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How serious do you take airsoft?



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Old August 26th, 2011, 09:57   #76
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Airsoft is a game where grownups play dress up and shoot each other with glorified BB guns.

I think that's basically the best indication of how willing I am to take this shit seriously.

Not saying I am going to screw around in a big milsim where we're trying to take an objective or fuck with safety or rules, but I'm never going to take playing airsoft seriously. It's a game. I do it for fun.

By the way...

If you're that worried that someone else isn't dressed as well as you out there, then I suggest you go strap on a pair of high heels and a sequined satin drag queen dress and sashay your ass off the field. It's a game where you can shoot your friends, not Jersey Shore night at your local douchebag meat market.
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Old August 26th, 2011, 13:42   #77
Brian McIlmoyle
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I take it VERY seriously

I have to.

I run an Indoor playing Facility, I have to provide a safe and enjoyable experience to people who are paying me.

I Host games.. sometimes with over 100 players, and again I have to provide a safe and enjoyable experience to people who are paying me.

I provide training support to people who may very well end up in harms way.

for me.. it is not a game, it is not a Hobby. It is a endeavor that if not handled correctly could result in untold financial loss and hardship.

Frankly.. It's just a serious as any other aspect of my life.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old August 26th, 2011, 14:15   #78
Join Date: Jun 2011
Well, I have read the whole thread. It seems to me the term "serious" has some definition problems. Some seem to be taking the term to mean you feel you are a soldier, some seem to be taking it to mean you are on a sport team. I think the "hardcore" teams who train, coordinate gear and such, are just the difference between beer league softball and competitive softball.

Taking pride in a sport and trying to improve teamwork and coordination in order to win. My budget puts me between two and three. I want to have fun, am having fun. If I wanted to be a soldier I would have signed up. I want to be part of a team who is not just shits and giggles and takes the "sport" seriously, that being said, I do not mind random skirmishes and "shits and giggles games" as well. Its all a matter of mindset. I am not trying to be a "wanna-be" I am trying to set up an authentic kit, mostly because its used in real life because it is effective, it looks better and functions better when used in conjunction to how it was designed. It is also part of the "team" uniform. Even beerleague softball requires jerseys, a minimum amount of "kit" to participate. You show up to a beer league game in a speedo and sequined tanktop, you are going to get tossed. To the mess kit comment, play a few 12 hour milsims, or two day ones, you will be glad for the ability to muck up a quick warm meal.

Even the hardcore "#3" players want to have fun. It seems to me the definition for them is just a bit different. They have fun fielding a cohesive team that works well together and looks badass fielding decent weapons that can get the job assigned to them done.

To me, again, categorizing like this, just lends more to the "Us vs them" attitude I have seen quite a bit. In the end, everyone is in it to have fun, some just roll different. Live and let live. You want to play in a milsim, respect the rules. Skirmish, the same. If you are category three, respect that skirmishes are not meant to be 100%.

I guess my ramble ends with. Respect the differences there are.
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Old August 26th, 2011, 14:15   #79
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I guess, I'm a Group 1 for now... just starting out. Looks fun but from just seeing how much ppl spend on upgrades etc... I don't think I'll be in the Group 2 anytime soon. Airsoft looks like a fun way to relieve some stress.
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Old August 26th, 2011, 17:35   #80
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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I agree. We play competitively, and therefore use the gear in which we find the most effective. Team colors are also important. Especially at organized milsims where you are split up by camo. I.E. Alpha: Tan and similar. Bravo: Green and similar. People recognize our teammates and vise versa.

To those who go for reenactment. Airsoft is a means to an end. Realistic, or real gear to help them set up a platform.

As for all those who want casual or fun. This is common, and understandable. Strict money, time constraints dictate their involvement. Also personal choice.

There is no real debate here, as people will do it their way. They don't have to understand another group or player. The issue seems to be guys saying things like. "I show up to a game; hosted by an experienced, organized team. Who put a lot of time, money, effort into their team, their loadout, their milsims. And I feel like my gear, my own play style, or my level of effort shouldn't be judged". Guess what? This game and the people who own it, and spend countless hours building it, get to set the pace and expectations. Calling people out and saying they take it to seriously, or whatever means your in the wrong place.

I completely understand those who want the "for fun" aspect only. I don't judge them. But that doesn't seem to go both ways. Luckily they have no real impact on the sport end of things. But there are more groups than just a few. Those that can't put time and money in. And those that won't. Those that don't enjoy the hardcore aspects, and those that do but can't put in the time. It's endless really. Even for a serious team like ours we have many people who are limited by life. We only expect you attend whenever possible, and we help out with gear if we can. It's mostly effort and attitude that makes a team player.

But if you want run and gun, casual, for fun, paintball style, or whatever your fortei is. Look for your community. We've had lots of people at serious milsims that don't have the wherewithal to aquire full high end loadouts. But we still value them as temporary teammates and players. They play our game, and do the best they can. The difference being is that this is the play style they like, as we do. And if they had the money their gear would be better.

If you don't want to put in the effort, or play your way at someone elses game. Expect to be looked down on, and to spend a lot of your time re-spawning. If it's a competitive game, then we need competitive players. Not those that go casual to a non-casual game.

These guys are the morons who show up at five star restaurants, and high end golf courses, in sandals and a tank top and are surprised that they aren't allowed in. Your even border line mentally broken if you feel the need to complain about it, like your entitled to something.

As for those that fit into groups one and two, or somewhere in between. Good for you guys for having fun, because that's a must. I know a lot of you would be more involved if you could be. Just expect a certain amount of expectations at serious milsims, or teams. As for the rest of you, that whine, complain, and think you should be respected for your lack of effort. Well, let's just say your asking for it.

Don't mix casual gamer, with serious team sport. Unless you will abide the tone, and rules for whoever's house your in. And to the rest of the serious players. The ones who put in the effort with good attitudes, but are limited by time, and money may be a great addition in time. It's our job to help them along.

Last edited by Ricochet; August 26th, 2011 at 17:39..
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Old August 26th, 2011, 18:04   #81
The Costco Kid
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I'm a 1 maybe going into 2. I like airsoft for outdoor fun. I'm not really into milsim of modern combat. It's why I tend toward non-realistic play (CTF, zombies, respawn and other fps type games.).

Does anyone ever find that more serious players scare away new people? and if so is it a good thing cause it might keep flaky people out of the sport?
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Old August 26th, 2011, 19:00   #82
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Experienced players should never discourage new players. We personally use the trial by fire method. We invite them out, lend them some decent gear, and let them see for themselves. Most people have a blast. But some cant handle the dedication we require. If that's the case, then we do our best to point them in another direction. Like a more casual group. Although we try to explain what we do in detail before hand. Every now and then you do get a bad egg. If this occurs then we just don't call them back to play.

There are some very serious teams out there like ours, but that are more exclusive. And unfortunately, although the competitive sport end may be the best recognized, there are also small groups of clearsofters that have given the game a bad name. Experienced players do hold themselves at times on a pedestal, and try to push out noobs. Luckily I don't know many teams as such. I don't mind exclusive, but bully mentality has no place. How in the hell are you supposed to find new players?

If someone wasn't meant to be a serious, organized player; please send them to a good home. Another thing I dislike is when players give off false info about gear. Biased opinions have made this sport difficult for some. Many players can thrive on knowing what to buy, where to buy, expected cost, and what to look out for. Also showing them places to attain this info for themselves is a good idea. I prefer high end gear myself I.E. Crye, Systema, Oakley ...ect. Buy there are mid range brands that make good equipment. People that are one track minded, or sell noobs junk to make profit should be fired out if a catapult.

Best way is still to get everyone age verified on ASC.
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Old August 26th, 2011, 22:47   #83
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
So how serious do I take it? Well... just ask anyone about the 'Great Aquamarine Cock-Cannon'...
Some things cannot be 'unseen'. That was one of them.
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Old August 26th, 2011, 22:51   #84
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Originally Posted by Talas View Post
Well, I have read the whole thread. It seems to me the term "serious" has some definition problems. Some seem to be taking the term to mean you feel you are a soldier, some seem to be taking it to mean you are on a sport team. I think the "hardcore" teams who train, coordinate gear and such, are just the difference between beer league softball and competitive softball.

Taking pride in a sport and trying to improve teamwork and coordination in order to win. My budget puts me between two and three. I want to have fun, am having fun. If I wanted to be a soldier I would have signed up. I want to be part of a team who is not just shits and giggles and takes the "sport" seriously, that being said, I do not mind random skirmishes and "shits and giggles games" as well. Its all a matter of mindset. I am not trying to be a "wanna-be" I am trying to set up an authentic kit, mostly because its used in real life because it is effective, it looks better and functions better when used in conjunction to how it was designed. It is also part of the "team" uniform. Even beerleague softball requires jerseys, a minimum amount of "kit" to participate. You show up to a beer league game in a speedo and sequined tanktop, you are going to get tossed. To the mess kit comment, play a few 12 hour milsims, or two day ones, you will be glad for the ability to muck up a quick warm meal.

Even the hardcore "#3" players want to have fun. It seems to me the definition for them is just a bit different. They have fun fielding a cohesive team that works well together and looks badass fielding decent weapons that can get the job assigned to them done.

To me, again, categorizing like this, just lends more to the "Us vs them" attitude I have seen quite a bit. In the end, everyone is in it to have fun, some just roll different. Live and let live. You want to play in a milsim, respect the rules. Skirmish, the same. If you are category three, respect that skirmishes are not meant to be 100%.

I guess my ramble ends with. Respect the differences there are.
+1 cuz its a damn good post.

this is my first year in airsoft and due to my carreer i've dumped about 3k$ in gear in 4 months :| i play with ricochet in brooks and i very much agree and i do the same thing for anyone i talk to about airsoft. so that being said i could be considered a group 2 and 7/8th LOL

i ask how serious they are ABLE to get into the sport. by which i mean "how old are you?" "are you a family oriented person?" "are you saving up for a house?" "do you have golf everyday?". why do i ask these questions? because it dictates the answers i give them.

and the answers tell me what gear they should look into buying and what to expect from the game and/or sport. i have friends that want to be casual players and i have friends that want to be serious players and they each receive different answers.

and for my rant: i agree that the "group 1ers" by which i take as "clearsofters" should not expect to be competitive againsts the other groups nor should they expect the game to be changed so that they have equal opportunity. with this being my first year i am not a great player yet. i've been to one away game and i didn't get a kill in 7 hours, at our home 24 hour milsim i had 3 kills. yet i had a blast at each game.

in conclusion: "are you out there to have fun?" if you answer "yes" then just have fun no matter what group you put yourself or others in. you don't hafta be on the "winning team" or get kills to have fun, as i can contest for. make friends with the guys you are playing with, tell dirty jokes while your respawning and ALWAYS do robs mom AFTER the game is over
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Old August 26th, 2011, 22:55   #85
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the easiest way for me to describe myself is...

I'm as serious as the situation dictates... my gear, my guns, my play on the field...

I'm not a re enactor, I'm not a CF wannabe ... I use alot of clone/cheap gear ... and only what I need is on me.

with my guns... I've learned where I can run cheaper stuff, and where top end stuff is a personal requirement

on the field.. general skirmish day... goof off game... etc etc... then I laugh, dance, cat call etc with the rest of em ...

if it's a full on sim day (like say .. Six 4's upcomming game) then it's all business as dictated... ofcourse always with fun in mind.

the second airsoft stops being fun... I stop playing...
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Old August 27th, 2011, 16:29   #86
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whatever u say its a game or pre-military training,both acceptable to me.
also depends on what and who u game with.

Last edited by sortie39; August 27th, 2011 at 16:33..
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