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Old July 7th, 2010, 00:52   #16
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Originally Posted by RussianJamesBond View Post
Actually if YOU took the time to read the law, you would know that it is only criminally chargeable if; a muzzle velocity greater than 152.4 metres per second (500 ft/s)
a muzzle energy greater than 5.7 joules (4.2 ft·lbf).

Way to cite your resources btw.

And to the person who asked what gun, it was the boyi AEG RK06.
Sweet Jesus son, we were letting you know that attempting to import an AEG is pointless, and I've posted TWICE about a link as to why, and as far as I can tell you haven't read it yet.

Read the link, and you'll see. Also, carrying on arguing why it SHOULD get through customs won't change a thing; the gun will be seized.
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Old July 7th, 2010, 00:53   #17
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Replica guns are guns too

You're missing the whole section on importing Replica Guns. Which (according to the law and CBSA) is exactly what airsoft guns are.

They are not Real Guns, because of the fact that they shoot lower than ~500 fps, but also by that fact, they are REPLICAS.
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Originally Posted by pancakedestroyer
Watching videos and reading a book means dick all. By that thought process I can read a book on advanced physics and Kung Fu and make rockets that could round-house kick mars
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Old July 7th, 2010, 00:55   #18
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Then it becomes an unrestricted firearm.... Which you need a PAL for.

Heres a simple breakdown:

Airsoft, for all intents and purposes the general public cannot cross border with this. Falls under replica firearm and as such is a prohibited device.

Airgun/Pellet gun (.177 and 4.5mm) shooting "495 FPS", importable (uncontrolled firearm). (ie. Daisy Powerline, Winchester, Gamo, Air Force, Anschutz, Ruger, Beeman., etc.)

Firearms (restricted/non restricted), general public CANNOT import, PERIOD (businesses I believe are the only ones that can import for sale to PAL/RPAL holders depending on terms set out in their business firearm license, ie. theatre props, mil/le training, sport shooting, hunting etc.).
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Last edited by L473ncy; July 7th, 2010 at 00:58..
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Old July 7th, 2010, 00:58   #19
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
Sweet Jesus son, we were letting you know that attempting to import an AEG is pointless, and I've posted TWICE about a link as to why, and as far as I can tell you haven't read it yet.

Read the link, and you'll see. Also, carrying on arguing why it SHOULD get through customs won't change a thing; the gun will be seized.
I'm not arguing anything; I can sell the gun to my friend for as much as I payed for it. The thought had occurred to me after I paid for the gun to check the regulations on importing airsoft guns from the US to Canada, and came to this website. Instead of friendly advice, I received snide remarks implying me to be stupid, something I very much doubt I am.
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Old July 7th, 2010, 01:01   #20
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by RussianJamesBond View Post
Actually if YOU took the time to read the law, you would know that it is only criminally chargeable if; a muzzle velocity greater than 152.4 metres per second (500 ft/s)
a muzzle energy greater than 5.7 joules (4.2 ft·lbf).

Way to cite your resources btw.

And to the person who asked what gun, it was the boyi AEG RK06.
you are WAY out of your depth ... you are the guy that impulse purchased a gun you can't import.. not me ...

Cite my resources why? no need to cite what is common knowledge to anyone with half a clue

try looking in the Criminal Code... it may take you 5 minutes if you cared to look
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old July 7th, 2010, 01:03   #21
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by RussianJamesBond View Post
I'm not arguing anything; I can sell the gun to my friend for as much as I payed for it. The thought had occurred to me after I paid for the gun to check the regulations on importing airsoft guns from the US to Canada, and came to this website. Instead of friendly advice, I received snide remarks implying me to be stupid, something I very much doubt I am.
you are not stupid.. you are ignorant.. which is excusable .. and correctable

follow the links provided and check out the criminal code and you will cure your impediment.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old July 7th, 2010, 01:04   #22
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Originally Posted by RussianJamesBond View Post
I'm not arguing anything; I can sell the gun to my friend for as much as I payed for it. The thought had occurred to me after I paid for the gun to check the regulations on importing airsoft guns from the US to Canada, and came to this website. Instead of friendly advice, I received snide remarks implying me to be stupid, something I very much doubt I am.
Buddy, your the only one with the attitude. You should have done your research prior to doing something retarded. If you even had a HUNCH that there would be a problem why'd you do it? And I know you did cause you came and posted here.

Go read the FAQ's and learn to listen to others, cause everyone here knows exactly what their talking about.

Thank-you, have a nice day.
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Old July 7th, 2010, 01:12   #23
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I dont understand this seriously!!! why try to get into the sports when youre not willing to spend or even save money. Yes its much more here in Canada, but thats the only way to get it. First sentence is like "its cheaper" what do you expect? seriously well goodluck with your gun
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Old July 7th, 2010, 01:16   #24
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Then it becomes an unrestricted firearm.... Which you need a PAL for.

Heres a simple breakdown:

Airsoft, for all intents and purposes the general public cannot cross border with this. Falls under replica firearm and as such is a prohibited device.

Airgun/Pellet gun (.177 and 4.5mm) shooting "495 FPS", importable (uncontrolled firearm). (ie. Daisy Powerline, Winchester, Gamo, Air Force, Anschutz, Ruger, Beeman., etc.)

Firearms (restricted/non restricted), general public CANNOT import, PERIOD (businesses I believe are the only ones that can import for sale to PAL/RPAL holders depending on terms set out in their business firearm license, ie. theatre props, mil/le training, sport shooting, hunting etc.).
Not entirely True:

Replica: Requires Business Firearm License for importation strictly in the purpose for theatrical or as a tool in the teaching of Firearm Safety Course

Uncontrolled Firearm: No permit or license required

Controlled Non-Restricted and Restricted Firearm: If you have proper paper work done before importing as a civilian it's possible, as in Registering the firearm, export permit if the exporting country requires (US does) and ATT if needed. BFL will also help.

Prohibited Firearms

Originally Posted by RussianJamesBond View Post
Actually if YOU took the time to read the law, you would know that it is only criminally chargeable if; a muzzle velocity greater than 152.4 metres per second (500 ft/s)
a muzzle energy greater than 5.7 joules (4.2 ft·lbf).

Way to cite your resources btw.

And to the person who asked what gun, it was the boyi AEG RK06.
According to Criminal Code Section 2 in Firearms Act,
under the current definition of replica which is considered prohibited device if an item: looks resemble of a firearm in its shape colour it's considered as a replica except:
1) It's replica of a antique firearm
2) It self is not a firearm
3) It is not transparent or the size is significantly bigger/ smaller than the firearm it was replicating
Base on the criteria above, the device you mention above falls under the definition of replica and thus is a prohibited device.

-Maybe I should go lawschool and be the defendent of CBSA eh?
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Old July 7th, 2010, 01:38   #25
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Originally Posted by RussianJamesBond View Post
Greetings Canadian Airsofters,

I recently (tonight) bought a full metal AK 74, 380 fps, from the US. I had to ship it to some friends in the states, due to the company not being international. Should I have problems at customs with it? What should I say to them when I declare it?
Unfortunately for you what everyone is saying is pretty much fact. Your best bet would be to sell the item to your friend or even see if its possible for a return. Long story short, due to the nature and appearance of airsoft guns they do fall under the replica clause regardless of FPS and the item will most likely be seized if you attempt to have it mailed across the border. The information is available on the Canadian border services website should you wish to review it yourself.

Best of luck sorting out your purchase.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old July 7th, 2010, 01:48   #26
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
Not entirely True:


Controlled Non-Restricted and Restricted Firearm: If you have proper paper work done before importing as a civilian it's possible, as in Registering the firearm, export permit if the exporting country requires (US does) and ATT if needed. BFL will also help.
Duly noted. I was under the impression that it was you could only get firearms from inside Canada or through transfer between registered license holders. I always thought for the general public with their PAL/RPAL it was more trouble than it was worth to import as a private citizen (or that they could only get it from the two ways I mentioned above).

Anyways thanks for clearing that up.

PS: Is there anyone posting above me? I just see a box, no words... Almost like they were invisible..... That or their words are invisible...
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew

Last edited by L473ncy; July 7th, 2010 at 01:50..
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Old July 7th, 2010, 01:49   #27
Assault Pioneer
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Originally Posted by RussianJamesBond View Post
I'm not arguing anything; I can sell the gun to my friend for as much as I payed for it. The thought had occurred to me after I paid for the gun to check the regulations on importing airsoft guns from the US to Canada, and came to this website. Instead of friendly advice, I received snide remarks implying me to be stupid, something I very much doubt I am.
uh, no. you were given the ANSWER'S you did not want to hear and got sand in your vag about it.

if you're so smart to correct brian why the fuck did you ask in the first place?

if your so sure that you are correct and what the criminal code of Canada, this forum, Brian and many of it's other user's are saying is bullshit and you by yourself are correct. by all means have your bud ship it to you.

there's no worries cause YOU'RE right! were all morons here don't listen to us we know nothing compared to your infinite knowledge on importing airsoft guns....
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Wow, best derailed thread, ever.
Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Don't take weapons training from a book. It ranks right up there with people who think they know guns from watching a Chris Costa video.
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Old July 7th, 2010, 02:24   #28
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Originally Posted by Assault Pioneer View Post
uh, no. you were given the ANSWER'S you did not want to hear and got sand in your vag about it.

if you're so smart to correct brian why the fuck did you ask in the first place?

if your so sure that you are correct and what the criminal code of Canada, this forum, Brian and many of it's other user's are saying is bullshit and you by yourself are correct. by all means have your bud ship it to you.

there's no worries cause YOU'RE right! were all morons here don't listen to us we know nothing compared to your infinite knowledge on importing airsoft guns....
ShelledPants: In for Operation PunkBuster. - Link
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Old July 7th, 2010, 09:27   #29
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post

PS: Is there anyone posting above me? I just see a box, no words... Almost like they were invisible..... That or their words are invisible...
The things I say might as well be invisible...just like the FAQS section.
From T7's signature from the post above you
Looking for an Age Verifier who passes through Renfrew area to contact me! PM me please!

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Old July 7th, 2010, 10:35   #30
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Originally Posted by RussianJamesBond View Post
How is that possible? I'm sorry, that sounds absurd; how can I get criminally charged for a non-lethal item?
Law is sometimes absurd. And I take it that if you made a thread to ask if it would clear customs, then there is a part of you that knew there was a risk it wouldn't.

full metal airsoft rifles that are allowed in canada have to be tested by CBSA to determine if they match certain criteria, like FPS above 420 (i believe). if these criterias are fulfilled, then they are labeled as uncrontrolled firearms, which are legal. If they don't, they are labeled as replica firearms, which are illegal.

I only answer your question calmly because i've had the same questionning in the past (although i didn't buy anything before getting the right information, thats where i think your biggest mistake is), but i can't help but understand everyone here on these forums who are fed up and always get asked these things, when you could have EASILY found the information with a very small amount of research. Also if you're gonna ask a question, LISTEN to the answers. there's nothing wrong with finding the law absurd, but you're not gonna change it, and arguying with the people giving you the info you need won't change a thing either, you should only thank them.

and as for getting a criminal charge for a non lethal device, i would give you this example : try importing weed, see what happens. Its not because its not lethal that its legal.

Last edited by sewktbk; July 7th, 2010 at 11:34..
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