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TM Glock 18c Mag well issue?


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Old June 5th, 2012, 00:29   #1
ding's Avatar
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TM Glock 18c Mag well issue?

Has anyone seen this issue before? Excuse me but I'm a bit of a GBB pistol noob.

My TM Glock 18c is rather new and gamed maybe 3 or so times. I just recently have been having issues with the gun and from what it looks like it's compression.

I checked the hole where the magazine would make contact on the upper slide and there doesn't seem to be any damage.

Now if I where to put pressure, pushing the magazine upwards. The gun it fires just fine. Or if I fire the gun upside down, same thing, fires just fine. So that tells me that the magazine isn't making the right contact and something isn't pushing it up far enough.

Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot a fix for this issue?

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Old June 5th, 2012, 01:26   #2
e-luder's Avatar
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I don't exactly know what your trying to describe here. Using the word compression is a bit vague!? Does your pistol fire at all when the mag isn't being pushed down? Or your magazine is just loose? How does it fire differently between "firing just fine" and "when you don't push the mag in?"

If your talking loss of compression, Check your loading nozzle assembly for cracks (piston lid, Loading nozzle, floating valve). Often times it's the source of this issue.

Also, it's normal for your mag to wiggle back and fourth in the magwell. When it wiggles up and down is when there may be a problem.

either way it sounds like your mag catch is not holding the mag in place.

The fix: Get a new magazine catch!!!!!
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Last edited by e-luder; June 5th, 2012 at 02:03..
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Old June 5th, 2012, 06:39   #3
ratnest's Avatar
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is the mag release wearing down? it shouldn't on a gun that new, but if a bit is shaved of the mag could sit a little lower and not make proper contact.
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Old June 5th, 2012, 07:34   #4
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The Glock fires fine if I push up on the Mag. And inspecting the mag catch there doesn't seem to be any wear, as there should not, since its a very new gun. But the mags do sit lower then what they do on another Glock I inspected(Glock 17). So I think you guys are right in assuming its not making the correct contact.

I also checked the nozzle assembly and everything looks new and I assume would be fine. I don't see any cracks or wear.

Maybe this one had a bad mag catch? I can't absolutely tell, without another catch to compare too. I'll try putting on another mag catch and let you know if that fixes the issue.
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Old June 14th, 2012, 11:28   #5
p.phresh's Avatar
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I would guess the same thing... mag release is worn, or you got a crap one.

Often, a worn mag catch can be troubleshot if you push the mag up into the gun. If it fires fine like you said than usually it's the mag catch. If it's not the mag catch, it may be the gas routing rubber that's worn out.

In your case it's all very odd cause you said it's a brand new gun.

If you have access to another mag and another gun, I'd try a different mag in your gun, and then try your mag in another gun. Then you can narrow down what's causing the issue.

If you're in need of a new mag catch, I'd suggest an AIP one. It's aluminum, so it's less likely it won't mess up your mags like a steel one from Guarder.
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