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Old July 9th, 2012, 13:09   #1
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Question Low FPS

Ok, so I installed a new JG version 2 gearbox into someone's M16 with a Modify S120 spring in it (quick change gearbox, didn't need to open it), and the FPS was only 265. The hop-up was damaged, so I replaced it with a new systema Energy hop-up and tested it again. Same thing.

What's going on here? Is the inner barrel bent or something? Like what would be causing this?

Chrono is an Xcortech 3200, and my KWA M4 clocks in at around 360, so it's not the chrono.
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Old July 9th, 2012, 13:10   #2
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Nozzle/hop up unit mismatch.
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Old July 9th, 2012, 13:12   #3
Mr. Silencer
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Make sure your hop-up unit is pushed right up against the mechbox. Do this by using shims and/or O-rings. The little tiny spring that most guns come with sucks.

Also, check the seal between your hop-up rubber and the nozzle. Do this by re-setting the gearbox so that the nozzle is in its most forward position. Re-assemble the gun, then shine a light down the BB feed tube. Look through the barrel on the muzzle side (make sure there's no battery plugged in and no BB in the chamber), if you can see any sort of light, your seal is not ideal and you should change either your hop-up rubber/unit and/or nozzle.

Unbeknownst to most, there are some "magical pairings" of nozzles and hop-up rubbers and some hop-up rubbers only work with certain nozzles.

Actually it can be any number of things. Check your compression.

Last edited by Stealth; July 9th, 2012 at 14:03..
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Old July 9th, 2012, 14:00   #4
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I will bet you $50 bucks he has a shitty seal on the "o ring" of the piston.

($50 bucks.... remember this post in a few days if he cracks it open.)

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Old July 9th, 2012, 14:01   #5
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(ps-- blow into the nozzle with your mouth and tell me if there is air rushing out)

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Old July 9th, 2012, 14:04   #6
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Originally Posted by Trev140_0 View Post
I will bet you $50 bucks he has a shitty seal on the "o ring" of the piston.

($50 bucks.... remember this post in a few days if he cracks it open.)
Think it would be that? It's a brand new gearbox.
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Old July 9th, 2012, 14:27   #7
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If the piston head is ported, blowing into the nozzle won't ID a bad O-ring, simply due to the amount of air pressure required to inflate the O-ring.....
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Old July 9th, 2012, 14:28   #8
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My brand new G&P box I got the other day had nearly ZERO compression. Had to open ip up, put the o ring over the cylinder (to stretch it) gave it a few good hits with a lighter, and put it back together.

My bet stands.

O ring.

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Old July 9th, 2012, 14:32   #9
Mr. Silencer
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Originally Posted by Trev140_0 View Post
My brand new G&P box I got the other day had nearly ZERO compression. Had to open ip up, put the o ring over the cylinder (to stretch it) gave it a few good hits with a lighter, and put it back together.

My bet stands.

O ring.
LOL you're betting against CDN_Stalker?
How were you testing the compression?
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Old July 9th, 2012, 14:40   #10
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I used to test for compression with the mechbox open, no spring, block the nozzle with a finger and move the piston forward quickly to see if the ring would inflate. Sometimes all that's required is a light wipe of silicon grease on the ring to help seal it a bit during use. I CAN happen, but low fps often occurs, in cases such as this build, mismatching brands and types. Some nozzles are tapered at the front, some are squared off. The nozzle has to match the hop up unit or else you'll get low fps.

Now, if the OP can tell us if the nozzles are the same type....... could help, but also know various brands have different tolerances, there isn't really a standard across manufacturers.
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Old July 9th, 2012, 15:22   #11
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Originally Posted by Stealth View Post
LOL you're betting against CDN_Stalker?
How were you testing the compression?
Ok so we are not swinging dicks around here:For the record I am not a gun tech, but I sure as hell have rebuilt my share of V2 boxes for me and friends. Too many. This smells like a shit o ring to me.

On the BRAND NEW G&P I JUST got:

I opened the gearbox after I blew into the nozzle with near zero back pressure. Felt like it had no o ring at all. ( btw this is not a ported cylinder)
Then rapidly moved the piston blocking the nozzle. There was ZERO compression in this box. And I mean ZEEE-RO

I stretched the o ring and popped the s130 spring in to get me the 420-430 FPS on the chrono. (gamed it Sat and re checked it Sunday after 2,000 rounds. All good.

Not betting against anyone.

BTW, I have one of those JG boxes too (for my backup) and they are bare bones inside. The piston is red. (all plastic no steel teeth) and I recall there being weak compression from the store on that one too. Not sure about putting in a 120 spring, but worth a shot. But again, remember its all plastic.

As a final thought, keep in mind the box this guy is talking about is BRAND NEW. It has no record of what FPS it is shooting, meaning there is a possibility he has shit compression inside. I know the golden rule, work outside in, but with this exprerience I JUST had and also owning a JG box and being inside it, this very well could be.

That said, close the loop on the hop up end before you open it up.

(oh and Stalker, I was born Nov 30th/71, so my appology for not respecting my elders ;-)

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Last edited by Trev140_0; July 9th, 2012 at 15:53..
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Old July 9th, 2012, 16:01   #12
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Originally Posted by Trev140_0 View Post
(oh and Stalker, I was born Nov 30th/71, so my appology for not respecting my elders ;-)
Oh you prick!!!! Five fucking days! Lol, my girlfriend is 12 days younger than me, that's the amount of time she can get away with calling me old!!!

All the years I did gun work, there were many dozens of V2 problems and upgrades to do, and the farther away from basic upgrades one gets, the more complications can be had, especially with different brands of parts. Some of the worst ones I had a pile of new parts dropped off with a gun, and a good 15-20hrs of air leak chasing ended up being the final straw in my gun work (especially considering I only charged $40 per gun to open the mechbox). Nowadays, there are even more brands, types, clones, etc. I'm really glad I got out when I did......
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Old July 9th, 2012, 16:11   #13
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I was working on a box the other night and started at 3pm and by 11pm I almost pitched it.

all kidding asside if you would have seen this G&P box compression you would have said wtf?

His JG is missing a good 150FPS right now. Thats a bit much for a hop up.

But then again, you are older and wiser so........ya...... .

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Old July 9th, 2012, 16:42   #14
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Never know, it has happened in the past, especially with a hop up unit requiring a square tip nozzle, only to have a tapered tip one installed as an after thought to the parts order. Could be the piston O-ring as well, I went with my first guess based upon seeing different mechbox (with unknown brand of nozzle) compared to another brand's (stock, then a Systema) hop up unit........ like I said, that rang a bell and I went with it. Also assumed the mechbox had been tested by the assembler before it left the factory, I know asking too much from JG. Lol

Regarding the O-ring issue you found, ya, I'd be stretching it too, as well as trying other rings to see which would give the best compression. Airleaks such to chase!!!
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Old July 9th, 2012, 16:47   #15
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I"m betting one million dollars it's a cracked mechbox.
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