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A&K M249 vs Echo 1 RPK


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Old June 11th, 2011, 02:26   #1
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A&K M249 vs Echo 1 RPK

Hey guys, I'm going to be picking up a support weapon quite soon, and I've got it narrowed down to these two. I've heard some great things about the A&K M249 Para, but I'm still unsure. Does anyone have experience with the Echo 1 RPK? Any advice or tips would be great. I'm specifically looking for good and bad points of each. Like which is easier to upgrade, work on, fix when shit breaks, etc. Please don't say "Buy whatever one you like," because I like both lol.

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Old June 11th, 2011, 02:46   #2
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The RPK would be easier to fix if it breaks, since basically a standard AK with V3 mechbox.

RPK can use either AK mags or AK drum, and the M249 can use either a boxmag or M4 mags so there's no difference there (unless you're already set up with mags from another gun already)

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Old June 11th, 2011, 02:53   #3
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Echo one RPK-74 is the winner Stamp steel receiver one piece barrel only downside is the alloy bipod and as said before Version 3 mechbox pretty much a RPK is a AK with a longer barrel.
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Old June 13th, 2011, 21:16   #4
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I have never personally owned one of the cheaper M249's, but they sure seem to break a lot.

I've been waiting for a Stoner LMG, and finally gave up last month and decided to get a support weapon. I was considering an A&K and Inokatsu M60 E3, and the E1 RPK. I wasn't excited about the connection between the two parts of the A&K, and the Ino was just too darn expensive. And both were heavy.

I went with the RPK because it's a lot lighter than the other commonly available support weapons right now. The only real down side of the RPK is that the battery space is limited. I haven't fielded it yet, so don't know if the battery will be a problem.

I don't know what your typical field FPS limits are, but where I play we cap AEG/support guns at 400 FPS. After I installed a 6.01 inner barrel in the RPK it was shooting a consistent 450 FPS, so I had to downgrade the spring. If you go with an RPK, you may have to spend some money to make it conform to your local field limits.

If you go with the RPK, try to get the Echo 1 drum mag. I could only find the MAG drum, and that cost almost $150 US, on sale.

But the build of the RPK is solid, and I'm looking forward to getting it in the field.
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Old June 16th, 2011, 15:55   #5
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I've run an rpk for a year and a bit now and I'd recommend that. As Styrak says the RPK will be easy to upgrade (or downgrade) and get replacement parts for as they're just ak parts. Mine is custom built so I can't really offer advice on the brands, but i do have the echo1 steel drum mag which I would highly recommend.
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Old June 16th, 2011, 16:02   #6
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I own a A&K M249, and it is a very solid piece. It also has the easiest (and heaviest) gear box to work on ever....ever. Its basically a brick of aluminum, it comes out by loosening 4 screws and thats it. Its also has the quick change spring feature which allows you to use it our doors and indoors. The spring can be changed in under 45 seconds and that is not an exaggeration either. It is heavier than the RPK though, but the up side is that its not a commie weapon

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Old June 16th, 2011, 16:43   #7
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Originally Posted by Eeyore View Post
I own a A&K M249, and it is a very solid piece. It also has the easiest (and heaviest) gear box to work on ever....ever. Its basically a brick of aluminum, it comes out by loosening 4 screws and thats it. Its also has the quick change spring feature which allows you to use it our doors and indoors. The spring can be changed in under 45 seconds and that is not an exaggeration either. It is heavier than the RPK though, but the up side is that its not a commie weapon

,,,better dead than red!!!
2 screws if it's the full length version or if it's rear wired.

I'd get the m249 over the RPK any day, super easy to work on. And like eeyore said the quick spring swap makes it easy to go to lower FPS's for the indoor games or vice versa. M249 bodies are steel IIRC (well my magnets stick to em)
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Old June 16th, 2011, 16:47   #8
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Originally Posted by Greyhame888 View Post
Hey guys, I'm going to be picking up a support weapon quite soon, and I've got it narrowed down to these two. I've heard some great things about the A&K M249 Para, but I'm still unsure. Does anyone have experience with the Echo 1 RPK? Any advice or tips would be great. I'm specifically looking for good and bad points of each. Like which is easier to upgrade, work on, fix when shit breaks, etc. Please don't say "Buy whatever one you like," because I like both lol.

if you want something reliable out of the box may I recommend you on the Echo1 M240B they have the quick spring swap capability very reliable and it's solidly made, basicly it's the trigger happy rebrand without the trigger happy price plus you don't really have to fiddle around with the hop up like the rest of teh A&K products, like eeyore said it's not a commie weapon although the Echo1 RPK are also build like a tank.

Last edited by wildcard; June 16th, 2011 at 16:53..
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Old June 16th, 2011, 17:03   #9
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But your M240's are the price of two M249's.... and the gun is the size of a small child and you can barely hold it properly cause the front foregrip is longer than your arm... But if you're prone most of the time or if you mount it on a car then yeah it's a pretty awesome gun.

But if you had the money I'd suggest you buy the M240 instead it makes everyone go oooo and ahhh when they see it cause not to many people have them. Since it's so big you look badass when you rambo with it =D
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Last edited by sushicake; June 16th, 2011 at 17:07..
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Old June 16th, 2011, 17:06   #10
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Originally Posted by sushicake View Post
But your M240's are the price of two M249's.... and the gun is the size of a small child and you can barely hold it properly cause the front foregrip is longer than your arm...

But if you had the money I'd suggest you buy the M240 instead it makes everyone go oooo and ahhh when they see it cause not to many people have them.
Yeah I tried the A&K M60 the time effort and parts to make that thing finally shoot like a dream equals to my M240B so it depends how much patience and tolerance you not much lately. M240B are not meant to be carried as a run and gun type anyways so it doesn't really matter for me and I'm not that small either.

As you can see it's not that much longer than a M249

To the OP

if you want the RPK the Echo1 red star version is great, very sturdy build no weak point, good internals, real wood is a plus the only downside is that for some odd reason they put a really short barrel in the damn AEG, nothing a madbull 650mm inner barrel can't fix

The A&K you will need a hop up mod or swap, change the nozzle and cylinder mine came with a warped cylinder, change the piston the factory plastic piston is utter crap, reshim the gears and relubed, change the wiring too mine for some reason came in from the factory with the really shitty wiring especially if you want to run a lipo on it.

Last edited by wildcard; June 16th, 2011 at 17:25..
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Old June 18th, 2011, 01:32   #11
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Yeah, I actually decided to go for the Echo 1 Red Star LMG, the RPK. It's a very nice piece, I love the feel of it. I'll be adding a 650mm barrel soon, I already ordered a drum mag for it too.

Where I live, everyone and their dog has either an M249 (in it's various versions) or an M60. On the other hand, only one other guy has a RPK, so I went for something a little more unique.

Thanks everyone for you advice!
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Old June 18th, 2011, 15:31   #12
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I own a m60 a m249 and a RPK. My favorite of the lot is by far the rpk. Been running the thing for the last 10 years. Mine is a tm/guarder/classic army build. And on the plus side in all that time I Think I saw only 3 other players with one.....
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Old March 29th, 2013, 14:46   #13
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Going over this thread I learned that the Echo 1 LMG accepts drum magazines, therefore the Echo 1 OMG would also accept drum magazine, right?

Anyone know for sure?

I'm looking into buying the Echo 1 OMG but only if it accepts drum magazines.

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Old March 29th, 2013, 14:59   #14
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Originally Posted by mzo View Post
Going over this thread I learned that the Echo 1 LMG accepts drum magazines, therefore the Echo 1 OMG would also accept drum magazine, right?

Anyone know for sure?

I'm looking into buying the Echo 1 OMG but only if it accepts drum magazines.
It does. I suggest the CYMA drum as they work great and are less then $50 shipped from some asian retailers.
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Old March 29th, 2013, 14:59   #15
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It takes standard AK mags so yes it would take an AK drum mag. There's no difference.

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