly for classifying me an an idiot though, I will keep that in mind next time you ask for assistance.

"Its only a little bit on fire"

Last edited by TokyoSeven; October 5th, 2009 at 19:58..
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