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Decked out CA M16A3 vs Systema PTW M16


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Old October 20th, 2009, 08:51   #16
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Originally Posted by PoFF View Post
Bad point : still just an upgraded CA.
And how exactly is this a bad point? Quite honestly, I'd choose my mildly upgraded CA over any PTW I've ever laid hands on. It's seen range time side by side with a few PTWs and without exception has outranged and outperformed them. Yeah, its ability to swap cylinders is awesome, and the bolt stop feature to stop dry-firing is brilliant and realistic. But otherwise, I'll stick with my good old CA. 50 000+ rounds and still going strong on mostly stock internals.
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Old October 20th, 2009, 09:09   #17
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I'm not saying that the CA is a bad gun, I've owned a couple through the years (couple MP5s mostly) and still own one (the M16A3). However, having the CA, even fully decked with Systema internals won't give the "bragging rights" that a PTW owner usually has

But the bottom line seems that the CA way is cheaper and probably going to end up beign more reliable than the PTW. Thanks
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Old October 20th, 2009, 09:11   #18
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A PTW is great when it works. No traditional-AEG mechanics will match it. (you've got to gear an AEG up really fast to get that kind of trigger response...then FA is way too fast...durability/reliability goes down the pooper...etc...)

When a PTW goes down...they're actually very, very easy to fix. But expensive. That's the real Achilles Heel of the's reliance on its electronics and the price of the replacements.

There's not a whole lot can be done when you're slinging the same weight sub-6mm plastic BB from either an AEG or a PTW at the same velocities. The way the hopup is applied on a PTW is innovative...and I think if it's working right it's more consistent.......but a nicely dialed in AEG is probably be as good (and/or for all intents and purposes for the typical ranges/distances in a game the same).

From what I've seen/handled of a Revolution mechbox...the trigger performance is great. Again, when it works. Parts are pricey and I've heard of too many horror stories getting them to be reliable (time+$$$) to dive into one myself.

So ithe Revo costs as much as a nice's parts are expensive and not really easily available (i.e. got to order everything in)...and even then it's not necessarily a "drop-in" fit. You will get the performance of a PTW...but not the other features (i.e. quick FPS swap, ease of working on the mechbox, stop on empty, etc...). Not a winning combo.

There's some great deals on for PTW's...still a lot more than a clone setup but getting close to a nicely done up traditional AEG.

Best of luck.

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Old October 20th, 2009, 11:12   #19
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Have the bragging right of having an AEG that work even when humid/wet.
I was impressed by the PTW feeling and responsiveness, but IMO, it's not enough to completely dump the curent stuff you have plus the money.

And since you are more than able to take care of your own AEG, having a CA won't be a problem, since it's not too expensive to repair.

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Old October 20th, 2009, 16:41   #20
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I have a CA M15A4 with the M110 Revolution gearbox. The Revolution comes with a motor, by the way, and if you were looking at a TW5, the Revolution gearbox is essentially the same.

You will definitely need a Systema metal hopup chamber, so that is a small additional expense. I only run my MAGPUL 120 round mags through it, so I don't know how it feeds with hicaps, but I am told it does not feed them well.

Semi auto is very fast, which is one reason I went with the Revolution. The other is weight, as I wanted a lighter M4 than the PTW.

Nice thing about the Revolution is that they are warrantied, and Zshot is very helpful when you need assistance (in the US anyways.)
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Old October 20th, 2009, 21:08   #21
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There is no Systema warranty in Canada, however Wallace at Z-Shot has extended me courtesies in that regard that he really didn't need to.
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Old October 20th, 2009, 21:46   #22
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PTW is nice but as a previous PTW owner (total of 4 PTW in less than 6 months)I would rather have a nice dialed in AEG (like my King Arms) over a PTW any day, at least they shoot with out an issue.

As for CA well the last CA aeg I owned ended up in a million pieces at Wasaga, they might have gotten better over the years but that sour taste they gave me back in 99 still lingers, but I do still own one of the 1st production run G3 bodies, they are by far the best metal bodies I ever owned.

*edit* yes Wallace did extend me the courtesy of Systema warranty but i think he avoids my call as soon as my number pops up in his cell
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