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Beware of manchovie!!!



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Old January 4th, 2012, 02:08   #76
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Newmarket Ontario
Alright i probably should have added a few things to the op but i thought it was long enough. When i called him back saying the gun isnt working, he literally knew exactly what was wrong without looking at, and then goes and tells me it isnt his fault and says the exact words "what am i supposed to do just give u all your money back?" What do u expect me to do act nice to him??
I acted completely reasonable with him not saying one bad thing or as you say "bitching" until i got no responses from my texts other than him giving us bad news about parts not working, or its not gonna be done, or shit like i should have to pay for nonworking parts. Seriously read my post again and tell if you think that is proper business? He gave it back not even working properly forget all the other shit. Again i didnt start this thread to argue with people just like him!!!
If u all wanna take shots at me cus i started calling names and didnt go about this situation properly ur all forgetting the fact that the last thing the guy says to me is "im lieing about the gun being broken, shouldnt have trusted your dipshit asses."
Its pretty pathetic all u guys can complain about is that im being disrespectful and to chill out when within the first 10 replies half of them are his friends who dont like to read, and the other half are to busy wiping their tears from my so called bitching towards someone they dont even know. Not to mention those who feel the need to complain about spelling.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 02:15   #77
Short Round
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Of all the gun docs I have met with on asc, they have all been a pleasure to deal with.

On the other hand this thread is a classic way to meet asc's awesome moderators

Last edited by Short Round; January 4th, 2012 at 02:17..
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Old January 4th, 2012, 02:15   #78
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Stop American Censorship
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Old January 4th, 2012, 02:16   #79
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Alright i probably should have added a few things to the op but i thought it was long enough. When i called him back saying the gun isnt working, he literally knew exactly what was wrong without looking at, and then goes and tells me it isnt his fault and says the exact words "what am i supposed to do just give u all your money back?" What do u expect me to do act nice to him??
I acted completely reasonable with him not saying one bad thing or as you say "bitching" until i got no responses from my texts other than him giving us bad news about parts not working, or its not gonna be done, or shit like i should have to pay for nonworking parts. Seriously read my post again and tell if you think that is proper business? He gave it back not even working properly forget all the other shit. Again i didnt start this thread to argue with people just like him!!!
If u all wanna take shots at me cus i started calling names and didnt go about this situation properly ur all forgetting the fact that the last thing the guy says to me is "im lieing about the gun being broken, shouldnt have trusted your dipshit asses."
Its pretty pathetic all u guys can complain about is that im being disrespectful and to chill out when within the first 10 replies half of them are his friends who dont like to read, and the other half are to busy wiping their tears from my so called bitching towards someone they dont even know. Not to mention those who feel the need to complain about spelling.
Dude did you or did you not test the gun when you get it back from him? did it work or not? did you know that even the best AEG parts will fail after a few shots? you stated that you discover the gun failed to work after you receive it from him and after you dry fired it to make sure it work, now if the gun fail right there and then I'm sure he'll fixed it on the spot how do we know you didin't screw around with it afterwards. Stupid shit happen before I've seen nubs put in a 20c lipo on a stock AEG commenting WOW what a great rate of fire I have, only to whine and bitch five minutes later when they stripped the shit out of the gears OR Customers of Frank at Toronto Airsoft returning gun claiming they were given a lemon when the switch inside are burnt to shit because they decide to pull the trigger for 10 minutes using lipo dry firing. Get my point?
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Old January 4th, 2012, 02:18   #80
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Ugh, yeah we don't agree because we don't listen. We are all his friends that keep defending him even the ones that say that they have never met him. We only read the first line of your post that's why we did see the secret point that proves your not a massive tool at the last line of your post. Everyone that doesn't agree with you is totally wrong and just jealous of your magpuls
Burnaby / Vancouver area Age verifier

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Old January 4th, 2012, 02:19   #81
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Amazing.. while i don't know Manchovie from Adam, i could certainly understand his frustration to throw 1/2 your money back at you just to be rid of you.. i'm surprised that he didn't throw anything else, frankly. I'm getting that from YOUR post bdot, not from his input on this.

If you started harassing me via texts and what-not, like it sounds like you did, i think i likely would have shipped you back your guns free of charge way before any 'deadline'.. in their component pieces, packaged neatly in plastic baggies, for you to deal with it.

Your posts give me a headache to interpret, but if i understand correctly.. he gave you back a gun, on the deadline date, and it was working in his residence when you test-fired it.. it only broke when you decided to fire it (!!) in your car?

If the above is correct, then all he owed you was a "too bad, so sad". Parts unrelated to repaired/worked on components can break out of the blue.

Like you, i consider this a 'hobby'. I've only been into it since mid-summer of 2010. I could afford very easily to go to a gun-doc if i so choose to do so. I don't.. i roll up my sleeves, and i learn. I've got 2 AEG's that i've pulled apart numerous times in their short lifespan in my grubby mitts. I've broken a few pieces, and i've learned not to break pieces as a consequence. I've certainly not spent $140.00 on replacement parts, as part of that learning process.

I think that you are going to need to learn how to work on your own l33t magpul crap, just like i've learned to work on my own pedestrian, humble AEG's.. no gun doc is going to touch you with a 10 foot pole from here on out.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 02:19   #82
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also just to clarify things AGAIN he knew exactly what was wrong with the gun before we left. We asked him face to face, before we left, at his front door, at his house, why is there something rattling in the handle of the gun? He tells us in these same words "how the fuck should i know whats rattling in your gun it works perfectly fine!" What thats not disrespectable enough for some of you? Or how about after the fact when i get home, try it out and realize it doesnt shoot? Or how about when i call him back and calmly and respectfully tell him whats wrong and he somehow knows exactly whats wrong with it and seems to not give a shit about doing anything about it?
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Old January 4th, 2012, 02:20   #83
Cobalt Caliber
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I am a very good liar.

I never change/edit/alter my story after giving it. You sir are doing the opposite in a last ditch attempt to salvange some pride and dignity. Sadly I gave that method up as a kid. It doesn't work just makes you look bad.

Anyone trust me yet? You don't? Good, you'll live longer.

Moral here? Don't change your story. Don't add to after the fact to play yourself as a victim. Breeds questionable doubt.

This right here your story falls apart. You say you asked him. He told you.

We asked him face to face, before we left, at his front door, at his house, why is there something rattling in the handle of the gun? He tells us in these same words "how the fuck should i know whats rattling in your gun it works perfectly fine!
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.

Last edited by Curo; January 4th, 2012 at 02:23..
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Old January 4th, 2012, 02:24   #84
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Originally Posted by surebet View Post
Requesting Bravo Alpha November on coordinates 48739er.

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Old January 4th, 2012, 02:26   #85
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I'm not sure what you expect from us. I feel I've been more than reasonable with you, to the point where it looks like I'm being absurd. Clearly you don't care for the members within this community, our methods, our beliefs, or our attitudes. It's fine if you don't share them. All the more power to you. So you warned us, and we didn't want to listen. That's fine. We're not forcing you to stick around with us. You can leave.

You walk into a man's home, insult his friends, shit on his couch, then insult the people trying to get you out of trouble? What did you expect, a reception with cake? If you don't want us picking on your spelling, that's fine. Don't type back. It's okay. You can walk away. We're all idiots, after all. Why lower yourself to our level?
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Old January 4th, 2012, 02:26   #86
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Originally Posted by Qlong View Post
Requesting Bravo Alpha November on coordinates 48739er.
Copy, Bravo Alpha November on coordinates 48739er INBOUND!
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Old January 4th, 2012, 02:27   #87
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1st post
Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Again he gives us a pathetic answer “how the fuck am i supposed to know whats rattling in your gun it works fine doesnt it?” Well u just had our guns for the past 2 months how the fuck dont you know! We get home put some bbs in it and guess what, they just fall right out maybe 5 feet infront. Call this fucker back and he says “its probably a broken gear or something i dunno.” I start freaking out he hangs up.
Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Or how about after the fact when i get home, try it out and realize it doesnt shoot? Or how about when i call him back and calmly and respectfully tell him whats wrong and he somehow knows exactly whats wrong with it and seems to not give a shit about doing anything about it?
(see I did read it all)

I LOVE how you keep saying that we didn't read all of your posts and yet you just contradicted yourself. In your first post you said that you freaked out on him until he hung up, now you say that you calmly called him back when your gun broke and respectfully tell him what's wrong
Burnaby / Vancouver area Age verifier

Last edited by White_knight; January 4th, 2012 at 02:31..
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Old January 4th, 2012, 02:29   #88
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To whom it may concerns,

Is it possible on ASC forum to have a normal and polite conversation?
Bdot is overreacting, fine! He called us cunts..... Ok!
Because of his poor way of communication, are we forced to act like him, act as a fool?
Stop making judgments, use intelligence, arguments so it can be constructive, show how ASC is mature and give an example to all noob. Some of you already act like real gentleman and it gives me hope; maybe, some days, there will be no "insults machine"!


To Bdot:

It would be important for you to know the basics of an agreement with a seller; establish a time frame, an approximation of costs, assessment of the work, good communication with the seller, be polite, act like a gentleman and finally respect!

It is possible that there are errors even if Manchovie did some (Personally, I don't know him and I'm not here to judge him), he would not be the only one to blame if you know what I mean (if you don't, you can read again: "respect").

There is always a good way to deal with any kind of issues.

Last edited by Fritz; January 4th, 2012 at 02:33..
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Old January 4th, 2012, 02:30   #89
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Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
I LOVE how you keep saying that we didn't read all of your posts and yet you just contradicted yourself. In your first post you said that you freaked out on him until he hung up, now you say that you calmly called him back when your gun broke and respectfully tell him what's wrong
Again going back to my "A good liar never changes his story" point. This reeks of BS and him trying to salvage some pride by changing his story to make him appear the victim when all it ever does if make you look like an idiot. I remember pulling the same shit on principals in elementary school.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 02:40   #90
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alright for the last fucking time this is for hackD, white-knight, and all the others who are still making up stupid shit. He only let us dry fire both guns inside his house. They seemed fine until he heard a rattling noise as soon as we got into the car. We got out of the car back into his house asked him wtf was going on and he said everything is fine. We drove back home put bbs in it and realized they wouldnt shoot. Called him back and he knows exactly whats wrong with it? He dry fired it FOR US cus we werent allowed to shoot inside his house cus he obviously knew something was broken. What the fuck do you people not understand? Ur complaining about my english and spelling when u cant even read properly. The 140$ was for his shitty ass service!!!! I had to pay him 500$ for everything if thats easier for u to understand HackD. And ya you dont work on magpul "crap", those are external parts idiot. Its a custom full metal TROY m7 built by a legit, respectful gundoc on here a few years back. Ya its a hobby, one that i dont have the time to learn how to fix every part of a gun. I like to shoot them not build them, wtf is a gun doc for then? I guess to some of you guys its a place to store your guns for a while until he finaly wants to work it and then charge u up the ass. 100/hr gtfo thats pretty sad if anyone would for shit like that, just clearly shows what i have to deal with.
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