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WE p90 GBB


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Old December 9th, 2010, 04:30   #61
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Originally Posted by redzaku View Post
wouldn't that go against physic?
Also, liquid propane.

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Old December 9th, 2010, 06:27   #62
The Lettonian
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Originally Posted by redzaku View Post
wouldn't that go against physic? (I think it's physic or is it logic?) because gas always goes up not down then the magazines will have more parts to push the gas this making the magazines rise in price
And my point being if that WE will make it as a seperate tank for gas cause in the video indicated that the tank is in the gun.
From what I read, it's a two-stage system. The gas is held in the mag, but there's a smaller reservoir in the gun that's used to power the gun. Big tank feeds into little tank, little tank pushes BB/powers blowback. Hence the big gas discharge when they took out the mag - that was supposedly the reservoir in the gun being purged.
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Old December 9th, 2010, 07:03   #63
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
propane is heavier than air.
Plus it's pressurized. Propane doesn't care which direction it goes. Example, anyone who has has a gbb mag fill valve leak...holding the pistol upright didn't help keep the gas in!
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Old December 9th, 2010, 07:07   #64
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Originally Posted by Stealthee View Post
This is nice and all. But when they make a Thompson GBB or even a M1 Carbine GBB that shoots 6mm, I'm maxing out credit cards.
That'd be awesome. (In Bear Grylls voice)


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Old December 9th, 2010, 07:09   #65
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Originally Posted by The Lettonian View Post
From what I read, it's a two-stage system. The gas is held in the mag, but there's a smaller reservoir in the gun that's used to power the gun. Big tank feeds into little tank, little tank pushes BB/powers blowback. Hence the big gas discharge when they took out the mag - that was supposedly the reservoir in the gun being purged.
That's a fair amount of wasted gas then...
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Old December 9th, 2010, 12:50   #66
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I think redzaku is pointing out that the P90 has an unusual magazine arrangement for a typical GBBR because the magazine is on top of the rec'r with the valving on the bottom side as opposed to the top. Furthermore, the magazine has a horizontal orientation which makes it difficult to plumb the magazine to prevent liquid from coming out of the mag because slanting the gun would slosh the liquid around so there wouldn't be a defined place to draw gas phase from.

It is likely that propellant is conducted into an expansion chamber to provide reliable gas phase supply to the pneumatics which is a good and bad thing. On the one hand you could see more efficient usage of propellant because aerosolized propellant would be giving a large space to properly evaporate. This would improve full auto and long burst performance. A well designed expansion chamber might even allow sideways or inverted operation of the rifle! On the downside, a check valve would be needed between the magazine valve and the expansion chamber or you'd be depressurizing a large volume with every mag change. A check valve would prevent the escape of the expansion chamber volume with each mag change, but it would present a new safety issue with GBBRs. We are not used to gas powered guns being able to fire with their pressure supply (i.e. mags) removed. With a check valved expansion chamber, the gun would retain enough gas to fire a few shots, potentially several if liquid phase gas ends up in the expansion chamber.
Want nearly free GBB gas?

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Old December 10th, 2010, 10:16   #67
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I just called Cybergun in France Its a neighbouring country of Belgium (where FN is made btw lol), so its not that costlly
Normally the lady spoke french (normally I should speak that language too, but since I am from the Dutch-speaking north I had no choise but to address the french woman in english)

So I informed her about the fact that Taiwanese company WE has made a gbb P90, and explained the whole situation about the license that FN has with Cybergun and that they are the only certified company that can use their logos etc etc.
She all confirmed this.
I also asked if she knew about the WE gbb P90 and she did.
So I kept on digging and asked if it is possible that WE contacts Cybergun or visa versa about making it together?
And she said that it is possible but that she cannot give me any information about this

The biggest answer from her was when she said "they already did". I was like, so WE already contacted you about this?
Only reply was "uhu" followed immediately again by: I cannot give you this information etc....

I dunno, but there might be a few things that make me conclude this will be made.
- the youtubefilm (it is made already by WE, thats for sure, thats a fact)
- this phonecall
- evike youtube film wich states that they will have full FN trademarks! (I will email evike about this too, those guys seem to have good contacts with WE)
- the fact that on the Cybergun website there was a FN logo (in a row of many logos of arms manufactures they sell) but FN being the only manufacturer that hasnt a official Cybergun airsoft weapon released yet!!!....

Not such a long time ago I even read a press releases (I think its even on one of the Cybergun websited) that Cybergun had a contract with FN. It was like a huge deal in the airsoftworld.
So now I am thinking if you link all this together, that this was already long ongoing.
Cybergun and FN had the deal already. And I think WE jumped in as the actual manufacturer of (in this case) a FN P90 somewhere after the deal....
Thus maybe being the first offical FN Cybergun airsoft weapon made by WE, a P90.

Just thinking out loud here!....
And just to repeat, that phonecall didnt give me any closure at all, only some suspicion...wich is not a bad think in a situation where there is nothing officially released

Ow, this I got from the Cybergun website, from 2nd of July this year:

this is about the agreement they have with FN
again, their is not (yet) any FN weapon in their sales range.....think about it.
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Old December 10th, 2010, 17:08   #68
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I am beginning to notice that Cybergun is quietly brewing up a storm. Its becoming more and more apparent that they are working with a LOT of airsoft manufacturers. Normally, I'm a TM man, but it seems to me that Cybergun wants a piece of the action. Are these just my deluded thoughts brought on by my insanity or drinking too much Jack's? Perhaps, but I have been on a hunt for a pistol, preferably a Sig Sauer P226 in metal, my searches led me to one review of an XFive model (on ASC no less) of the P226. Heres the link to the reviewhttp:// The box itself was tagged "Sig Sauer" and no other manufacturer on the box itself, there was also the usage of Sigs "when it counts" mantra on the box (which would be further infringement). The manual stated that this is a KWC product number KCB-70 and generally this pistol is considered to be a Cybergun repackaged product; Generally it was considered that getting trademarks is not as easy peasy as everyone generally makes it out to be, even in the pistol world, however, I've noticed that the trades are official on this one, with one exception "XFive" is not really engraved on the slide of the real steel pistols. It seems to me that rather than repackaging, perhaps Cybergun has gotten smarter and decided to work on licensing trades for some higher end manufacturers. Either KWC and WE are putting it all together or Cybergun is picking up the good stuff and putting official trades on it... That document that was linked kind of confirms my thoughts about Cybergun going after trades though.
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Old December 10th, 2010, 17:19   #69
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Originally Posted by DoctorBadVibez View Post
It seems to me that rather than repackaging, perhaps Cybergun has gotten smarter and decided to work on licensing trades for some higher end manufacturers. Either KWC and WE are putting it all together or Cybergun is picking up the good stuff and putting official trades on it... That document that was linked kind of confirms my thoughts about Cybergun going after trades though.
That's what they've been doing for quite a while...
They have the rights to a lot of real steel trademarks.

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Old December 10th, 2010, 17:22   #70
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
That's what they've been doing for quite a while...
They have the rights to a lot of real steel trademarks.
Ah, that clears up A LOT for me Sir! Do they only add trades to the best of the litter or basically its all stamped and painted pot metal?
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Old December 10th, 2010, 17:57   #71
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The Cybergun Sigs are all KJW to the best of my knowledge. I've owned a few, they performed well and their current owners are still enjoying them.
Not CNC machined aluminum by any means, but you really don't need much strength in a GBB frame or slide.
KJW pistols are TM compatible because of their relationship with TK, so parts are available and the performance is generally better than most.
Cybergun also rebrands a lot of ACM stuff though too, you've got to research where the source their products.
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Old December 10th, 2010, 19:25   #72
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Originally Posted by DoctorBadVibez View Post
Ah, that clears up A LOT for me Sir! Do they only add trades to the best of the litter or basically its all stamped and painted pot metal?
They rebrand a lot of different brands.

I could go on.

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Old December 10th, 2010, 20:26   #73
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
That's what they've been doing for quite a while...
They have the rights to a lot of real steel trademarks.
indeed, so that can explain the text in the evike youtube film at 1:30:
YouTube - Airsoft Sneak Preview of WE90 GBB

I repeat; I bet WE makes it (that is what the film suggests and the emails James from WE sent and that have been posted on various airsoft boards) and Cybergun releases it with all the trademarks on it from FN Herstal Belgium.
Thus being completely legal in the eyes of FN.
After all Cybergun got a deal with FN since July this year, so time to make that contract deal in practice

If I may believe the article on the cybergun website, they also will bring out a:
- Five-Seven pistol
- a F2000

But so far the P90 gbb is the only thing we have seen proof of in a film....but I think more FN things will come out thru Cybergun.

Last edited by Riko; December 10th, 2010 at 20:28..
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Old December 10th, 2010, 20:30   #74
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
They rebrand a lot of different brands.

I could go on.
WE as well? the pistols?

hmmm I doubt they have any WE manufactured airsoft weapons.
My Cybergun 1911 tactical (wich I sell) is actually a KJW as well.

But if (or better: when) the P90 comes out, wouldnt that be the first WE - Cybergun collaboration?
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Old December 10th, 2010, 21:22   #75
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Originally Posted by Riko View Post
WE as well? the pistols?

hmmm I doubt they have any WE manufactured airsoft weapons.
My Cybergun 1911 tactical (wich I sell) is actually a KJW as well.

But if (or better: when) the P90 comes out, wouldnt that be the first WE - Cybergun collaboration?
Yup. This is a WE pistol from Cybergun:

No, not the first Cybergun/WE.

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