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Does the "quality" of the airsoft gun really make a huge difference?


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Old July 11th, 2010, 17:45   #16
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
You look at a STAR M249 the wrong way and it's front sight breaks off lol
I'll keep that in mind if I ever get shot at by one.
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Old July 11th, 2010, 19:34   #17
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There was a time 4 years ago when upgrading guns in Manitoba was considered taboo, mainly due to the fact nobody knew how to do it properly.
Anyway the rule of engagement for LMG's used to be "wait till it breaks, then charge"
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Old July 11th, 2010, 19:46   #18
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Originally Posted by Ninja_En_Short View Post

ICS ? Errr... just the gearbox I have opened on my desk is an insult to the gods of Airsoft and gun doc. And you don't want to piss this guy.
I owned a ICS m4a1 for 3 years (bought in 2005) and maybe 20000 bbs fired and never had any problems with it... Only changes i made were the bushing, spring guide and piston head... didn't even change the piston or spring.
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Old July 11th, 2010, 22:52   #19
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Basically there are several companies you will learn to love. TM is one of the best, I've always liked CA and G&P, but then you get into the clones like JG and KWA(Correct me if I'm wrong about KWA).

Of course TM will be a higher cost because of its higher reliability and everyone just loves them. (Cost also depends on the model of the guns).
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Old July 23rd, 2010, 04:03   #20
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thanks a lot thundercactus for all the help and everyone else
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Old July 23rd, 2010, 05:45   #21
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
Of course TM will be a higher cost because of its higher reliability and everyone just loves them. (Cost also depends on the model of the guns).
an FYI, this is a fairly biased comment. If you look at TM objectively next to JG you'll realize the only real difference is TM's higher quality control in the factory. I (as a gun doc) can't bring myself to spend the 2x the cash just for a gun that is 1/10 as likely to break when the cheaper one + replacement parts is still cheaper. (however if you factor in gun doc costs then maybe higher but it's free for me)
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Old July 25th, 2010, 00:14   #22
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Originally Posted by AngelusNex View Post
an FYI, this is a fairly biased comment. If you look at TM objectively next to JG you'll realize the only real difference is TM's higher quality control in the factory. I (as a gun doc) can't bring myself to spend the 2x the cash just for a gun that is 1/10 as likely to break when the cheaper one + replacement parts is still cheaper. (however if you factor in gun doc costs then maybe higher but it's free for me)

I'm very very close to this (and I've just entered the ring as gundoc) .. as I see every stock gun entering my collection as the start of a project. I pretty much never buy something to leave it stock and game it. I just picked up a clone M14 because I liked the stock, the guts are being completely replaced, and I knew that buying it.

the only thing I could think of performance wise I would consider leaving stock and gaming is the TM pistols ..leaving modifications for when something breaks

that being said.. I put together a nearly stock TM mp5 for a friend, and it still rocks over other heavily upgraded guns, the parts fit, hop up etc are fantastic.

so all I'm saying in this long winded post (lol) is yes you get what you pay for, TOTAL .. if you cheap out on the gun, your gonna pay for it later in upgrades and/or gundoc costs. however that only goes to a point, my M14 should be side by side to an upgraded TM m14 but it'll cost less
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Old July 25th, 2010, 01:14   #23
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I'll say this. Being young and inexperience is something that we all went through. So don't let that get you down, we're saying you're an idiot but it's a good thing that you actually take the time to listen and contemplate this advice unlike most other minors that we see here. If you play your cards right and introduce yourself to the local scene (just ask nicely if you can sit in on a game) you'll find that a lot of doors will open up for you. First day might just be a meet and greet and playing as a spectator or as a camera man. If people decide after that "hey this kid is pretty good and asks a lot of thoughtful questions, maybe we should loan him a gun next time and let him play" then you're pretty much in and it's smooth sailing from there (but you still have to have a good attitude and be well behaved).

For me I would take the posts here to saying that yes you should buy quality to a point. Would you buy a solidly built rally car just for daily driving? Probably not so the same goes for airsoft and other hobbies. Basically you don't "need" to buy a PTW or something like that but it's always nice to have. What you need is something reliable and within a reasonable budget. I suggest that the $400-550 budget is a good start (that is gun only, maybe a few mid/low cap mags and a cheapo red dot scope). After that, your paintball goggles can be used for airsoft, and if you have BDU's and they're relatively clean and stain free from the paint then put them on and bring whatever else you think you need (first time might be OK to store mags in your pockets but it's better to get a vest or belt to hold your mags afterwards maybe you can ask if anyone is selling an extra vest and borrow/buy it off them).

Do I "need" to buy a Selmer sax when I was in my high school band? Probably not since I'd only be playing for a few years. Did I but the cheapest POS sax that was available? No. I ended up buying an off brand which was pretty good and I tried it out and really liked the tone, I pretty much got it for a steal but the only problem was that the metal I wasn't sure what it was made of and seemed to be kind of thin/cheap and really easily malleable but who am I to complain if the tone is really nice.
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Old July 25th, 2010, 10:52   #24
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by SlyzzX View Post
hey guys,

I'm a 15 year old from Ontario just wondering if the quality of the gun really makes a difference. I mean, i have shot airsoft guns before in the States and it was really fun but i didnt really get the idea that the higher quality guns shot a lot more accurately than the cheaper guns. Call me a dumb ass but i dnt really know the way the guns work so im just wondering... if you had a great quality gun, and a Cheap gun, would there be a massive impact on the actual affect of the guns (airsoft guns)?

PS: First post/Thread ever on ASC, sorry if it's a little long too ops:

OK, you are a dumb ass
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Old July 25th, 2010, 22:44   #25
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from personal experience when i first got into the sport i should have really bought a higher quality gun from the get go, because i found that i was pumping way more money into upgrading my guns internals to be competative with other guns. I originaly had a GG well (clone TM i believe?) however now i call it a custom project cause really the only thing left from the original gun is the rail system. as previously stated YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. do lots of reaserch on the type of gun you are looking to buy and once you have that reaserch the brands that make them, REVIEWS ARE YOUR FRIEND! hope this helps

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Originally Posted by GBear View Post
Z got us to go watch it because he said there was a sex scene. There was no sex scene.
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Old July 25th, 2010, 22:47   #26
deep in the bush
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In 3 years time you will have saved up plenty of money to aquire a fine Airsoft product. Enjoy the forums and read up as things change month to month.
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Old July 27th, 2010, 18:23   #27
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
OK, you are a dumb ass
hey I don't know you so I'm not going to try and pick a fight with you but I'm going to say that I am no "dumb ass"... i finished my grade in the top four highest graded students for my year with a 94%, and I'm in the 91.1 percentile of reasoning and knowledge for my age. Just because I really want to learn about airsoft so I'm asking basic questions in the NOOB section of this forum why should you insult me.

EDIT: Just re-read my first post and now i DO feel like a dumb ass, I obviously forgot that i almost welcomed the idea of being called one by adding it... so im just saying i guess it was'nt such a rude comment as i had percieved at first.

Last edited by SlyzzX; July 27th, 2010 at 18:27.. Reason: Being a "dumb ass"
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Old July 27th, 2010, 18:43   #28
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Hmm there may be a lesson here somewhere...
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Old July 27th, 2010, 18:45   #29
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Originally Posted by SlyzzX View Post
hey I don't know you so I'm not going to try and pick a fight with you but I'm going to say that I am no "dumb ass"... i finished my grade in the top four highest graded students for my year with a 94%, and I'm in the 91.1 percentile of reasoning and knowledge for my age. Just because I really want to learn about airsoft so I'm asking basic questions in the NOOB section of this forum why should you insult me.

EDIT: Just re-read my first post and now i DO feel like a dumb ass, I obviously forgot that i almost welcomed the idea of being called one by adding it... so im just saying i guess it was'nt such a rude comment as i had percieved at first.
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Old July 27th, 2010, 18:47   #30
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LOL yea man sorry :$
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