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Old November 22nd, 2011, 21:22   #16
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Any idea what thread the flash hider is?

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Old December 2nd, 2011, 21:37   #17
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Anyhow, mine is here, a few question though. I am having issue with a charged(gassed up) mag, with the gun on safe, fingers away from the trigger, my somewhat clumsy AK mag insertion seems to cause the gun to fire by itself.....which is not going to be terribly this normal or its just my poor technique?

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Old December 13th, 2011, 09:16   #18
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I've had that happen a couple times. I got the gun yesterday.

The mag insertion aspect was not well designed. I can barely get the mags to sit right at home, I can't imagine trying to get it in during a firefight.

Kokanee, any plans to find an AK kit and switch out everything that fits?

I'm not happy with the finish of the rifle and the quality of the wood. I'm coming from a Realsword though.
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Old December 15th, 2011, 22:50   #19
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Originally Posted by RacingManiac View Post
Any idea what thread the flash hider is?
Real ak M14 CCW I read from some where.
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Old December 15th, 2011, 23:44   #20
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The technique helps a lot with the misfire really have to rock it, and you really have to apply pressure and push against the front "hook" while rocking it back, or else mag may not find home, or it might mis-fire....

Keep the gun off safe too, as the cycling bolt if it misfires will bash against the selector...

I am getting real steel spring guide rod and a AMD65 gas tube for it, as I am using a RIS kit that doesn't need the upper handguard flanges....

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Old December 16th, 2011, 15:23   #21
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Originally Posted by Kid View Post
...Kokanee, any plans to find an AK kit and switch out everything that fits?...
I have a RS Yugo M70 kit sitting in a box right now, maybe I'll get to it in the spring but it's a big job as I have to swap the receiver out too.

Originally Posted by Kid View Post
I'm not happy with the finish of the rifle and the quality of the wood. I'm coming from a Realsword though.
I find the finish (other than the aluminum barrel) and wood to be spot on compared to the real deal I've handled before... but spot on for a russian or bulgy AK, not a chinese POS which the Real Sword would indeed be closest to.
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Old January 20th, 2012, 19:21   #22
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Compare the RealSword side by side with the GHK. RS has GHK beat in terms of build material and finish, though GHK did extremely well. In my opinion, GHK's finish better represents some of the American manufactured clone/kit AKs south of the border. I don't think the Type 56 that RS produces is intended to be a perfect replica of the Type 56. The Type 56 that China used to produce had a lot of variations and with the numbers produced, obviously quality took a hit. The manufacturing process and quality control has significantly improved since the cold war though and those improvements have been implemented in the product design.

Don't get me wrong though, this is still the best AK GBBR out there and one of the most realistic airsoft guns that have yet come into existence, with extensive real steel compatibility to boot, but doing a direct visual comparison of the RS and the GHK, credit must be given where it is deserved.

Another thing to note - I can't seem to rust the GHK, unlike the RS. I went over it with superfine steel wool for a while, put salt water on it and wrapped it in damp cloth near a radiator.
Maybe I'm not doing it right but one time I left my RS wrapped in my BDU in the trunk of a car overnight and in the morning the whole thing (every visible part) was covered in rust. Came off clean, though I regret not leaving it on, for some pitting.

I'm waiting on a 4 piece russian AKM wood kit and a couple of bakelite grips. Should be here any day, but who knows with customs.
I'm also planning to buy a GunsModify steel barrel, with those fancy cooling lines that RealSword has me demanding.

Also, my hopup cylinder broke. $5 piece of plastic that is out of stock everywhere. Shoots some but hopup is funky. There are some modifications to be done to the magazine lips and the hopup cylinder to make things smoother.
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Old January 21st, 2012, 01:03   #23
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What cooling lines? They look like bad machining mark....

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Old January 21st, 2012, 01:19   #24
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That's what samoon barrel users say.

Ha, we need a real expert because google hasn't helped.

Does anyone know yet if real steel spring guides fit?
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Old January 21st, 2012, 01:28   #25
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Thats what someone who uses a lathe say.....

Cooling needs "fins" not machine mark....

I have a RS spring guide, but for whatever reason its short....and it'll need to remove some material for it to fit in the rear guide seat....

I think the bolt travel in the GHK is limited by the sectioned off guide, not sure what would happen if you cut that off...

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Old February 25th, 2012, 23:22   #26
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Has anyone installed a NPAS nozzle on their GHK AKM?

I've read that the RA-Tech NPAS for GHK AKs were meant for the earlier versions and would not fit the AKMs. I don't know if what they're selling at the many online retailers are the new ones(if it's made) or still old versions. It just says for GHK AKs.

There's also a French made adjusting FPS nozzle but they say it's not meant to use on systems over 200 psi. I'll be getting some of the CO2 mags and they are 800psi. That's over 500fps on the AKM as some usere have reported.
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Old March 1st, 2012, 23:05   #27
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The C02 mags was design without an after thought of how would one remove the empty C02 capsule that's in the mag. Save yourself some frustration and possible damage to the mag. I had to bang the bottom of the mag on my concrete floor to jar loose the stuck capsule.

Take a light AEG spring and cut about an inch section. I used a stock TM AEG spring and placed it into the C02 chamber before you put the capsule in. The spring is light enough to compress when you screw down the cap to puncture the opening of the capsule and yet strong enough to pop the capsule out when you unscrew the cap. Don't use the mag bottom plate as a screw driver to tighten the threaded cap like you see on YouTube. It's not strong enough. Use a coin. I used a 0.25 cent coin.

A new 12g C02 capsule is good enough for 1 full mag. I got 3 cases of 15 capsules at Walmart for about $42. That's about a dollar for each time you use the C02 mag. This will get expensive to run these mags all the time but the harder recoil from using them.... priceless!!!
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Old March 1st, 2012, 23:41   #28
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I've been way too busy lately that I haven't been able to update or take pictures.

Anyway, I got it to rust. Salt water, warmth, and humidity. Ended up rusting the whole thing over a few times, leaving it to sit for a couple weeks each time. You've got to let it sit for a couple weeks while it's rusted, otherwise it won't cause any pitting and you'll be basically right back where you started (as long as you don't scratch up the finish with anything other than fine or superfine steel wool).

The Russian wood kit came in too - what a beauty - took me a while to drill and trim to fit, but it's well worth the ~$100 I paid for it. Thicker, older, denser wood (more layers of lamination) , and all the proper realsteel fittings (including the spring to shoot my real sword cleaning kit out of the stock). I put some wax and oil on the wood to preserve and protect it as well. No more upper handguard wobble for sure!

All I need now is a steel barrel. With that, it'll realistically be to the point where you can't tell the difference between it and an original, even if you had it in your hands. It looks that good now.

Buy some wood kits and start rusting!
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Old March 2nd, 2012, 21:09   #29
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Just got the steel barrel for mine to finish it off - gives it a little more heft and if you're planning on weathering the rifle, blends in better than the aluminium stock barrel.
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Old March 11th, 2012, 14:53   #30
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Hey Kid, I would love to see some pictures when you get time. I love the worn look of older AKs, and may end up copying you!
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