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Old April 29th, 2010, 18:35   #61
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Red I think you're the one not making sense. Saint has done the research and interviews.

It was presented as part of a masters thesis/dissertation (and I assume survived the thesis defence stage) so I'm pretty sure that what he's saying is 100% (well... maybe 99% +/- 1% for a margin of error) accurate and true. Not only that, don't look look a gift horse in the mouth and READ in between the lines the post in the AV section.

EDIT: Basically what he's doing is what PK was doing before except not being lazy about some things and secondly has all the legal paperwork and interviews with (what I assume to be officials designated to speak/rule on such issues) to back it up.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew

Last edited by L473ncy; April 29th, 2010 at 18:39..
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Old April 29th, 2010, 18:45   #62
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Believe what you want. But people other than Saint import airsoft guns perfectly legally and have for years. Saint acts like he's got the hot new secret, but I prefer to stick with my time tested sources.

But I've already said too much, I'm backing out of this thread.'

good day.

Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Red I think you're the one not making sense. Saint has done the research and interviews.

It was presented as part of a masters thesis/dissertation (and I assume survived the thesis defence stage) so I'm pretty sure that what he's saying is 100% (well... maybe 99% +/- 1% for a margin of error) accurate and true.
Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
EDIT: Basically what he's doing is what PK was doing before except not being lazy about some things and secondly has all the legal paperwork and interviews with (what I assume to be officials designated to speak/rule on such issues) to back it up.
When you ASSUME you make an ASS out of you and me.

(I love that line, but for real; I'm out, yo!)

Last edited by red_baroness; April 29th, 2010 at 18:48..
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Old April 29th, 2010, 18:51   #63
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This is one thing that never, ever changes with the Canadian airsoft scene. Every few months, someone stumbles across the community and either sets out on a quest to save it, change it, or starts lecturing everyone on how they are wrong about everything.

Eventually, they get pissed off and leave; citing how the entire community are a-holes and that they're too good to but up with the bs.

Seriously, someone could draw a seriously "cycle of life" cartoon based upon this process.

There have been many people in this thread already telling you that your interpretations are incorrect; many who have first hand importation knowledge and face time with border security personnel. You just got into the community; step away from the "post" button, read more, and get out to some games.
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Old April 29th, 2010, 19:00   #64
The Saint
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Originally Posted by red_baroness View Post
Saint acts like he's got the hot new secret, but I prefer to stick with my time tested sources.
What secret? There's a very long and in-depth description in the AV Section of my findings, available for anyone with AV'd status to see and use.

You're the one who's putting forth an alternate legal position that makes no sense, therefore, you are intentionally concealing your actual importation model OR someone's sleeping on the government job big time.

Which begs the question, in terms of methodology and statutory basis, how are you getting guns into the country? It seems to me like you're the one with a hot new secret.
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Old April 29th, 2010, 19:24   #65
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Sorry to threadjack and I know redbaron won't reply since he stepped out but what does a curtain have to do with anything?
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Old April 29th, 2010, 20:06   #66
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
Sorry to threadjack and I know redbaron won't reply since he stepped out but what does a curtain have to do with anything?
YouTube- Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
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Old April 29th, 2010, 22:55   #67
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
Sorry to threadjack and I know redbaron won't reply since he stepped out but what does a curtain have to do with anything?
There was a lot said that didn't make sense... the curtain was only one.

*edit, baffled that I didn't get that reference... seem obvious now*

Also here's a link for Saints work in depth
Friendly Fire...... ISN'T!!

Last edited by shaharov; April 29th, 2010 at 22:57..
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Old April 30th, 2010, 03:54   #68
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Wow that was a lot of info to get caught up on. I just want to add and say thank you to Saint and many others (someone not so much...) who took the time to get into the legality of airsoft. Im new to the sport and having troubles clearly understanding what was legal or illegal about having an airsoft gun, importing, buying, selling, etc.


P.S. After reading everything, I totally understand you analogy about the car now, Saint
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Old August 21st, 2010, 01:48   #69
Diabolic Tyrant
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
What secret? There's a very long and in-depth description in the AV Section of my findings, available for anyone with AV'd status to see and use.

You're the one who's putting forth an alternate legal position that makes no sense, therefore, you are intentionally concealing your actual importation model OR someone's sleeping on the government job big time.

Which begs the question, in terms of methodology and statutory basis, how are you getting guns into the country? It seems to me like you're the one with a hot new secret.
Ok Ive skimmed and poked my way around the thread, I have a general idea of how Saint got the guns he did/does in country, not too hard as long as your willing to put up a fight and make a argument, and a potentially long one at that. And as far as Chix Airsoft goes, etc, its a all too familiar trick, while it is True and tested, its not exactly as angelic as it sounds, from what ive gathered and put together through poking my head around their site and others is simple. Chix airsoft is located in Halifax NS, general knowledge? Yes. And from my own curiosity I clicked a link to their artist that does all their banners deviant art page, I found what looked like a simple leaflet poster that you would find on a electrical poll or something just kinda left in a shop. Interesting I thought, and I went back to chix airsoft and was looking at pics of the M1911 GBB and I found a Cyber gun label on the box, (Yes I already know its a cheap rebrand of most WELL/WE/[Insert cheap chinese brand here] ) made a small mental note of it and I remember seeing a site in the US that usually sold/rebranded most Cybergun products but I couldnt remember the name.

Now back to the leaflet, I googled Army Navy Surplus store halifax NS, and bam, first link is the store whose advertisement I was just looking at. I flick through their airsoft page and bam, our suppliers: PALCO SPORTS, Spartan arms, and CA. Well theres one thing confirmed I now know the supplier. And oh my what is this? You sell and buy real firearms too? Wouldnt that require a.... Business Firearms License? Oh I do believe so. And if memory serves correct, that same license also allows you to legally import Airsoft guns, however it is highly illegal to sell them to the general public/act as a middle man. And common sense dictates that you, Halifax airsoft being in the same area,with the Army surplus store who has the Business gun license, its quite clear where you get your guns from. So in short with around 15 minutes of poking my head around I managed to find the supplier of both the guns, and then the importer. I believe someone else did this earlier and was arrested.... Peter Kang I believe? And with the recent arrest of a local airsoft player regarding importation and selling these guns, I would tread lightly, and try to cover my footsteps next time.


Last edited by Diabolic Tyrant; August 21st, 2010 at 02:04..
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Old August 21st, 2010, 02:18   #70
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lol aren't you the Internet sleuth, had u been av'd you'd have your 15 minutes back

redbaroness ain't getting locked up anytime soon, so chill out her guns are legally brought in (and priced very well I might add) PK was using the same method but oft greedy/lazy and decided to cut corner and was caught.

the safesoft thing is a sham, everyone that's kissing saint's ass over this is an idiot.

Lol. Love the Colombo-esque tone of your post though, you forgot to say "just one more thing..." tho

Last edited by pusangani; August 21st, 2010 at 02:21..
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Old August 21st, 2010, 02:24   #71
Diabolic Tyrant
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol aren't you the Internet sleuth, had u been av'd you'd have your 15 minutes back

redbaroness ain't getting locked up anytime soon, so chill out her guns are legally brought in (and priced very well I might add) PK was using the same method but oft greedy/lazy and decided to cut corner and was caught.

the safesoft thing is a sham, everyone that's kissing saint's ass over this is an idiot.

Lol. Love the Colombo-esque tone of your post though, you forgot to say "just one more thing..." tho
To my extent of the discussions ive had with AVd members all I can say is I can do the exact same thing as The Saint, its a common loop hole, the only thing is you need to put the time aside to read the criminal code and come up with a valid case and then to fight your case and be big enough pain in the ass where you only need to tell them once and give them the game plan :P. But otherwise thank you for actually reading it completely and not just half way before saying something. :P.
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Old August 21st, 2010, 02:29   #72
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They should have told you that a tech at army navy confirmed that she gets her guns from them and saved you the time and effort wasted on tryin to be some Internet detective.
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Old August 21st, 2010, 02:34   #73
Diabolic Tyrant
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
They should have told you that a tech at army navy confirmed that she gets her guns from them and saved you the time and effort wasted on tryin to be some Internet detective.
LOL well it wasnt a i guess a... direct? attempt at trying to figure it out, but kinda like you see one thing, you get intrigued and check out the other thing that the last part left a clue I guess, of :P. But yeah i stumbled upon most of that by accident, all out of curiousity of wondering what else that artist has drawn.
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