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Stolen Valour - Warning: Player impersonating Canadian Forces Officer



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Old July 9th, 2012, 15:19   #16
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Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
I just wish I was asked about this first in person to give a chance to explain as no-one had even mentioned or brought this issue to my attention. This includes mods/admins/players.

Kokanee challenged you directly at the game, and you provided him a specific reply regarding your service with Queen's York Rangers. That is pretty specific, it is also how this all came about in the first place.

Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
I asked them if they were in the Forces, to which I got an affirmative reply. I then inquired what Unit, and I was told "I'm in QYRANG", which is short for the Queen's York Rangers.
Furthermore, did you or did you not volunteer information as to your involvement with a DOMOP involving Toronto being completely snowed in back in November 2000? This is also very specific, which I find rather peculiar ... however considering your age, wouldn't you have been age 14 at the time of that OP? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe anyone can serve (even domestic ops) in the CF at the age of 14... even under some sort of Highschool Co-op placement.
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Old July 9th, 2012, 15:32   #17
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I shovelled snow during a snowstorm. It was not the "Lastman Snowstorm".

I had said to Kokanee "At least it was not the Lastman Snowstorm, some hero I am."
It was meant as a joke.

I was not aware I was being challenged by Kokanee. I did my co-op in '02, not 2000. I did not ever state a month.

@C3sk, you asked me these questions last zombie game (2011), I'm surprised you don't remember asking me. Ken (Kingsix), Evan (Gato) were both present at the time when you asked.

All Seriousness aside, I have a beard (I sure as hell ain't a lumberjack commando), I'm severely out of shape (I've gained a crap-load of weight over the last 5 years). What could I possibly gain out of pretending to be an officer? Who would believe me lol?

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Last edited by DarkAngel; July 9th, 2012 at 15:40..
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Old July 9th, 2012, 15:36   #18
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Originally Posted by Basic-Wedge View Post
Wouldn't it be fair to wait until we've heard his side of the story?
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Old July 9th, 2012, 15:50   #19
Brian McIlmoyle
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so.. what you are saying is Kokanee is a Liar ? is that it?
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Old July 9th, 2012, 15:51   #20
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Richard, you know I do respect you, but now that I think about it more, I do recall you telling me about you serving in the Forces previously and that you were now discharged from service when you first age verified myself at the Tim Hortons years ago. It's been awhile, but I do remember (although a bit cloudy) that you said something about your military ID.

I don't mean to call you out, but perhaps you'd care to explain what we were talking about that night?
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old July 9th, 2012, 15:59   #21
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Let's stick to the current issue mmmken. I'd like to request that unless anyone has something relevant or evidence to contribute, let's keep the opinions out to keep this from being a witch hunt.
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Old July 9th, 2012, 16:00   #22
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@Janus I don't mind if people ask questions. I have nothing to hide, and I freely state again that I am NOT a serving member, Nor was I EVER an officer.

@Brian I don't know what he heard in the midst of running from zombies. Kokanee is a good guy. I have no reason to believe that Kokanee would purposefully say anything that he did not himself truly believe.
Regardless of such, In his mind, he thinks I have wronged, and I don't blame him for wanting to bring this issue to light. I do however sincerely hope that he understands now that I in no way intended to mislead him or take from the service he gives to this country. If that was the impression I left with him, then I again sincerely apologize.

@mmken I asked everyone who I verified to bring in a government Photo ID. The acceptable forms of Photo ID are (as stated with the verifier requirements). (Drivers License, Birth Certificate or Military ID)

Since I ask all people for a photograph of the ID for the people I am verifying (In case of issues developed in the community), I required a picture of that ID.
Feb 02, 2011
Originally Posted by DarkAngel
Originally Posted by mmmken
Hey there,

I was wondering if you had some time to age verify me. I'm in Markham (Kennedy/7) - I can drive around to meet you, but not very far as my car is very afraid of snow, lol.

Wednesday is the next verification date.
6:30pm at the Tim Hortons on Markham Road and
Tuxedo Court Across from the Mcdonalds.

You will need the following
1) Government Issue Photo ID (Drivers Licence or Military ID Preferred)
2) Consent to a photograph of both the ID and the Verifee
3) Send a PM to confirm your attendance the night before. You will receive a reply with a contact number the morning of.
4) Once the Verification is completed, you will need to send a PM to me with your full name under your account to verify that it was you who had met with me.

Failure to do any of the above will result in your Verification Process being delayed.

If you are unable to meet at the above time, please let me know before the morning of the meeting.

That is the standard copy/paste response I send to all that asked me for verification.
Anyone/Everyone whom I've verified can vouch for that, and I have records of all whom I've verified. (which is why I have 1800+ pm's stored in my inbox)

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Last edited by DarkAngel; July 9th, 2012 at 16:11..
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Old July 9th, 2012, 16:02   #23
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Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
@C3sk, you asked me these questions last zombie game (2011), I'm surprised you don't remember asking me.
The discussion you are referring to was regarding my personal concerns about you wearing a dress uniform complete with beret to eateries. As it was making myself and a few other individuals uncomfortable. However I do believe this was resolved.

I will wait for Kokanee to chime in here again, as he will have complete details from your discussion with him that night.
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Old July 9th, 2012, 16:07   #24
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This is obviously going to come down to "he said - he said"... I've put it all out there, I really don't know what more I can say on the matter.

Other than that the QYRANG are taking this seriously and are investigating.
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Old July 9th, 2012, 16:11   #25
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Just a side note, Wolfpack has and continues to ban this individual from our Muskoka Field, for an intentional attempt to injure another player in a safe zone which led to an entire team laeving and NEVER returning to any of our games. He cost me a lot of money. In my pm's and interactions with him, he CONTINUALLY lied, forgot what he wrote in one PM and then lied in the next, contradicting himself repeatedly. There were at least a dozen witnesses to our incident. EVERY player except his teamate saw his actions and agreed with a banning. He is bad new, has been bad new and continue to do so. We posted up the pm's on our website, but, unfortunately they no longer remain. When I put the information public, there was a general banning from most fields.

I 100% believe he lied to Kokanee, and put my name behind him. The thing that I cannot understand is Koke is a well known CF member who has done more than is expected, Injuries received in our defence of our Country in Afghanistan, and I will offer him my respect, friendship and honour as long as my heart beats, what does not make sense to me is how he would be so foolish to tell another CF he was too. DA spends sooo much time on these boards he had to have known Koke was a soldier.
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Old July 9th, 2012, 16:14   #26
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Originally Posted by Janus View Post
Let's stick to the current issue mmmken. I'd like to request that unless anyone has something relevant or evidence to contribute, let's keep the opinions out to keep this from being a witch hunt.
Wasn't what I posted relevant? I do recall Richard mentioning that he was serving/served/related to the Forces in some capacity, but since this was so far back - I'm not sure what exactly was said.

Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
@Janus I don't mind if people ask questions. I have nothing to hide, and I freely state again that I am NOT a serving member, Nor was I EVER an officer.

Was not discharged. Ever.

I asked everyone who I verified to bring in a government Photo ID. The acceptable forms of Photo ID are (as stated with the verifier requirements). (Drivers License, Birth Certificate or Military ID)

Since I ask all people for a photograph of the ID for the people I am verifying (In case of issues developed in the community), I required a picture of that ID.
Feb 02, 2011

That is the standard copy/paste response I send to all that asked me for verification.
Anyone/Everyone whom I've verified can vouch for that, and I have records of all whom I've verified. (which is why I have 1800+ pm's stored in my inbox)
Thanks for responding, Richard. I may have worded my question poorly. When I mentioned "Military ID", I didn't mean you checking new members, but I vaguely remember you talking about your Military ID along with mentioning that you had some sort of tie to the Forces in some capacity. Do you have a Military ID?
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old July 9th, 2012, 16:15   #27
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Originally Posted by c3sk View Post
The discussion you are referring to was regarding my personal concerns about you wearing a dress uniform complete with beret to eateries. As it was making myself and a few other individuals uncomfortable. However I do believe this was resolved.

I will wait for Kokanee to chime in here again, as he will have complete details from your discussion with him that night.
IMP's were obtained from Army Issue the day before.
There was a cadpat top + bottom, beret had the Spectre Command flash on it. All Spectre Command members wear it during games and all Spectre Command members during Rhino and Zombies wore the same beret + Flash. It is part of our team uniform. Please Consult with Sha Do on this, as he will vouch for it.

@mmmken - Do you have a Military ID - I do NOT have Military ID

IMP's are convenient on the field. They require no water (for the most part) and they aren't MRE's which are rumoured to contain hormone changing chemicals. If given the opportunity, I would never eat IMP's as my choice of culinary diet. Mountain house makes far better dehydrated food, but they unfortunately require boiling water on hand. I assure you, the IMP's were purely for convenience, not a love for the culinary experience.

Theres a reason I dragged along an entire Tent full of food, stoves, eggs, fresh vegetables etc for Rhino. I wasn't about to eat IMPs unless I had to.

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Last edited by DarkAngel; July 9th, 2012 at 16:22..
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Old July 9th, 2012, 16:15   #28
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[QUOTE=Janus;1676512]Let's stick to the current issue mmmken. I'd like to request that unless anyone has something relevant or evidence to contribute, let's keep the opinions out to keep this from being a witch hunt.[/QUOTE

This is very relevant, and a continuing problem.

How many proven strikes do you proposr Janus, when DA has a history of attempting to injure, that and safety violations. Thats not including taking the Glory he does not deserve.
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Old July 9th, 2012, 16:21   #29
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
so.. what you are saying is Kokanee is a Liar ? is that it?
I suspect that a question was posed, an answer was provided, and because of wording choices, a (mis)interpretation was taken.

E.g., "What unit did you serve with?" versus "What unit do you serve with?"
Kokanee may have said something to the effect of the latter that Darkangel misheard as the former.
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Old July 9th, 2012, 16:36   #30
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Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
@mmmken - Do you have a Military ID - I do NOT have Military ID
I remember six things from the conversation when you first verified me, and although the specifics are blurred, I am sure that they were talked about that night. In fact, I can recall the table we were seated at, where you were seated and where I was, and numerous things very clearly.

Amongst these six things are the following (in chronological order):
  1. I offered you coffee, and you declined.
  2. Don't piss off the people on ASC. You made this point very important and it has been embedded in my head because of you.
  3. Airsoft safety. You went into a very drawn out speech about proper gun handling, and how not to be a dumbass. I thank you for this.
  4. I had an AEG, and you tried to persaude me into getting into the world of GBB/R's. I was worried about the regular maintainance required with GBB/R's and you told me that there weren't many problems.
  5. You told me that you were previously affliated with the Forces (not sure exactly the specifics) and that you now work for an IT company.
  6. You mentioned something about a Military ID nearing the end of the conversation, but this is extremely clouded for some reason.

The above allowed me to respect you much more easier, in addition to the way you acted and how professional you were that night. Having that said, I think I'm satisfied if you say you weren't/aren't in the Forces, and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt because of my bad memory and your reputation.
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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