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Opinions on an M14


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Old April 1st, 2012, 10:19   #16
AV Revoked
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we M14 that gun
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Old April 1st, 2012, 11:03   #17
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I have a g&g m14. Haters will hate but it is a great gun. Gearbox is easier to work on as well, newer version have improved pistons heads and a few other improvements. Solid gun though and way cheaper than TM.
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Old April 1st, 2012, 11:11   #18
AV Revoked
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its almost like we should qualify all our comments with a disclaimer. I do not have a current version of this brand and this model but I hate it because. I think sometimes people just shoot off about something but have no idea. I dont own a TM M14 and dont know anyone with one so i will not comment on it. I know someone with a KA and has been plagued with problems, thank god the retailer felt bad for selling it and has worked on it him, and dropped the KA line. But i dont own one so i cant speak to it. I took my max to a tech cause i didnt have the tool on me for a mount for scope. He was like wow G&G has come a long way. Before he use to say they where crap, based on one he owned years before and it was clear body. So newbies take all comments, including mine, with a grain of salt. Everyone has a bias, whether they know it or not, its just human nature
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Old April 1st, 2012, 11:35   #19
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KA makes an m14??
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Old April 1st, 2012, 11:38   #20
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to the OP, i'll share my experience to you. 90% of the people here will tell you TM m14 or nothing. indeed tm m14 is a very good platform. i had this debate for a very long time about the G&G M14 and TM m14, which one has the better performance, range, accuracy, durability, upgradability.

i did my own homework and research both platform, read countless reviews on different forums, watch videos and videos on youtube and at that time since TM is so famous (even today) its the only one i can actually test first before getting one. after 6 months of all this dabate i finally made my decision. i chose G&G over TM, price is out of the question.

i took my m14 to many games already and campared this to fully upgraded TM side by side and there are some of the things i've compared. G&G M14(upgraded with infinite torque up gears) vs TM M14 (multiple/fully upgraded according to the owner).

"to all who read, this is just my personal view and experience with both platforms"

accuracy = about the same to no difference
range = about the same to no difference
durability = G&G gearbox is reinforced but gears is a piece of shit(not the max version)
upgradability = TM hands down
wieght = G&G is slightly heavier
feel = TM feels more plasticky
available parts for accessories and upgrades = TM ftw.

btw, i never had any regret with the platform i choose. i would suggest you do a little bit of homework and find it out yourself which one you think is best for you.

Last edited by dracu; April 1st, 2012 at 11:48..
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Old April 1st, 2012, 11:39   #21
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If its your first rifle go with something like this !

Last edited by AKA; April 1st, 2012 at 12:12..
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Old April 1st, 2012, 11:51   #22
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Stop posting retailer links in noob section. Not kosher.
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Old April 1st, 2012, 12:33   #23
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Originally Posted by dracu View Post
to the OP, i'll share my experience to you. 90% of the people here will tell you TM m14 or nothing. indeed tm m14 is a very good platform. i had this debate for a very long time about the G&G M14 and TM m14, which one has the better performance, range, accuracy, durability, upgradability.

i did my own homework and research both platform, read countless reviews on different forums, watch videos and videos on youtube and at that time since TM is so famous (even today) its the only one i can actually test first before getting one. after 6 months of all this dabate i finally made my decision. i chose G&G over TM, price is out of the question.

i took my m14 to many games already and campared this to fully upgraded TM side by side and there are some of the things i've compared. G&G M14(upgraded with infinite torque up gears) vs TM M14 (multiple/fully upgraded according to the owner).

"to all who read, this is just my personal view and experience with both platforms"

accuracy = about the same to no difference
range = about the same to no difference
durability = G&G gearbox is reinforced but gears is a piece of shit(not the max version)
upgradability = TM hands down
wieght = G&G is slightly heavier
feel = TM feels more plasticky
available parts for accessories and upgrades = TM ftw.

btw, i never had any regret with the platform i choose. i would suggest you do a little bit of homework and find it out yourself which one you think is best for you.
good post. do your own homework before you make a buy. I agree the G&G max m14 does not leave much room for upgrades. I like that. I cant say anything about TM but I wonder if TM is still holding on to things in the past. Kind of like for a while the only computer to buy, this is going way back, was an IBM. Dont buy a clone people would say.

in regards to the KA comment earlier it was an M4 not M14
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Old April 1st, 2012, 13:00   #24
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I'd like to point out that technically there is no standard "V7" gearbox. All companies do some things a little bit differently.

If you mean the most "TM" compatible then it'll either be TM or G&P (but a G&P M14 will cost you). G&G and CA do slightly different weird things while still being generally V7 compatible. My vote would probably be to get a TM M14 as a base and pick up every G&P upgrade part you can find.

As for which one, either or will do. The Echo1 M14 SOCOM seems like a generally solid rifle IMO, the G&G same thing but since I don't own an M14 and have only seen/handled/played with other peoples' I can't say these things for certain. I haven't done a side by side comparison to a TM but whatever makes you guys' happy.

Get someone to work on your M14 for you, don't do it yourself it's just a bunch of headache and will end up with you bashing your head against the table. Also if you're going to do one thing, might as well upgrade everything else in there as well since it'll take a lot of time to get back into your gearbox and put it together to change out one part.
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Old April 1st, 2012, 13:22   #25
a.k.a. LastSpartan
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Also, one thing to consider, G&G/CA mags are not compatible with TM and vice-versa.


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Old April 2nd, 2012, 13:26   #26
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I have the G&G max socom I like it, it's quite pricey since prices have dropped on Echo1s since I bought this gun last year. If you flip for the max line gun, all you'd need is a lighter spring, it comes with an m100, which is good for about 350-360ish when I chronoed it. I put in a 110. Everything else has been factory upgraded with G&G's high end stuff, but that's only the max line.

The problem with the G&G and classic army is cost of mags. You're looking at 35-50 for a G&G low cap or CA midcap. The CA's have feeding issues and I broke the lip in the first game I played. The G&G's are nice, but expensive.

Also the plastic stocks on the G&G and CA are very weak in some spots, they tend to break/crack very easily. I see this more as a hassle than a negative, given the nature of a lot of airsoft stuff. I've found every gun has some sort of body issue, be it potmetal cracking/fracturing or plastic breaking. The stock is easily repaired and reinforced with epoxy.

Aside from that, the gun never let me down mechanically, shoots consistently and straight. It's just a heavy beast. Mine comes in at about 11-12 pounds loaded with my ris, optics, battery and mag.

Accuracy compared to a TM? I'd have to see it side by side, I'd LOVE to see it side by side actually ,so I can prove or disprove all the talk about which is better, since everyone who bitches about the G&G m14 had one from years ago and complains about mech issues I have never seen in mine.

However, given the market now with the recent changes, if I were gun shopping this year for an m14 or variant, I probably would not have chosen this one given its price difference. Granted there aren't very many m14s easily available, but Given the options, I'd have gone with a different platform. possibly hk416 or g36.

Last edited by lurkingknight; April 2nd, 2012 at 13:32..
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Old April 2nd, 2012, 18:29   #27
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M14 is such a cool rifle. Definitely my fav, but I went with a M4 to start for its versatility and all around goodness. M14 will be my second riflle down the road, and I will commit to using real cap mags on single shot. Also I agree with the posters who say go the extra mile. No sense dropping a couple bills for a p.o.s.. Put in a little extra and get something of quality. Something all wood for sure. Including the barrel.
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