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Old February 6th, 2011, 18:05   #151
a.k.a. NaM-Carter,Matt
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I find it funny that you say to people that don't spend alot of money on their gear that they are not actually playing airsoft. To me airsoft is about having fun, you take shit way to far. And this is not coming from somebody who has cheap gear I agree with what you kind of say the amount of money you put in is worth it in the end but you dont need expensive gear to have fun.
Originally Posted by mcguyver
"Don't take weapons training from a book. It ranks right up there with people who think they know guns from watching a Chris Costa video."
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Old February 6th, 2011, 18:13   #152
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Originally Posted by KSKcarter View Post
I find it funny that you say to people that don't spend alot of money on their gear that they are not actually playing airsoft. To me airsoft is about having fun, you take shit way to far. And this is not coming from somebody who has cheap gear I agree with what you kind of say the amount of money you put in is worth it in the end but you dont need expensive gear to have fun.
No but you need solid performing gear. Airsoft is a team game, its not fair to your whole team if you are ineffective because you are not willing to commit the resouces neccessary to play.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old February 6th, 2011, 18:15   #153
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Originally Posted by Eeyore View Post
No but you need solid performing gear. Airsoft is a team game, its not fair to your whole team if you are ineffective because you are not willing to commit the resouces neccessary to play.
And then someone comes up to you, and wonders why you have all these unnecessary pieces of gear and accessories on, as if impressions weren't allowed, or accepted in airsoft...
Friends don't let friends use highcaps.
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Old February 15th, 2011, 22:59   #154
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To be honest here, I'm someone who plays with a group of people who don't go out and buy 600 dollars of equipment, we're college students and don't have that sort of money anyways.

But whenever we get a guy coming into our games who has 6-7 attachments on his full metal m16 and is wearing a full out ballistics vest under marpat, and a combat helmet.. We definitely make jokes behind their backs.

M16's are mostly plastic.. come on.. you don't need a flashlight.. its day time.. the vest certainly isn't from your job at the call center.. and that helmet must feel awesome being all expensive and durable, but really, you have the nerve to wear ALLLLLL that junk and then claim you arent being hit.

Well, you are indeed being hit, hosed even. Just can't feel it for all the gear.

I see nothing wrong with overdoing it if you're with a group who does that, but when you wear body armor with people who are in camo t-shirts and safety glasses.. You gotta expect that you aren't going to fit in quite that well.

Heck, I use baggy duck hunting camo as my load out and it's so far performed better than any ghillie suit I've seen on the field..
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Old February 15th, 2011, 23:16   #155
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Originally Posted by NRN_R_Sumo1 View Post
M16's are mostly plastic..

Originally Posted by NRN_R_Sumo1 View Post
the vest certainly isn't from your job at the call center..
Vests are useful know...holding mags and other important stuff, instead of using one hicap. Hicaps are fine, but if you've not new to the game, you should be using something else like midcaps or lowcaps.

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Last edited by Styrak; February 15th, 2011 at 23:19..
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Old February 16th, 2011, 08:02   #156
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funnily, people overdoing it, covered in brand new gear, are usually beige.
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Old February 16th, 2011, 09:00   #157
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Some games are quite clear re. camo patterns/etc... Teams, game logistics and other things incorporate it into game play. When a guy flaunts that and shows up in runners and a hoodie it looks like ass and is an embarassment.

Similarly, when somone shows up in head to toe multicam and a SCAR....and it's a WW2 re-enactment game...that guys looks like a tool.

When the game/event is a non-stop no-break milsim game...and guys break off to go to their car to reload, have lunch, kills the game flow and irritates the host to no end. For these types of games you're expected to do whatever you need to do to sustain yourself in action for the duration of the game. Anything short of that kills things for everyone else.

So the theme of this is such:
- Take the time and care to review the game thread well in advance. Make sure you and your buddies are set and good to go. If you have them because it's a sure thing others have the same questions.
- If the game isn't your type of game...then don't go. To "go against the game" and just do whatever the hell you want is disrepecting the host, your teammates and every other player there. Same goes for ammo caps/loadouts/FPS/etc...

- if the host is doing their job, the decision of what to wear/bring should never compromise your safety. In fact, it'll probably err on the side of caution. But in the's your personal duty and responsibility to ensure that you're adequately protected throughout the game.

I would acknowledge that some guys put a lot of time and effort into their loadouts and understandably want to use them. Unless the game specifies otherwise I can't see any issue with gearing up to the nines for a skirmish game. Gear and kit should always be matched to the environment I could see how getting up in an armoured CQB loadout for a field game would be a bit odd.

Airsoft is supposed to be about having fun....but it's not a selfish thing where your own shits and giggles are at the expense of the greater group.

Last edited by m102404; February 16th, 2011 at 09:07..
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Old February 16th, 2011, 09:39   #158
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Originally Posted by Jimski View Post
funnily, people overdoing it, covered in brand new gear, are usually beige.
Explain that further please! Im a little concerned about what your implying!!!

How 'bout you just suck my A$$....
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Old February 16th, 2011, 09:57   #159
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Originally Posted by lleets View Post
Explain that further please! Im a little concerned about what your implying!!!
LOL..I'm sure he was referring to the colour of the Clothing and know "tan" aka Beige. I highly doubt it was a racial slur.
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Old February 16th, 2011, 10:00   #160
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oops I had no idea 'beige' was a racial slur. how does it work exactly? or is it the full expression 'covered in beige'?
and what ethnicity does it refer to?
anyway sorry, I was definitely refering to the gear's color, also called tan.I don't do racial slur.
I call it beige because it sounds gayer.
also I don't own beige gear, I'm an OD person.

5. beige

A word for people of undetermined race. A person whose skin is beige, making it impossible to figure out their ancestry as they are darker than a white person but lighter than a black person, but not Latino or Asian. Can get away with race jokes and blend into all crowds because no one knows what their deal is.
wow.I had no idea.

Last edited by Jimski; February 16th, 2011 at 10:06..
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Old February 16th, 2011, 12:08   #161
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Regardless of gear or skin colour we get lots of new guys dropping in with a Crossman, or Kraken or even a G&G. Someone that's brought out by their friends and wearing borrowed or hunting gear; I'm sure most folks here know them.

So they get a taste for it and keep showing up and you know what happens next. The gun goes down, Sunday AM, hours and miles from anywhere. Then they wind up sitting around for a day. They spend the next few weeks trying to find someone to fix the gun, and those dedicated parts that only fit the flavor they have.

Eventually the guy gets his gun fixed and within 2 games it's broken again and he's out forever.

That's why the older folks will be suggesting a certain minimum buy in for guns.

For gear, yeah you can scuttle around like a rat in sweat pants so on. After a 30c game though you're not getting a drink from my camelback though; that's attached to my vest. Guys I've played a year with I'm happy to toss mags to, folks with a weird CT weapon can't get an ammo hand off in a pinch; and those come out of my vest. I will lend out my multi-tool so folks can fix their gear, and yes that's in my vest too.

And the last thing to say is folks who giggle or posture behind other players backs, even when they feel they're in a safe spot can be overheard and all you do is make yourself appear to be a total jackass. That's both for "new" players who are insecure and for players with a season under their belt who know they're an "elite team".
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old February 17th, 2011, 17:46   #162
The Captain
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Hey guys, i completely agree with whats been said here and I am a noob, ive gone out to a coouple of games and tried out some equipment, and ended up buyinga G&G GR16 m4 carbine, the guns works wonders and i tihnk is a perfect buy for a noob, sadly though thats about all ive gotten so far, was wondering if you guys could post up some links or somethin in reply to this post on some good tac vests n other gear? im not planning on cheaping out after what i just read here lol, thanks in advance
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Old February 17th, 2011, 18:02   #163
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This thread really is not for gear suggestions I suggest you scan through this websites newbie section or use the search function located in the upper right corner to find some information that will help you.

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Old February 17th, 2011, 18:06   #164
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Originally Posted by NRN_R_Sumo1 View Post
To be honest here, I'm someone who plays with a group of people who don't go out and buy 600 dollars of equipment, we're college students and don't have that sort of money anyways.
Hey I bet alot of us are college students. I don't mean to flame, but this is an expensive hobby. If you want to play, you should be willing to front the cash.

Originally Posted by NRN_R_Sumo1 View Post
But whenever we get a guy coming into our games who has 6-7 attachments on his full metal m16 and is wearing a full out ballistics vest under marpat, and a combat helmet.. We definitely make jokes behind their backs.
So because someone has the money to make their loadout THEIR OWN and personalize it, you feel the need to be a douchecock? That's very immature and high school. If you say you're in college maybe it's time to start acting like a man?

Originally Posted by NRN_R_Sumo1 View Post
M16's are mostly plastic.. come on.. you don't need a flashlight.. its day time.. the vest certainly isn't from your job at the call center.. and that helmet must feel awesome being all expensive and durable, but really, you have the nerve to wear ALLLLLL that junk and then claim you arent being hit.
Again, who the fuck are you to criticize what someone wears to an airsoft scrim or milsim? If someone wants to dress up and "play soldier", welcome to airsoft, that's what we do. We emulate soldiers (by no means do those of us who aren't serving, for the most part, think that it's just like this in RL) and getting kitted out is part of that experience. Also, if someone isn't calling their hits, light them up. If they still aren't, get over it or mention it to an admin. Don't be a bitch. It's no question that gear sometimes prevents feeling a hit, but if that's the case, the person in question probably isn't doing it on purpose. In fact, fuck you. If you don't like it then buy some gear and then you can have an excuse too. Because I see people all the time, even in CQB settings who aren't kitted out who don't call their hits. Sometimes it's the gear, sometimes it's the person.

Originally Posted by NRN_R_Sumo1 View Post
Well, you are indeed being hit, hosed even. Just can't feel it for all the gear.

I see nothing wrong with overdoing it if you're with a group who does that, but when you wear body armor with people who are in camo t-shirts and safety glasses.. You gotta expect that you aren't going to fit in quite that well.

Heck, I use baggy duck hunting camo as my load out and it's so far performed better than any ghillie suit I've seen on the field..
I'd say as far as majorities go, you're on the wrong side. When I play at my local Indoor Facility, I get kitted out. There are obviously people there who don't, for whatever reason. But I don't flame them and they don't flame me. It's a matter of preference. If it was a game with 25 people in street clothes against me, I'd still get kitted out. Because that's a part of the experience for ME. If you disagree with that, do all of us who get involved in the experience a favor and plink in your basement. None of us are in this sport to put up with your whiny kiddy baby bullshit.

Last edited by sicki6; February 17th, 2011 at 18:09..
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Old April 25th, 2011, 20:00   #165
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A good write-up for sure. I'm a nub btw and I think a camo bunny suit would be epic on the field.
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