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Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old May 3rd, 2012, 20:21   #1
Join Date: Apr 2012

Hello everyone!

I just got my first gun (GSG-92, the full metal/blowback version) and I had a few questions to get everything right.

- First of all how do I maintain this gun? Same way as a real one? What's the products I should use to clean it up? I've noticed there is a few "oil" stains on it I guess the lubricant was badly applied by the manufacturer and it left some marks.. I want to clean that up. What are the parts that need to be cleaned up frequently and basically how do I keep the gun healthy?

- The cannon seems pretty "loose" and removes some of the realism of the gun. I heard it's possible to tighten it up so it doesn't move at all, just like the real thing.

- I've also noticed the gun shoots a few inches lower then where I aim. I heard that's also possible to fix with a simple tweak. I would like to know how.

- Last thing is there a velocity mod for this gun? Is it possible to bring it's power to 450-470 fps? And is it possible to convert it to green gas without losing power? (So I can fully profit of the full auto mod without wasting so much co2).

I'd rate this gun 8.5/10 from the first few clips I got with it. Only down side is the loose cannon and the few inches lower aim. I don't mind buying co2 but converting it to green gas would be ideal if it's doable.

Thanks alot
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Old May 3rd, 2012, 21:27   #2
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you should probably know that you wont be able to use that in a game since it shoots metal bbs. plus its too powerful.

bur i will answer anyways.

1). what exactly is loose? when you say cannon do you mean the inner barrel? if so? you need to wrap some duct tape around the inner barrel to prevent it from moving around inside the outer barrel.

2). that gun, if i recall, doesnt have and adjustable hop up. so to get it to shoot where you want it to, you need heavier bbs if you can find any. plus if your shooting from far it is normal for the bbs to drop since the further the bb travels the more it loses propelling power. simple physics.

3). you dont need it to shoot hotter than it is already. 450 is waaay too high unless youre using it for hunting. that thing is a pellet gun not an airsoft gun. you can seriously hurt someone especially with the ammo you are using. and dont worry you wont lose that much fps if you switch over to green gas. i dont think there are any green gas mags for it anyways. but i could be wrong.

4). the word you are looking for is magazine not clip.

again, that gun is not allowed in most fields as it shoots very hot and uses incorrect ammo. so if you want to airsoft, get a new gun.
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Old May 3rd, 2012, 21:34   #3
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That is a pellet/BB gun, not an airsoft gun. Wrong forum.

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Old May 3rd, 2012, 21:35   #4
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forgot to mention, take the gun apart and use some superlube. the gun is full metal correct? silicone oil is horrible for metal in metal. those parts need proper lubrication so that all moving parts slip against each other not grind.

if youre going after the full auto mod, it will speed up the process of each part chewing on each. thus, wearing parts down quicker.

i had one of these. an although full auto sounds cool, it can do more harm than none. and yes i did the mod. full auto pistols arent as great as people make them out to be.
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Old May 3rd, 2012, 21:46   #5
Join Date: Apr 2012
Thanks alot for the fast answers!!

I forgot to mention this gun is NOT for games or shooting on other people. It's only for target shooting in my backyard. That's the reason I want it to be more powerful. I don't plan to shoot anything that breaths. So is it possible to up it's power to a 450-470 fps?

Also sorry for the wrong section. Move my thread if possible.
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Old May 3rd, 2012, 21:59   #6
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dont think its possible. its already tuned to handle arguably the highest pressure gas/propellant on the market.

plus, i dont think its possible to have some aftermarket parts. there arent any available anyways, if i recall. tho i could be mistaken. even if you change parts around you'll be looking at a few fps increases. not by alot. though again i could be wrong.

i would suggest joining another forum that is built specifically for answering questions like yours. is a great place for pellet gun answers.
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Old May 3rd, 2012, 22:04   #7
Join Date: Apr 2012
Originally Posted by e-luder View Post
you should probably know that you wont be able to use that in a game since it shoots metal bbs. plus its too powerful.

bur i will answer anyways.

1). what exactly is loose? when you say cannon do you mean the inner barrel? if so? you need to wrap some duct tape around the inner barrel to prevent it from moving around inside the outer barrel.

2). that gun, if i recall, doesnt have and adjustable hop up. so to get it to shoot where you want it to, you need heavier bbs if you can find any. plus if your shooting from far it is normal for the bbs to drop since the further the bb travels the more it loses propelling power. simple physics.

3). you dont need it to shoot hotter than it is already. 450 is waaay too high unless youre using it for hunting. that thing is a pellet gun not an airsoft gun. you can seriously hurt someone especially with the ammo you are using. and dont worry you wont lose that much fps if you switch over to green gas. i dont think there are any green gas mags for it anyways. but i could be wrong.

4). the word you are looking for is magazine not clip.

again, that gun is not allowed in most fields as it shoots very hot and uses incorrect ammo. so if you want to airsoft, get a new gun.

I think it's the outer one and not the inner. When I move the slide back and lock it, I can move the cannon back and forth and it moves to the sides a few millimeters to.
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Old May 3rd, 2012, 22:15   #8
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Originally Posted by nickkLP View Post
Thanks alot for the fast answers!!

I forgot to mention this gun is NOT for games or shooting on other people. It's only for target shooting in my backyard. That's the reason I want it to be more powerful. I don't plan to shoot anything that breaths. So is it possible to up it's power to a 450-470 fps?

Also sorry for the wrong section. Move my thread if possible.
Read my post again. You're on the wrong site.

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Old May 3rd, 2012, 23:27   #9
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Originally Posted by nickkLP View Post
I think it's the outer one and not the inner. When I move the slide back and lock it, I can move the cannon back and forth and it moves to the sides a few millimeters to.
that's normal. any tighter and you wear the slide and outer barrel down. anyways, ask the guys on the other forum for definite answers. what do i know, right? i work on Glocks not m9s and airsoft at that.

styrak is right. this really isnt the place for this.
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