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A-TACS - Tactical Performance Corp - Tactical Combat Shirt (TCS)



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Old June 2nd, 2011, 18:44   #1
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A-TACS - Tactical Performance Corp - Tactical Combat Shirt (TCS)

Tactical Performance Corp. - Tactical Combat Shirt (TCS) - A-TACS

So I just received my Tactical Combat Shirt (TCS) from Tactical Performance Corp. and I figured I'd do a review on it. However, first, I'll give a bit of background on the company that created it.

Tactical Performance Corporation (TPC) is a relatively newer company based in Marikina City in The Philippines. They also have a Californian location where most North American orders are sent from. The company seems to pride itself on the performance aspect of its "gears" (they are a Filipino company after all) and have created some fairly interesting items. I urge you to at least peruse their selection of clothing, gear and accessories.

When I initially placed my order for the TCS from TPC via their website, it noted the item was in stock (upon further inspection, this holds true at this moment as well). I paid for it and then waited for my shipment to be sent. The next day, I was contacted by email by their customer service rep and informed that they were out of stock on the item and the website had not been updated to reflect that. They offered me two options at that point, the first was a refund. The second was to ship it from The Philippines (at no extra shipping cost) and throw in a free hat as compensation for having to wait extra. I took option two, clearly.

Fortunately, it arrived today and I avoided the strike, so I picked it up immediately. The package was a small 10" by 6" by 1.5" box. It contained the shirt with A-TACS hang-tag (I've since tossed) and my "Skull Frog" hat with IFF loop on top and name tape loop on the back with a hook & loop adjustment strap. Both items were wrapped in cellophane and were clean and undamaged upon opening. I was very pleased with the minimalism of the package and happy both items arrived in perfect condition. I was hoping they'd hook me up with an A-TACS hat, but they gave me a tan one instead. No complaints, just figured it bares mentioning.


Let me say this, I've never worn or owned a "Combat Shirt" so this was a shot in the dark for me. I bought it because I wanted something I could use with my current A-TACS setup that would be lighter and better made than the damned Propper stuff. As it turns out, this will probably be the best choice in tactical clothing I've ever made.

The Shirt

The shirt features sleeves and neck in brushed A-TACS PolyCotton RipStop (the brushed aspect makes it softer to the touch, and therefore less likely to cause chaffing). It is advertized (and noted on the printed tag) as being Near Infra-Red NYCO, but this is not accurate, as it is the same material as the Propper clothing, which is also not NYCO but 65/35 Polyester Cotton blend and not NIR compatible (this means the pattern doesn't blend in Night Vision Optics). This is actually a large-spanning error across the whole list of distributors of A-TACS. They currently do not have NIR compliant materials available for production because of the complexity of the pattern, they should be available soon, so keep an eye out for that. The body of the shirt a lighter brown and is made of 100% Cotton. Not moisture wicking, unfortunately, but a really comfortable and breathable material nonetheless.

The Sleeves

On each of the sleeves, we find one flag-sized (2" x 4") loop swatch that is actually printed with the A-TACS Pattern and one 5/4" x 4" (the pocket flap covers up one inch of the loop, hence the slash) swatch of Insignia loop. This printed loop is something new, and quite frankly, completely badass. I do find that it's not quite as "loopy" as traditional loop material. However, it does the job just as good as regular loop, but repeated removal of patches could affect the efficacy of the material.

The Pockets

The shoulder pockets have enough space to hold either one regular 30rd M4 mag or two 20rd M4 Mags. The 30rd style mags are too tall to fit two and keep the pocket closed. The sleeves themselves are articulated in a way that doesn't cause the shirt to lift up if you raise your arms, which keeps it tucked in nicely.

The Cuffs

The cuffs can be tightened with a hook and loop attachment (also featuring printed loop). The tab that cinches the cuffs tighter is designed so that when left to fall on its own accord, it falls flat against the loop material instead of flopping about elsewhere.

The Construction

The construction of this shirt is one of those hidden gems. Garment stitching usually goes unnoticed unless something has tons of loose threads, rips or falls apart (I'm looking at you Propper & Rothco). Being a complete and hopeless geardo, I love looking at the actual construction of my garments. This one is one of my favourites. The seams are sewn using a "french seam" stitching. This stitching style allows the seams to lay flat against the wearer's body and reduce friction points. This is especially important on high friction areas of the shoulders and on the side of the torso where armor might rub the material against your skin. Secondly, the stitching itself is sewn to high tolerances using a high speed machine with thread spacing no more than about half a centimeter. This tight stitching will mean the garment will not pop any seams unless you decide to go turn green and hulk out. Also, on high stress areas where a lot of movement, tugging and pressure will be applied are strategically placed bartacks. These stitches are used to secure an element in place. A lot of sewing companies try to cheat this by over stitching (Rothco) and it just doesn't have the same effect, nor does it serve any purpose other than fooling those who aren't looking for reliability and strength. I tugged the living hell out of the pockets on this shirt and not even a single gap formed in the stitching.

The Compatibility

The TCS has a nicer texture to the rip-stop material and seems to have a different level of reflectivity because of it. However, that being said, there is no noticeable colour difference between the TCS and Propper's BDU Pants (which will be the subject of my next review). The shirt works well with the pants and time will only tell how much some wear will season the garment.

The Style

Pardon the Bathroom Photos, it's the only mirror that the cat hasn't been able to destroy.

I threw this on over top my TAD Gear Softshell Pants. I'm also wearing my Shellback Tactical/TAG Banshee Plate Carrier and Black Ops Corporation Chest Rig. The combination seems to work well and the shirt does not bunch up underneath the armor in any areas. It also keeps my neck from being chaffed by any straps or the like (when I have the collar up, I chose not to in these photos). As for the look, I'm damn happy with how it looks. I'll be taking it out to a scrim this weekend and hopefully I'll be able to get some action shots.

The After-Action Report

Coming Soon

The Conclusion

While I've yet to try it out on the field, my first impressions are very positive. The construction, all of the features and the use of some new elements exclusive to A-TACS have given the TCS a very modern feel while having a functionality factor that stands far above the rest. The only improvements that I could offer would be additional ripstop material on the shoulders and a zipper pull on the zipper (as it is rather small and definitely hard to access wearing gloves). I'd highly recommend it for anyone looking for a combat shirt.

Available for $68 USD from Tactical Performance Corp.

Also available in Multicam ($65 USD) or Woodland, 3-Color Desert or Olive Drab ($55)

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Old August 2nd, 2011, 13:48   #2
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Shipping method and duration

Looks great, some quick questions tho.

I just ordered some other atacs gear for myself off the site and was just wondering how long it took for you to get your order?

What shipping method did you choose?

Also was it under $200 for the entire order? according to the sites terms and conditions you have to order at least $200 worth of gear.

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Old August 2nd, 2011, 14:47   #3
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I only ordered the shirt. It ended up being 68 for the shirt + 30ish for shipping. It came under 100 buckolas so it was quite affordable.

Also it took about a week and a half from the Phillipines.
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Old August 3rd, 2011, 19:21   #4
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You could have bought the real-deal for less. The real a-tac shirt has a camo body, not a tan one.

They are in stock


Last edited by Dagger; August 3rd, 2011 at 19:25..
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Old August 5th, 2011, 16:26   #5
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The problem is that those tac-u's are made by propper. Propper has shite stitching and I refuse to give them any more money. I've had to do three significant repairs on my propper pants because the pockets are not sewn properly (irony right there).

Also the shirts are the same price. I don't see how it'd be cheaper. Shipping would be the same. I don't care about the solid colour torso. There haven't been any complaints with the UCP ACS or the Multicam tac shirts.

Last edited by Firewalker; August 5th, 2011 at 16:30..
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Old August 5th, 2011, 16:34   #6
Matt 'Maverick' Watts
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Just wait until January, when the quality gear companies can start selling theirA-Tacs bdu lines to the public. THEN you will see some incredible items. Until then, Propper has the lock on who can sell publicly in North America (pity really).
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Old August 7th, 2011, 00:28   #7
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Thats ridiculous. If you want to pay more for substandard product from Phillipine sweat shops be my guest. That is your right. Best of luck.

Originally Posted by Firewalker View Post
The problem is that those tac-u's are made by propper. Propper has shite stitching and I refuse to give them any more money. I've had to do three significant repairs on my propper pants because the pockets are not sewn properly (irony right there).

Also the shirts are the same price. I don't see how it'd be cheaper. Shipping would be the same. I don't care about the solid colour torso. There haven't been any complaints with the UCP ACS or the Multicam tac shirts.
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Old August 7th, 2011, 18:24   #8
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I love how you can say its substandard and yet never have used the product. It's an ignorant statement to make, especially considering that propper clothing is made in Dominican republic sweatshops. You've made a statement and yet have no way to back it up. It's not even a matter of opinion. You've pretty much said this product is crap without trying it, and obviously didn't read the review I've given where I have gone over the build quality of the TPC product in great detail. I cited important construction facets of the TPC product that you've chosen to ignore in order to spout your mouth off in support of a manufacturer who has made nothing but subpar clothing. I have four pairs of propper acu pants and two jackets. I've had to resew the pants at all the seams on three of the four paid I own. The arms on both jackets started to come off the body. My rothco acu's have stood up to the abuse better than The Propper's, and rothco is known for making shitty clothing. So before you start yammering about shoddy manufacturing, perhaps you should provide evidence.

As for quality product, SORD has their uniforms available and I'm thinking of getting that. Same price as propper but way better quality. Used by Australian special forces too. So I'm sure they're not in the habit of buying shitty uniforms.
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Old August 7th, 2011, 21:19   #9
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I disagree with your review. I have indeed seen product from this company in fact at the Operation Pine Plains in fort drum, I looked at several shirts they were offering. The material is knock off wicking material as well. The stitching is regular simplified stitching, nothing to write home about. I read and re-read your review and disagree, get over it. I often find people who buy sub-standard and knock offs do their utmost to discredit the original manufacturer. I own more uniforms made by most manufacturers than the average, and have been collecting for 35 years. I can stand by my knowledge of BDU's. I own quite a few Propper BDU sets, and they have all served their purpose. Every 'knock-off' BDU is either in the back or bottom of my gear room, stuck on a tree somewhere, or being used as a rag for my car. It is your opinion and I disagree, deal with it.
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Old August 7th, 2011, 21:51   #10
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Originally Posted by Firewalker View Post
I love how you can say its substandard and yet never have used the product. It's an ignorant statement to make, especially considering that propper clothing is made in Dominican republic sweatshops. You've made a statement and yet have no way to back it up. It's not even a matter of opinion. You've pretty much said this product is crap without trying it, and obviously didn't read the review I've given where I have gone over the build quality of the TPC product in great detail. I cited important construction facets of the TPC product that you've chosen to ignore in order to spout your mouth off in support of a manufacturer who has made nothing but subpar clothing. I have four pairs of propper acu pants and two jackets. I've had to resew the pants at all the seams on three of the four paid I own. The arms on both jackets started to come off the body. My rothco acu's have stood up to the abuse better than The Propper's, and rothco is known for making shitty clothing. So before you start yammering about shoddy manufacturing, perhaps you should provide evidence.

As for quality product, SORD has their uniforms available and I'm thinking of getting that. Same price as propper but way better quality. Used by Australian special forces too. So I'm sure they're not in the habit of buying shitty uniforms.

From what I have been told, Propper makes there product in the U.S where as TRU-Spec makes there stuff in the Dominican.... I know propper has been supplying the U.S military since Nam, so taking that into consideration I am sure they make decent quality clothing. I for one have had a multitude of gear from various companies and I have to say Propper is not down at the bottom.
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Old August 7th, 2011, 21:57   #11
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Just because someone has an alternate opinion does not give you a right to become agitated. It is a free world, and as I am fully aware of the amount of time over the last 35 years I have spent in combat uniforms of various means. Therefore I think I am qualified to disagree. Temper tantrums are for mommies basement, I think we can agree. I have said you are allowed your opinion, I mine.
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Old August 7th, 2011, 22:41   #12
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Hi Firewalker,

Some time has passed now since your original review. I'm curious if have you taken the shirt out to games yet, and if so can you comment on that (and post-washing inspection).

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Old August 7th, 2011, 23:31   #13
Matt 'Maverick' Watts
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Just to clarify, Propper manufactures 90% of the gear overseas. Their original product runs were done in the USA, but they, like so many others have gone overseas for cost-saving measures.
When you compare the top 10-15 gear manufacturers in the US and/or Canada, Propper gear comes nowhere close to their quality.
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Old August 7th, 2011, 23:45   #14
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Puerto Rico & Dominican Republic. The ATACS pants I have are made in DR.

Fine, I wasn't pissed at you expressing an opinion, I was annoyed at you stating something without basing it on fact. However, if you've seen it and disagree, that's fine, no skin off my nuts. I dislike it when people disregard things without substantiating their opinion with fact, and since you have something to back up what you've said that's fine. However it isn't a knockoff of anything any more than tru-spec combat shirts are knockoffs of massiff/ crye combat shirts. They've simply offered a combat shirt styled in ATACS, as there were no other manufacturers offering it. The propper combat shirt is a completely different beast. It's like comparing a business suit to a tuxedo.

It's held together nicely after two washes (only had a chance to game it four times, and I've only washed it twice). I've only had the chance to game it indoors at XT. I can't say how well it holds up to dirt and grime, but it's taken rubbing up against walls, drums and what not without any signs of wear. I've been having a bad bout of luck getting to outdoor games, so I'm waiting to get out there and run it through the gauntlet.

Last edited by Firewalker; August 7th, 2011 at 23:50..
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Old August 7th, 2011, 23:49   #15
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You can make a-tacs using white ripstop and putting some dirt on it and stitching into whatever you want. Same fugly effectiveness.

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