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SKD Tactical PIG vs Mayflower APC, any thought?


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Old November 25th, 2011, 17:12   #1
faithless's Avatar
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Location: North York/Bruce County, ON
SKD Tactical PIG vs Mayflower APC, any thought?

I am planning to get some gears from SKD since their black friday sale is on.

Well I am struggled between the PIG and APC. I have seen some Mayflower rigs before and amazed by their weight and quality. Also read some good comments on the PIG. Which one should I get?

Also, I read many good reviews on SKD service. Are they good in term of shipping to Canada? Also do they have a bigger sale during Christmas?

Thank you.
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Old November 25th, 2011, 19:21   #2
viking9934's Avatar
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Location: Longueuil
I have been trough this too.

I have tried both and i have a little preference for the PIG.But dont mistake me , because it's really a hard decision between those 2.

The PIG Is really confortable,light , extremly mission versatile , can be worm as a low profile or in a full setup. It's a ''ride high'' plate carrier so there's plenty of clearance between the bottom and the belt(if you where one you will enjoy this clearance). there's really a lot of accessory, and the option of ballistic plate AND soft insert(maybe it's not a good argument but depend of you)

the APC is a IMO a low profile plate carrier. Mayflower have reputation about their product to be lightweight and extremely high quality. SO the APC respect this ''philosophies'' of Mayflower. the transition between the plate and the body is much like the SKD P.I.G. plate carrier. This allows for pretty good placement of the rifle stock on the outside of the plate. Ride a bit lower than the PIG.

Same level of comfort, less versatility.Really made for low profile fast transition setup.

IMO i would go with The PIG because of the versatility(low profile and heavy load), because it's really the only point that can differentiate those two. But if you want a light low profile plate carrier the mayflower is a good choice and an awsome value. It really depend on how you run your setup, if you have a battle belt, how many mags, fast mag pouch? weight distribution etc...

hope i've help a bit

And oh, SKD service is really good(Email or phone), and shipping i haven't tried because i have bought my stock when i was in the us.

Semper Fidelis
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Old November 25th, 2011, 20:07   #3
Farmboy's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Trenton Area
If your considering those two, then take a look at the Blue Force Gear LMAC

It'll give you a new perception of lightweight

This is it here with the new Helium Whisper pouches.

Blue Force Gear ShotShow 2011 - YouTube
Official Merchant of War.

Exclusive Canadian Distributor for Blue Force Gear, Knights Armament, Rainier Arms, High Ground, Battle Comp, Multitasker and more!

One Shot Tactical Inc.

Last edited by Farmboy; November 25th, 2011 at 20:09..
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