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Why so many youngins?



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Old July 12th, 2012, 23:02   #31
Andre_1999's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Ozone06 View Post
THAT right there is the problem, A sense of entitlement, kid, the world will not come to you on a silver platter no matter what mommy tells you. "hurr durr you need us we're the next generation."

No thank you we do not. I'll just get more of my Codtard friends interested and they'll take this up instead of golf. They have a lot deeper pockets than you ever will.

I can see a lot more invite only games in the future if this is the coming trend. If it's not posted, no kidtards will show up.

Yes I understand that I'm a kid with no job, and I only go to school do my work and do the regular kid stuff and yes I'm just another kidtard who doesn't know anything about life.
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Old July 12th, 2012, 23:12   #32
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A simple quiz for under 18 Airsoft

1. Are your parents or an adult always, without exception in Supervisory Distance when you are using an Airsoft Gun?

Yes or No

2. Do you are parents keep the airsoft gun locked up, or in a place where you have no access when they are not around

Yes or No

3. Does your parent or responsible adult always, without exception ensure you are using the airsoft gun in a safe, and responsible manner, including appropriate eye protection for all of those around you?

Yes or No

4. Does your parent or responsible adult always, without exception ensure you are using the airsoft gun in a location that you are legally allowed to shoot it?

Yes or No

5. Have your parents or responsible adult attended with you some form of training on the normal safe handling of an airsoft gun?

Yes or No

Score 1 to 2 No's - Your parent or responsible adult is not that responsible
Score 3 No's - Your parent or responsible adult is not responsible, and should not be allowed to supervise you, or any other children.
Score 4 No's - Neither you nor your parent should be allowed to handle anything more dangerous than a newspaper.
Score 5 No's - It is most probable that your family could be used as extras for Deliverance. Please run away from home, and find a caring family that actually cares for you.

6 Section, 2 Forward Observation Unit Airborne, Royal Artillery
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Old July 12th, 2012, 23:22   #33
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Then you sir would be the exception, not the rule

6 Section, 2 Forward Observation Unit Airborne, Royal Artillery
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Old July 12th, 2012, 23:27   #34
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Sorry what does that mean?
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Old July 12th, 2012, 23:31   #35
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That the majority of the underage airsoft gaggle, do not have parents that ensure that they are around. That they allow their minor to keep the airsoft gun in their room. But most importantly, openly allow their minors to run around in the neighbourhood, having "battles"

6 Section, 2 Forward Observation Unit Airborne, Royal Artillery
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Old July 12th, 2012, 23:32   #36
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A contract is a contract right? Break it and pay the fines?

1) We make a Non-profit organization, name it 'Responsible Airsoft Canada' or something.
2) Get a contract made up between the buyer of said airsoft purchase and 'Responsible Airsoft Canada'
3) Within the contract state that the buyer will not break any laws, or let any minors use the firearm.
4) place a monetary value that is payable if the contract is broken.

Compaign the 'Responsible Airsoft Canada' name to Canadian retailers. Certified retailers make all buyers sign the contract. Give them an image to display on their websites.

It would place the blame on the parents if anything bad did happen and names were released. It also might make them think "I'll have to pay XX$ if johnny does something stupid with it?"

Far stretch? Yup.
My $0.02
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Old July 12th, 2012, 23:34   #37
Brian McIlmoyle
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Hey I have an idea... Let's stop trying to be the Airsoft police

I had a pellet gun age 10 ... And yes I did some stupid things with it... And got in trouble with it... And learned

If parents want to give their kids Airsoft guns... Who the hell are we to get in their face about it.

Some kid shooting his Airsoft gun where he should not be is not going to result in" Airsoft getting banned "

But it is going to result in a valuable lesson for that kid.. And their parents.
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier


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Old July 12th, 2012, 23:36   #38
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Y'all sound like the antis
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Old July 12th, 2012, 23:38   #39
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What ever happend to the good old days when it was 18+, no exceptions?

Why is it we are suddenly trying to come up with ways to let kids use and own these things?

Let them wait till there 18 like many of us did, if they cant then they can go play cod and paintball.
Age verified for her pleasure

Originally Posted by GBBR View Post
If you ever go to a milsim and hear a vuvuzela, you are fucked.
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Old July 12th, 2012, 23:42   #40
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Viperfish View Post
What ever happend to the good old days when it was 18+, no exceptions?

Why is it we are suddenly trying to come up with ways to let kids use and own these things?

Let them wait till there 18 like many of us did, if they cant then they can go play cod and paintball.
Those days never existed... Parents have been indulging their kids and buying them thing the should not have forever
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
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Old July 13th, 2012, 00:25   #41
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Hey I have an idea... Let's stop trying to be the Airsoft police

I had a pellet giant age 10 ... And yes I did some stupid things with it... And got in trouble with it... And learned

If parents want to give their kids Airsoft guns... Who the hell are we to get in their face about it.

Some kid shooting his Airsoft gun where he should not be is not going to result in" Airsoft getting banned "

But it is going to result in a valuable lesson for that kid.. And their parents.
Agreed %100

And to add on...
Its kind of funny that people feel that airsoft as a sport is safer with the general public being ignorant of it. That the sport hinges on what stupid people might do with airsoft guns.
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Old July 13th, 2012, 02:59   #42
Devious Sinner
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i understand our need to be protective of airsoft as a sport in Canada considering its always been scrutinized by everyone.
but growing up as a child i remember when toy gun shaped like real firearms were available for children either as cap guns or water guns...and with access to those kind of "replicas" i got to play with, i grew to love guns. But as i grew up, those real steel style toy guns were being taken off the market in fear of reasons many of you stated above...and now, we become so over protective of any firearm related topics that im surprised that nerf guns are allowed to make magazine loaded toys at all...

personally in my opinion, i don't believe that keeping things away from minors will protect them or anybody at all...for whatever reason, minors will always learn, have access to, make accidents like any person would / could for anything...just because the parents won't buy them airsoft guns, that isn't the only resource...friends, relatives, internet.....there are infinite number of resources.
I don't believe keeping airsoft guns away from a minor will do anything for them...i believe the key is to educate accordingly and monitor, not just for airsoft but for everything else in this world and this relates to both adults and children.

we can't live in fear for the next generation, its up to us as adults to guide them properly and trust their own judgement as our parents did with us.

and as a side note, im personally really sick and tired of Canadians being so paranoid about firearms and firearm related crimes...
i could go into walmart and buy a kitchen knife for $10 and go gung ho around town...
o wait...that does happen...very often in fact!!!
but i don't see a ban on kitchen knives...
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Old July 13th, 2012, 04:32   #43
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I as a 16 year old boy find this thread somewhat offensive, but almost 100% truthful. i started airsoft because i thought it would be a fun hobby to take up when not engaging in school related things. And yes at first i got my parents to buy me things.

I then applied for a job at several places, and got accepted at a wendys. so now i have a source of cash that i can spend on gear admission etc.

But i was knowledgeable about gun saftey, as my father and grandfather both have their POL and my grandfather has his restricted firearms license, so quite often i go with them to the range, sharron in particular, and target shoot. So i also figured that i could do this as a hands on experience with Replica firearms, as i intend to join the military when i am of age.

I do see the reasons why the 18+ rules are in place, so if i see a game thread that is 18+ i move on. if it is not listed then i politely ask the host via pm if i would be able to attend considering i am under 18. they either say yes or no, and i respect their decison and thank them either way. it is an easy process that should be mandatory for minors to attend the game.

I like the way you guys are talking, but i dont think you should make everything 18+.

I have a couple of things you guys could consider.

1.You have age verification for 18+ right? so make like a day where minors could have hands on experience and learn safety etc. and could get a little thing under their name that said something along the lines of reputable minor. that way a host can see if they know about saftey and if they handle their selfs well. Kind of like a traning course, and run it like 1 time a month or bi-monthly. And give them a patch or something to wear on their vest or on something velcro so the host and other players can easily identify on game day who is ok and who "just showed up"

2. Or Have games that are mostly minors, with some older players to keep an eye and to engage in some fun skrims.

i prefer the first way, but that is another option.

That is my input on this thread, with a couple of solutions, thank you for reading


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Old July 13th, 2012, 07:00   #44
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The 18+ is driven by (1) the Law on gun/imitation gun ownership in certain provinces, and generally accepted throughout ASC country-wide, (2) the field owners/hosts who wish to limit their liability, and (3) the lack of legal responsibility for personal actions of those 17-. This is a "rule of thumb" that the majority of older players abide by and generally enforce.

And for the most part no field owner/hosts are going to put on a "mostly minors" game day since they can't be bothered supervising (read: babysitting) the 17- players. And any 18+ players in-field will not either as it's not their responsibility to supervise said players. The ONLY exception would be if the 17- players' parents were also in-field to watch their brood WITH the field owner's/host's approval (there are a few games where this was the case, but they are few and far between).

As for those who argue to be allowed to play because they are "the next generation of airsoft", BOO EFFIN' HOO. There will ALWAYS be a "next generation", and those who are patient and understanding of WHY the sport is 18+ will be greeted with open arms. The sport is not about entitlement, it is about honour, and whining about unfairness isn't going to gain points with us.

As someone once said on ASC, you're only too young for a short while, and too old for the rest of your life.
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Stalker stays where he is.
His BB's fly across the country to hit their target.
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Old July 13th, 2012, 07:36   #45
kyle milliken
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Originally Posted by sNAp_* View Post
I as a 16 year old boy find this thread somewhat offensive, but almost 100% truthful. i started airsoft because i thought it would be a fun hobby to take up when not engaging in school related things. And yes at first i got my parents to buy me things.

I then applied for a job at several places, and got accepted at a wendys. so now i have a source of cash that i can spend on gear admission etc.

But i was knowledgeable about gun saftey, as my father and grandfather both have their POL and my grandfather has his restricted firearms license, so quite often i go with them to the range, sharron in particular, and target shoot. So i also figured that i could do this as a hands on experience with Replica firearms, as i intend to join the military when i am of age.

I do see the reasons why the 18+ rules are in place, so if i see a game thread that is 18+ i move on. if it is not listed then i politely ask the host via pm if i would be able to attend considering i am under 18. they either say yes or no, and i respect their decison and thank them either way. it is an easy process that should be mandatory for minors to attend the game.

I like the way you guys are talking, but i dont think you should make everything 18+.

I have a couple of things you guys could consider.

1.You have age verification for 18+ right? so make like a day where minors could have hands on experience and learn safety etc. and could get a little thing under their name that said something along the lines of reputable minor. that way a host can see if they know about saftey and if they handle their selfs well. Kind of like a traning course, and run it like 1 time a month or bi-monthly. And give them a patch or something to wear on their vest or on something velcro so the host and other players can easily identify on game day who is ok and who "just showed up"

2. Or Have games that are mostly minors, with some older players to keep an eye and to engage in some fun skrims.

i prefer the first way, but that is another option.

That is my input on this thread, with a couple of solutions, thank you for reading

Your not the only one. Now yes there are f*&king tards out there that do anything with their Airsoft gun and, yes the majority of minors don't know how to handle a firearm of any kind. But, there are also minors out there that read up on firearm laws before they bought their gun. There are also minors that saved up for their $650 rifle and, bought all their fathers Airsoft gear so that he can come on the field and play with you. Now I did both of the above stated things. I also have both of our rifles in my room in there boxes and, I'm responsible with them. I wear eye-pro, I don't even go in the backyard to shoot I shoot in my unfinished basement and, the last time I did that was six months ago when I got my scar. I guess that all I'm trying to say is that yes there are kids out there that make the rest of us look bad but, then there are kids like the ones that posted here that would never do anything to hurt the sport.

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