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Thoughts on gun and suggestions


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Old June 2nd, 2012, 16:01   #1
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Thoughts on gun and suggestions


I'm currently looking around for my first gun (yes, I'm getting age verified) and was wondering if any one had thoughts on this gun:

Velocity Arms M15a4 RIS - by Classic Army

I know everyone seems to agree that the King Arms M4 seems to be the best choice but I can't seem to be able to find a full metal one in stock online at a reasonable price (300-350$). Is it because the Nylon one is the one everyone refers to?

Thank you guys, I shall now go back to finding someone to age verify me in the Montreal/North Shore area.
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Old June 2nd, 2012, 16:17   #2
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Originally Posted by MonnoncMaxou View Post

I know everyone seems to agree that the King Arms M4 seems to be the best choice but I can't seem to be able to find a full metal one in stock online at a reasonable price (300-350$). Is it because the Nylon one is the one everyone refers to?

Thank you guys, I shall now go back to finding someone to age verify me in the Montreal/North Shore area.

Become age verifed and you can find one easily.
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eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old June 30th, 2012, 18:46   #3
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in case you havent checked toronto airsoft in awhile...

the KA M4 full metal is only 259.95...
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Old June 30th, 2012, 19:17   #4
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Stay away from CA sportline guns. They're crap.

Honestly, in the Canadian market today, there's zero reason to buy a gun with a clear receiver. They have ZERO advantage over metal guns. None.

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Old June 30th, 2012, 21:05   #5
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Thanks for the replies guys. I did buy the KA M4 about a month ago went it got to 240$. Solid buy.
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Old July 1st, 2012, 13:29   #6
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Stay away from CA sportline guns. They're crap.

Honestly, in the Canadian market today, there's zero reason to buy a gun with a clear receiver. They have ZERO advantage over metal guns. None.
to each their own, I tried out a friends CA M4 for a bit, worked great for me, it was tinted so you hardly noticed the clearness. but then again I have my eyes on something else as a starter (currently dont own a gun but has a general idea of the "good" and "bad" brands.

though I could see how CA would not be good for experienced members, but i found it good for a noob on a budget
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Old July 1st, 2012, 14:22   #7
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CA proline I can see a valid argument for/against but the CA Sportline.... All I'll say is that there's much more effective uses for your money. Hell I'd take a JG or CYMA over a CA Sportline any day.

Although I guess you could say that the sportlines are better than APS guns.
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Old July 1st, 2012, 14:24   #8
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Originally Posted by Broketoon View Post
to each their own, I tried out a friends CA M4 for a bit, worked great for me, it was tinted so you hardly noticed the clearness. but then again I have my eyes on something else as a starter (currently dont own a gun but has a general idea of the "good" and "bad" brands.

though I could see how CA would not be good for experienced members, but i found it good for a noob on a budget
When using 1 or 2 guns is your entire experience with airsoft, you're not exactly objective.

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Old July 16th, 2012, 22:05   #9
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
When using 1 or 2 guns is your entire experience with airsoft, you're not exactly objective.
well compared to his G3A3, there was no contest lol. And to be fair, I tried over 12 guns :P, only used 3 aside from target practice. But I do see your point :P
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Old July 17th, 2012, 10:03   #10
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you can always look at G&G or G&P
i run a G&P m4 mrp
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Old July 17th, 2012, 12:25   #11
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Wow, twelve whole guns? I think I've tried more than twelve versions of a VSR/Takedown sniper rifle, and I don't know how many M4 variants ......fifty maybe (and I'm being modest). If you want to learn about Airsoft guns, find a more prolific team or group of players. Basically guys who have played together a few years successfully, play on a regular basis, and are well known in the community. Basically, ask the experts.

If someone tells you to steer clear of something, it's because they are trying to save you pain and heartache. If a guy is not age verified he's either new, or too young to understand what he's telling you. If he has only been a member for a short time, he's "probably" a newb. If you are serious about getting into the sport, take advice from those qualified to give it. Believe it or not we are trying to help you. Wether you like the answer you get or not isn't relevant.

Common examples include but aren't limited to:

- "What's a good starter gun?" (Relevant advice is usually taken with a surprise due to cost or available models.). The truth is; if it's cheap, weak, clone, or not recommended by "experienced" airsofters, there's a 99.999% chance it will cause you problems. Most likely issues "will" occur in the long run. Years ago, when Airsoft guns were more expensive and more difficult to obtain, the same issues would occur. An individual would ask what gun to get as a starter, but already had a price in their head. back then, a decent Airsoft platform was $500-$700 a piece; even a used one. Players would go out and buy something worth $300 or $400 and have issues, or cry about it later. Nowadays, an individual can buy a decent starting platform for between $300-$500, and they are still looking to buy cheap crap. The short answer here is; if you can't afford it, wait till you can.

- "I want to be a sniper." (You are "not" going to be the Airsoft version of Mark Wahlberg, or Tom Berranger!). Sniping is by nature very boring. Those few guys you see out there whom assault snipe, and can "actually" be an assets to their team, have a tremendous amount of skill and experience. They understand that snipers aren't always needed. Trying to do this will get you dead ......a lot .......all the time. Your other alternative is to hide with a ghillie suit, and do it that way. If you move your dead, if you miss your dead; bottom-line. You'll be bored to tears, find out your gun is half as good or accurate as the ARs, and the outcause "will be" you selling your poor sniper rifle that no one wants because it turns out "sniping isn't your thing". Wow! Saw that coming ......AGAIN! Let me make this easy on you. So you want to be a sniper? Let's assume you have the experience and understanding to attempt it. First off, you'll need to buy a proper starting platform. That'll runn you about $700-$1500 to start. Now your going to need to buy a full compliment of high end upgrades to deck her out. After all, if it doesn't have better range and accuracy than your average $2500 professionally tuned AR, then what's the point? Those upgrades will run you between $600-$1200 depending on the gun you have. Now you have to find someone who knows what they are doing, to put it together and tune, grease, and seat everything for you. Congratulations, you now have a fairly BADASS sniper rifle that will need constant maintenance and parts to keep it running where it needs to be. Now here is where it gets tricky. You now have to purchase gear that will assist you in you endeavor, so there goes a load more cash. You'll need high end heavier weight BBs as well (they aren't cheap). Not to forget that your now subject to whole bunch of new rules like; minimum engagement distance. So you'll need a reliable secondary to defend yourself, with a few extra magazines. So that's about $300-$500 for the gun, and then $25-$50 per magazine (I won't even mention maintenance, gas, etc). Well; you made it. Your now ready to snipe. Oh wait, there's one more thing. In fact it's very important. Are you ready for this? .........You have to have the ability, skill, or affinity, to actually shoot this thing.

So it's "very" important, that you listen to those that know what they are talking about, and more important to avoid advice from those that don't. We all want you to succeed. But we've seen all this before.


Thank you
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Last edited by Ricochet; July 17th, 2012 at 12:51..
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Old July 17th, 2012, 14:55   #12
a.k.a. Greedy
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
- "I want to be a sniper." (You are "not" going to be the Airsoft version of Mark Wahlberg, or Tom Berranger!). Sniping is by nature very boring. Those few guys you see out there whom assault snipe, and can "actually" be an assets to their team, have a tremendous amount of skill and experience. They understand that snipers aren't always needed. Trying to do this will get you dead ......a lot .......all the time. Your other alternative is to hide with a ghillie suit, and do it that way. If you move your dead, if you miss your dead; bottom-line. You'll be bored to tears, find out your gun is half as good or accurate as the ARs, and the outcause "will be" you selling your poor sniper rifle that no one wants because it turns out "sniping isn't your thing". Wow! Saw that coming ......AGAIN! Let me make this easy on you. So you want to be a sniper? Let's assume you have the experience and understanding to attempt it. First off, you'll need to buy a proper starting platform. That'll runn you about $700-$1500 to start. Now your going to need to buy a full compliment of high end upgrades to deck her out. After all, if it doesn't have better range and accuracy than your average $2500 professionally tuned AR, then what's the point? Those upgrades will run you between $600-$1200 depending on the gun you have. Now you have to find someone who knows what they are doing, to put it together and tune, grease, and seat everything for you. Congratulations, you now have a fairly BADASS sniper rifle that will need constant maintenance and parts to keep it running where it needs to be. Now here is where it gets tricky. You now have to purchase gear that will assist you in you endeavor, so there goes a load more cash. You'll need high end heavier weight BBs as well (they aren't cheap). Not to forget that your now subject to whole bunch of new rules like; minimum engagement distance. So you'll need a reliable secondary to defend yourself, with a few extra magazines. So that's about $300-$500 for the gun, and then $25-$50 per magazine (I won't even mention maintenance, gas, etc). Well; you made it. Your now ready to snipe. Oh wait, there's one more thing. In fact it's very important. Are you ready for this? .........You have to have the ability, skill, or affinity, to actually shoot this thing.

@ OP: The King Arms is 10x the gun for around a quarter of extra in price. The first thing you'll want to do when you bring the VA M4 to a game is buy a metal receiver for it. This will cost you double the difference in price between the two guns and this doesn't get the the internals on par. It's a no brainer.
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Old July 17th, 2012, 15:15   #13
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I concur. I bought a KA m4a1 and it's pretty awesome. rock solid internals.
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Old July 17th, 2012, 15:17   #14
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Yes, the King Arms Colt M4 is a very good starter. I should have thrown that in there with my post. Thanks Kozzie.
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Old July 17th, 2012, 15:17   #15
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
You'll be bored to tears, find out your gun is half as good or accurate as the ARs

I subscribe to accuracy by numbers. I can hold the trigger down for a quick 2 second burst and hopefully one of those BB's hits my intended target. It doesn't actually have to be accurate, just be able to reach out and hit the player on the other side since a hit is a hit and you're dead either way. Doesn't matter if it's from a crappy tire springer, a sniper rifle, an AEG, or a tuned to the tits sniper rifle but if you want to increase your chances for a hit and are just comparing stock guns without upgrades just spray a bunch of BB's down range and hope one hits. Basically it boils down to assuming everything else equal, are you more likely to hit your target with 1 BB (from a sniper rifle) or with 10 BB's (from an AEG spraying for a second).
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