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Old August 29th, 2010, 20:51   #16
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I agree that the seller should at least PM you and tell you whats going on, but Its only been 5 days, and that includes a weekend.

Have you tried to contact him? You haven't mentioned once yet if you have sent a PM asking if he has shipped it yet.

In my experience a polite and friendly PM goes a long way
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Old August 29th, 2010, 21:34   #17
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He says he's selling it for a friend. Give him some time to sort things out.

Don't accuse anyone with spending your money before they can ship out your package. This is not an option here. You don't want to start pissing off the staff.
bruce: Team Bad Karma-(BK-05)
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Last edited by bruce; August 29th, 2010 at 21:38..
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Old August 29th, 2010, 21:57   #18
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Holy crap guys.

Got the PM on Wednesday and passed the info to the guy selling it who processed the the Pay Pal and shipped out the gun. Today, logged in, saw your PM and responded to let you know I'd check on things THEN saw this shit show.

Obviously, you knew the deal was between you two. So why didn't you email the guy you sent the money to? I assumed that I was just putting you two together and you guys would take it from there. Again, I'll check and get back to you.

Thank god there is a venue we can air all these 4 or 5 day old stale transactions accross the internets and make people look like crooks.
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Old August 29th, 2010, 22:16   #19
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Highly agree with all of you. I know, retail comes second, life comes first. but honestly, shipping something takes less than 20 minutes. Pming someone, less than 5.
We give you (a stranger) hundreds of our dollars, the least you can do is update us hastily.

But yeah...for the love of god...fix your own problems T___T it's not even been that long
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Old August 29th, 2010, 23:09   #20
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Originally Posted by SHaKaL View Post
What are you talking about? 2 week???

I have a life outside airsoft and i usually ship the next day. If i can't; i pm the buyer about the delay.

I expect the same when i buy from members of this forum.
Wow, I should really learn to read things before putting up a response. I thought that the OP meant that the guy he was buying from hadn't received the money yet he was just waiting for confirmation before sending money and thought it was taking too long.

Just ignore everything I said, I'm an idiot
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Old August 30th, 2010, 00:49   #21
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dood, my homepage is asc, so everytime my wife goes online, it says ive been online. just because its "says" hes been online he may not have been. how did you send the money? if it was emt or paypal, you would have gotten a notification hes gotten your money, if you havent gotten that then your wrong to accuse him of so. and if he hasnt accepted, you have no right to get all upset.
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old August 30th, 2010, 03:51   #22
a.k.a. NaM-Carter,Matt
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Well if you would like me to Deal with him why would you post it as selling FOR a friend I am making the transaction through you so I assume its between me and you. And it has been accepted and everything already..

Edit* And I'm not accusing him of nothing people so zip it. I just wanted to know what the fuck..
Originally Posted by mcguyver
"Don't take weapons training from a book. It ranks right up there with people who think they know guns from watching a Chris Costa video."

Last edited by KSKcarter; August 30th, 2010 at 03:58..
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Old August 30th, 2010, 05:09   #23
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If you want people on your side watch your language. Ive noticed that the people who cant write a decent note and be polite are the ones who complain the most, who seem the least patient and always start unnessasary threads and shame the name of good people because you've jumped to conclusion about a situation. You never know, something could have happened in his family and he was not able to communicate with you. it doesnt matter if it only takes 5 minutes, that may be 5 minutes he may not have.

This thread you've created is about a business matter. You named it wtf? and slipped the f bomb numerous times. That doesnt sound very mature to me. If this were between a certified retailer and yourself, talking the way you are is not going to help you accomplish what you want.

Be patient, be polite.

You'll get where your going with greater ease.
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Old August 30th, 2010, 05:44   #24
a.k.a. NaM-Carter,Matt
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Originally Posted by Jsofter View Post
If you want people on your side watch your language. Ive noticed that the people who cant write a decent note and be polite are the ones who complain the most, who seem the least patient and always start unnessasary threads and shame the name of good people because you've jumped to conclusion about a situation. You never know, something could have happened in his family and he was not able to communicate with you. it doesnt matter if it only takes 5 minutes, that may be 5 minutes he may not have.

This thread you've created is about a business matter. You named it wtf? and slipped the f bomb numerous times. That doesnt sound very mature to me. If this were between a certified retailer and yourself, talking the way you are is not going to help you accomplish what you want.

Be patient, be polite.

You'll get where your going with greater ease.
I never jumped to any conclusions, what you have to say is completely useless. You're not even AV'd

*Edit* And what the **** do you mean want people to take my side? Are you retarded I have no side I just asked what my options were. And for the record I am a VERY patient and polite person just ask Him in the PM's Its internet morons thinkin' they know shit that irritates me.
Originally Posted by mcguyver
"Don't take weapons training from a book. It ranks right up there with people who think they know guns from watching a Chris Costa video."

Last edited by KSKcarter; August 30th, 2010 at 05:48..
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Old August 30th, 2010, 08:02   #25
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Your reply proved exactly what I was saying. You cant keep professional in a professional matter. You havent proved that you are patient nor do I believe you are. But this has no relavence to your topic so Ill contribute a bit. Kimbo is a good guy, he replyed with an explanation later on. Take it for what it is, and go with it. The worlds not perfect and your never going to get a perfect ending. It was a business setting and yes late replies are not great, but things happen. Any human being knows that.

And for the record, myself not be age verified yet has absolutely no relevence to anything I said. I dont need to be recognized as over 18 to have an opinion, or to state my feels on a matter. Yet another factor that proves my point.
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Old August 30th, 2010, 09:58   #26
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Originally Posted by NaM-Carter,Matt View Post
I never jumped to any conclusions, what you have to say is completely useless. You're not even AV'd

*Edit* And what the **** do you mean want people to take my side? Are you retarded I have no side I just asked what my options were. And for the record I am a VERY patient and polite person just ask Him in the PM's Its internet morons thinkin' they know shit that irritates me.

...Of course you are..
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Old August 30th, 2010, 10:00   #27
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Normally if you put 2 people together for a deal you assume that once their correspondence has started and money has changed hand via email, the intermediary is no longer needed. You would assume that if there were any further questions, the buyer would just email the Not make a thread about 'having no options available, someone please help me!' I've done hundreds and hundreds of purchases online, some with businesses and some privately all with varying degrees of communication. If I've ever had a question I open a dialog and wait a few days.

Granted, I should have probably checked back on the whole thing earlier, but wow...what's wrong with email.

FYI if you emailed the guy he'd have told you that it was shipped out 2 day shipping on Thursday, so you should have it today. Tomorrow at the latest. Less than a week to get your package, and everyone on ASC has to read how you got ripped off.

Last edited by Kimbo; August 30th, 2010 at 10:06..
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Old August 30th, 2010, 10:29   #28
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Kimbo, there's a trader rating
system in place for a reason,
feel free to use it.
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Old August 30th, 2010, 12:01   #29
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by NaM-Carter,Matt View Post
My bad I had the day mixed up But I sent the cash Tuesday. He was last online on the 25th(wed) which means he knows I have sent the money and has not done anything for my part.

How the .. am i supposed to work stuff out when I cant talk to him...

so you send some guy money and the only way you have to contact him is PM through this site?

Did you not get his e-mail address, telephone # mailing address.. Cell phone # ?

And now you come whining for "help" Just what exactly can anyone here do for you ? Other than pat your head and say "there there little fella .. it will all be ok"
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old August 30th, 2010, 14:03   #30
a.k.a. NaM-Carter,Matt
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Wow you guys have absolutely no lives do you. I was just asking because I was worried, my first transaction through ASC, Thought you guys would be a little more helpful but this place is just a bunch of little girls that jump to conclusions and like to bash.
Originally Posted by mcguyver
"Don't take weapons training from a book. It ranks right up there with people who think they know guns from watching a Chris Costa video."
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