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TM M4A1 NavySeals *required battery power???*


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Old September 20th, 2011, 22:27   #1
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Question TM M4A1 NavySeals *required battery power???*

This is actually for my buddy, we're both new so... Question is he has a 600mAh 7cell NiCd battery pack. is that enough to power and shoot the
Tokyo Marui M4A1 NavySeals Stock? or should he just buy a new battery?

Thanks for the help.
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Old September 20th, 2011, 22:35   #2
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It should be but it's probably a good idea to get another battery with more amperage so the battery will last longer (generally you can approximate that 1 mAh = 1 shot, 600 mAh = 600 shots more or less which might be OK for an indoor/short game but doesn't cut it for a day long game unless you're easy on the trigger and definitely won't cut it for a milsim).

I would suggest putting a PEQ box up front with a brick battery inside even if you're easy on the trigger. I have a 2800 mAh 9.6V myself and I definitely pick my shots but the extra insurance of the extra amperage is always comforting.

NB: 8.4V (7 Cells at 1.2V) is a pretty standard voltage especially for TM's.
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Old September 20th, 2011, 22:45   #3
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
It should be but it's probably a good idea to get another battery with more amperage so the battery will last longer (generally you can approximate that 1 mAh = 1 shot, 600 mAh = 600 shots more or less which might be OK for an indoor/short game but doesn't cut it for a day long game unless you're easy on the trigger and definitely won't cut it for a milsim).

I would suggest putting a PEQ box up front with a brick battery inside even if you're easy on the trigger. I have a 2800 mAh 9.6V myself and I definitely pick my shots but the extra insurance of the extra amperage is always comforting.

NB: 8.4V (7 Cells at 1.2V) is a pretty standard voltage especially for TM's.
Awesome, thanks man. I'll tell him to just buy a new 8.4v battery. What charger are you using brand wise?
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Old September 20th, 2011, 23:04   #4
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Can't complain about the iMax B6:

Another one I've heard good things about though is the Turnigy Accucel series:

TBH I don't know much about chargers but if you read about them on RC forums they'll be the ones to know about which chargers/batteries are the best. But TBH for airsoft purposes pretty much any smart charger will be fine. Even the simple plug and play "smart chargers" with no led display screen (EDIT: It should have voltage cutoff (usually marketed as "Negative Delta V") and also have a light that turns on or off to let you know when it's done). Note however that if you want to charge lipos you will need a charger that has ports for balance leads to make sure you don't damage the pack when charging and that each cell will be at equal voltage.

PS: Chargers I've linked to don't include power supplies. Go to an electronics shop for that or buy off their website (but make sure you get a 100-120v power supply seeing as we are in N. America and we use 110V for our mains supply).
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Last edited by L473ncy; September 20th, 2011 at 23:13..
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Old September 21st, 2011, 10:32   #5
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That's actually the one I have the iMax B6 works great with my li-po. smooth and easy, and I love it.

But my buddy's Ni-Cd, I set it so it's at 0.1A nicd charge and max current is 0.5A but it always shuts down after a minute. Then the warning "Break Down" pops up and stops.

Manuel just says (The Charger has malfunctioned for some reason, Seek professional advice) Not sure why, but if you re-start it a few times it runs and charges for about 15mins at 0.5Aand then same warning pops up.

Thinking he needs a higher end charger!?
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Old September 21st, 2011, 13:41   #6
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That gun should run on a 7.4 lipo, without modification. Except you may have to change from small tamiyas to deans connectors.

Last edited by Ricochet; September 21st, 2011 at 13:44..
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Old September 29th, 2011, 00:29   #7
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thanks for asking for me KenTak... just found this post lol... now i know where you got all the info
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