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WE Scar-L gbbr


Airsoft Guns Discussion

View Poll Results: Do you reccomend the WE Scar-L?
Yes 16 41.03%
No 23 58.97%
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Old February 23rd, 2011, 18:06   #1
sNAp_*'s Avatar
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Question WE Scar-L gbbr

Hi im looking to buy a gbbr probably the WE Scar-L and i just want some expert opinions from people who own the gun and if you would reccommend it . Please thank you
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Old February 23rd, 2011, 18:55   #2
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Seriously no, open bolt has the exact same issue of plastic backplate that will break no matter what you do.
Which mean you'll have to buy a new one afterwards.
VFC is supposed to make one but when I see how retarded their bolt lock system is on M4 I'm afraid you won't get a correct GBBR for some time, have to wait the H will look like...
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I can do a CTRL+ATL+DEL on your gun !

Gun doc in Montreal on AEG, GBB, GBBR and Bolt rifle (gaz and spring)
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Old February 23rd, 2011, 19:22   #3
Suburban Gun Runner
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Originally Posted by sNAp_* View Post
Hi im looking to buy a gbbr probably the WE Scar-L and i just want some expert opinions from people who own the gun and if you would reccommend it . Please thank you
Hi, the WE SCAR was WE's first attempt at a gbbr. As such it does not benefit from all the advances after it. To put it bluntly while the SCAR works it has many problems some that are just gun killers. This model is a good example of how not to make a gbbr. You would be much better of with one of WE's later model, their AR and PDW series are great, infact they have probably been the top selling gbbrs for a while now.

Hope that helps.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old February 23rd, 2011, 19:34   #4
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is the m4 cqbr decent? the full metal one?
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Old February 23rd, 2011, 20:55   #5
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Originally Posted by Eeyore View Post
Hi, the WE SCAR was WE's first attempt at a gbbr. .
You've got it a little backwards there. WE made their M4 for 2 years before the SCAR came out ( the M4's were already at version 2 or 3 by this time), and they have plenty of problems of their own, most of wich are the same as the SCAR. The only issue the SCAR has that the M4 doesn't is the hingeplate wich there are a few mods out there that people have been trying. I haven't had any experience with the M14 or the G39 yet so I can't comment on them. All I can says is if your wanting reliability-stick with an AEG as GBBr's are very high maintenance. They are wicked fun when they work, and wicked ass pain when they don't.
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Old February 23rd, 2011, 21:18   #6
The Chad
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The open concept nozzle would be the only way I would buy another one. The one I have now has the gay brass tube that makes the friggin thing freeze up all the damn time, it's a wall hanger plinker peice of poop and it makes me cry.....
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Old February 23rd, 2011, 23:23   #7
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I have the open bolt kit for my we scar. Part 27 and the hinge plate needs to be reinforced or they constantly break. After that you will have the odd trigger mechanism failure that all we guns get. Besides that, the we scar would be a nice gun. The closed bolt system is a failure. No amount of crappy npas and stinger hop ups will fix it's flaws. It's just pure garbage.
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Old February 24th, 2011, 00:12   #8
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GBBRs tend to be less reliable and have much more expensive mags than AEGs. Get an AEG if that's your 1st airsoft gun and get a GBBR later if you desire more realism.

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Old February 24th, 2011, 01:12   #9
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Originally Posted by THe_Silencer View Post
GBBRs tend to be less reliable and have much more expensive mags than AEGs. Get an AEG if that's your 1st airsoft gun and get a GBBR later if you desire more realism.
I believe you should know how to fix your gun,
GBBR are simply to fix,

Gun has firing problem...Trigger mechanism issue
Gun has accuracy problem...Hop-up Chamber barrel issue
Gun has fps going all over the place...Nozzle assembly or magazine issue

Magazine is leaking...check seals
Magazine can't hold gas at all...main valve
Magazine feeding issue...check the bb tube

Feeding issue, Check chamber, clean it out, check bolt lug, make sure it's good, check magazine if feed properly

Last shot does not hold back, check bolt carrier, check bolt catch, check magazine bolt-hold mechanism

Once you get a GBBR, its hard to switch to AEG

GBBR is more like firearm, whereas AEG is more like paintball....

And if you don't want expensive mags, go with external air system like Daytonagun. I have one, its great.
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Old February 24th, 2011, 01:48   #10
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
I believe you should know how to fix your gun,
GBBR are simply to fix,

Gun has firing problem...Trigger mechanism issue
Gun has accuracy problem...Hop-up Chamber barrel issue
Gun has fps going all over the place...Nozzle assembly or magazine issue

Magazine is leaking...check seals
Magazine can't hold gas at all...main valve
Magazine feeding issue...check the bb tube

Feeding issue, Check chamber, clean it out, check bolt lug, make sure it's good, check magazine if feed properly

Last shot does not hold back, check bolt carrier, check bolt catch, check magazine bolt-hold mechanism

Once you get a GBBR, its hard to switch to AEG

GBBR is more like firearm, whereas AEG is more like paintball....

And if you don't want expensive mags, go with external air system like Daytonagun. I have one, its great.
It's nice that you disagreed. And yes, you are correct, I do know how to fix my guns. However, that does not change the fact that GBBs are NOT as reliable as AEGs. Being an expert at repairing GBBs and mags still does NOT change this fact.

Since the OP is seeking expert advice, I take it that he has minimal experience working on GBBs so the fixes you mentioned will not be as easy as you make it out to be.

You seem to be advocating GBBs b/c of its realism over the "paintball like" AEGs yet in the end you recommend a $1000+ Daytona gun to the OP? A gun that relies on a "paintball like" external air tank?

My original point is still valid, if this is going to be your first airsoft gun and you have no experience or desire working on airsoft guns, DO NOT get the WE SCAR, get an AEG. You'll spend more time playing and less time fixing broken parts.

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Old February 24th, 2011, 01:55   #11
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Originally Posted by THe_Silencer View Post
GBBRs tend to be less reliable and have much more expensive mags than AEGs. Get an AEG if that's your 1st airsoft gun and get a GBBR later if you desire more realism.
I beleive he was trying to address this statement. If you know how to fix your own gun/learn how/ common sense, GBBR's can be plenty reliable.

And the fact that daytonagun's run an external air tank does not bother everyone, who says he wouldn't mind great recoil, controllable fps, rof, no cool down, for a mere "sling" going to a pouch?

That, and they use AEG mags. While it is expensive, they are more realistic and fun.

And saying this is his first gun may be true, but we cannot know for sure. One can be a complete "noob" at GBBR's, but an expert in AEG's, they are two total different platforms.

On topic: I have heard and read that the Scar's are one of WE's worst releases that are plagued with problems otherwise minimal in other platforms, ie M4 variants.
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Old February 24th, 2011, 02:39   #12
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Originally Posted by Steven View Post
I beleive he was trying to address this statement... I have heard and read that the Scar's are one of WE's worst releases that are plagued with problems otherwise minimal in other platforms, ie M4 variants.
It seems like people have confused ease of repair with reliability. Having a gun that's super easy to fix won't mean squat if it's constantly breaking down. Back on topic: WE SCARs are very unreliable. Knowing how to fix your own gun is great but it will never be as comparatively "reliable" as an AEG due to the sheer number of heavy moving parts. Now I'm sure there are reliable GBB platforms out there but this is the WE SCAR we're talking about here.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it - Aristotle
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Last edited by THe_Silencer; February 24th, 2011 at 19:00..
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Old February 24th, 2011, 16:11   #13
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Go with a KJW GBB-R I shot 1000's of rounds threw my KJW and all I had to replace was the Rubber Band, which can be done quickly with an inner tube of a bike tire.

Honestly, 1000's of rounds!!!! No issues. I clean it after each game, take the bolt and all moving parts out whip them clean and re-oil with Silicone Lube and BAM! Smooth as hell and reliable!

I've owned, AGM, JG, WE M4, and WE Scar... all broke, leaky mags, issues beyond all belief ungamable, poor hopups, chopping BBs and it just seemed I spent more time finding replacement parts and ugprades then playing with them. KJW Rubber Band

Get a Full metal though, the KJW Clear Lowers = Break Easy on the handgrip, they have it thread into the plastic body.
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Old February 24th, 2011, 17:41   #14
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Recomending a Daytona gun? Hmm. You forgot to mention how long he's going to wait for parts when they do break, and they will break-maybe not as often as other gbbrs but it is going to happen, and you'll be waiting a long time for replacements. GBBR's are not even close to AEG's as far as reliability goes as long as your not stuffing huge springs in them. I've had tones of AEG's and gas guns (pistols & rifles) and there is no comparison when it comes to reliability. A decent quality AEG left stock will last a long time if you take care of it with minimal maintenance. GBBR's are for the poor suckers like me who are too stubborn to settle for something a little less realistic.On a side note I'll always have an AEG on standby for when (not if) my GBBR craps out.
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Old February 25th, 2011, 00:32   #15
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never gamed the gun once. Ran a couple mags threw and had the entire upper receiver chunk apart and fracture.
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