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(AEG) Interesting... jam?


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Old March 10th, 2012, 22:57   #1
Prolapsed Rectum
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(AEG) Interesting... jam?

Today while at a game, when I pulled the trigger on my rifle (G&G SCAR-L), A very, very strange almost grinding noise happened. After this, the rifle would not fire and continued to make a form of clicking noise whenever the trigger was pulled. As if the contact is being engaged, but nothing is going on.

Me, thinking it was a jame put my unjamming rod into the barrel of the rifle and began to push. After reaching the chamber, I pushed a bit and managed to push back the 'thing that makes the bb's come out' (Piston?). It seemes to be locked in a forward position slightly, almost halfway.

Does anyone know what might be causing this? Whenever I try to fire the rifle, only a faint clicking is heard. I have tried multiple batteries to no avail.

Thanks in advance,


(Yes, I know. I know NOTHING about the internals of airsoft weapons.)

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Old March 10th, 2012, 23:00   #2
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Did you try someone else's battery?
Sounds like the back of your piston may have broken off and it now jamming your gears. You might have to take it to a gundoc
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Old March 10th, 2012, 23:02   #3
Prolapsed Rectum
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I tried three different batteries in total.

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Old March 10th, 2012, 23:13   #4
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Have you had anything upgrades/modifications done since the last time you used it?
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Old March 10th, 2012, 23:17   #5
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Open the gun. Adding fuel to the problem (putting a battery in and pulling the trigger) after a jam like you've stated can only damage the gun further (melting trigger contact posts, melting wires, blown fuse, to name a few).

Grinding followed by a malfunction also means you should probably stop poking it with a stick and just open it up. Something has probably come out of alignment (eg. motor height) or broken (gear set, piston body, piston head, tappet plate, nozzle, hopup).

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Old March 11th, 2012, 03:09   #6
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I had a similar if not exactly the plobrem.

What happened in the end for me was that m. Piston had broken into a million little pieces and my wire had melted. The melted wire was only because I was using a LiPo though....

Hope that helps!
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Old March 11th, 2012, 03:24   #7
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you know that almost sounds like the semi glitch.. Was it on semi or full at the time? In case you dont know what I'm talking about, put it on full auto and pull the trigger, see what happens. I'm sure you probably tried that already, but I figured I'd mention it just in case.
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Old March 11th, 2012, 04:02   #8
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Typical noob solution in fixing jams. When you get a jam, best thing to do is NOT continuing to plugging in batteries and firing. You're trying to get it unjam and not making it worst. Stop everything and unplug the battery. Open up the gearbox and inspect the gears and bushings/bearings and piston. But it does sound like a busted teeth from one of the parts listed.
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Old March 11th, 2012, 04:07   #9
John Feday
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I have a G&G gearbox as well. I had a very similar problem. Tried the semi glitch, no good. Tried a fresh battery, same issues. It's a jam in the gearbox.

In my case, once I opened up the gearbox, I found the problem was that the piston head o-ring was getting jammed between the piston head and the cylinder. If you don't know the internals, this won't make sense, but it's what I found to be wrong with mine. Good news is, it's a simple fix. After I lubed up the o-ring and cylinder, I was good to go again. However, I also decided to replace the o-ring (very cheap part) since the original jamming and left bite marks on the original o-ring and deformed it slightly.

If that's your problem, your biggest expense will likely be the cost of getting someone to do the work for you. I used the opportunity to learn about my gearbox and it worked out, but I did have help along the way.
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