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Need info WWII Leibermuster Camo


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Old June 14th, 2012, 11:54   #1
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Need info WWII Leibermuster Camo

I wanna make a setup like this
1st SS Division Leibstandarte in Leibermuster Camo

I need some info.

Where to find a good replica of Leibermuster Camo shirt in big sizing ????

What kind of stuff 1st SS Division Leibstandarte use ???
(webbing , boot , ....)

Please dont ask me to use Arpenflage (swiss camo). I realy want Leibermuster Camo.

Thank for your help
MW: WAR-THUG CORPS" / WWII: No4 Commando / NAM: LRRP & NVA / /
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Old June 14th, 2012, 11:58   #2
Brian McIlmoyle
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check here
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Old June 14th, 2012, 12:08   #3
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Also try here
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Old June 14th, 2012, 12:24   #4
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Check this out.
Although, I've heard there have been issues with Barry, so look into that before ordering.

Also, the only pictures I've seen soldiers wearing Leibermuster were worn by Heer units in bits and pieces in Bohemia, May 1945.
This camo was planned to be used by all branches of the army.

It might be a bit odd wearing that to any event that is basically not timed towards the very end of the war, especially as all the pictures that circulate around are from the Eastern Front.

Don't take this personally, I am just trying to share any info I can.
Don't know how well your know or not know your ww2 camo.

Ontario Airsoft WW2 Reenactors
Originally Posted by János Hunyadi
To withdraw is impossible, to surrender is unthinkable. Let us fight bravely and honour our arms!- 1444 Battle of Varna
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Old June 14th, 2012, 23:42   #6
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Originally Posted by Krieg View Post
Check this out.
Although, I've heard there have been issues with Barry, so look into that before ordering.

Also, the only pictures I've seen soldiers wearing Leibermuster were worn by Heer units in bits and pieces in Bohemia, May 1945.
This camo was planned to be used by all branches of the army.

It might be a bit odd wearing that to any event that is basically not timed towards the very end of the war, especially as all the pictures that circulate around are from the Eastern Front.

Don't take this personally, I am just trying to share any info I can.
Don't know how well your know or not know your ww2 camo.
...Before 1929, the SS wore the same brown uniform as the SA, with the exception of a black tie and a black cap with a Totenkopf ("death's head") skull and bones symbol on it. In that year Himmler extended the black colour to include breeches, boots, belts, and armband edges; and in 1932 they adopted the all-black uniform, designed by Prof. Diebitsch and Walter Heck.[5] In 1936 an "earth-grey" uniform was issued. The Waffen ("armed") SS wore a field-grey (feldgrau) uniform similar to the regular army, or Heer. During the war, Waffen-SS units wore a wide range of items printed with camouflage patterns (such as Platanenmuster, Erbsenmuster, captured Italian Telo Mimetico, etc.), while their feldgrau uniforms became largely indistinguishable from those of the Heer, save for the insignia. In 1945, the SS adopted the Leibermuster disruptive pattern that inspired many forms of modern battle dress, although it was not widely issued before the end of the war.

...While the Waffen-SS remained officially outside the Armed Forces (Wehrmacht) and under Himmler's authority, they were placed under the operational command of the Armed Forces High Command (OKW) or Army High Command (OKH), and were largely funded by the Wehrmacht. During the war, the Waffen-SS grew to 38 divisions. The most famous are the 1st SS Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (LSSAH), 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich, 3rd SS Division Totenkopf, 5th SS Panzer Division Wiking and the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend.
MW: WAR-THUG CORPS" / WWII: No4 Commando / NAM: LRRP & NVA / /

Last edited by R3CON1; June 14th, 2012 at 23:45..
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Old June 15th, 2012, 00:48   #7
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the leibermuster was a very rare late war camouflage intended to replace all previously issued camouflage pattern (references : It was produced in small quantities and issued to both the heer and Waffen-SS in 1945. Erbsenmuster (most commonly known as DOt44) would be more representative of the camouflage used by the LSSAH during the latter portion of WWII.

In terms of equipment and uniforms, this website offers an excellent guide on the SS-Panzergrenadier impression from 1942-1945.
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Old June 15th, 2012, 08:54   #8
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Leibermuster is a great camouflage is you are building a Disarmed Enemy Force impression. Sitting in an open field with an empty stomach with 1000's of other Kameraden guarded by GI's with Grease Guns.

There aren't too many pics out there of Leibermuster in the field. However I have read the odd (second hand) recollection where there was indication that Leibermuster was worn by a few during the Battle of Berlin (some 1st SS were there I think) , the last retreat from the Baltic circa early April 1945, etc.

Most of the Leibermuster repro stuff doesn't look very good in photos (e.g ebay). It looks like something copied from a 1960's 12" G.I. Joe outfit.

Take a look at Waffen-SS Camouflage Uniforms by Daniel Peterson or Camouflage Uniforms of the Waffen-SS by Michael Beaver. I own both. Both are available on (The Peterson book is < $18.00 shipping incl.)

What's wrong with Feldgrau?

Edit: The July 1945 Report by US Quartermaster Francis S. Richardson is not a bad read read either in regards to Leibermuster (available on the web through various sources)

Last edited by shiftsup; June 15th, 2012 at 09:29..
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Old June 15th, 2012, 09:55   #9
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feldgrau ftw. The Germans had some kick ass camo but in majority, they used feldgrau more than anything else.
Age Verifier for Calgary, PM me.
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Old July 9th, 2012, 21:17   #10
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the average ww2 german soldier / ss member recieved 1 piece of camo gear .........the more elite the unit the more / better gear issued .

as always there are exceptions to each rule .

helmet cover / or tunic or trousers or zeltbahn (poncho)

some officers bought there own custom camo uniforms .( private purchased)
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