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Complete newb to airsoft questions


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Old July 18th, 2012, 13:53   #1
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Complete newb to airsoft questions

Hey, I just recently turned 18 and I'm really looking into airsoft, I want to play milsim games and I'm considering my first gun. But I do have some general questions.

1. Can I bring only a sidearm to a milsim/CQB match and still play?

2. For milsim, I have a tactical pistol vest/ammo pouches, mask, full outfit, boots and gloves. Do I need anything else gear wise?

3. Do electric airsoft rifles have blowback on their slides?

4. What gun would you recommend for a primary rifle for a complete newb?

5. On the events section there are paintball fields listed, can you play airsoft there or only paintball?

6. As far as gear, do I need to buy coms?

7. Would it be illegal for me to target practice in my back yard with my handgun?

8. When it comes to Milsim, do teams just form when they get to the field or do you need a team before you go?
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Old July 18th, 2012, 14:20   #2
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Welcome. This is possibly one of the nicest, succinct first posts from a newb I've seen so far this year. First, I'll get the obligatory "get age verified" disclaimer out of the way. See the following post:

Fill out your profile so others can suggest an AV'er in your area. (Note: this does not absolve you of actually contacting them yourself.)

1) For a CQB match, a pistol is sufficient. Don't be surprised, though, if you occasionally find you're up against CQB rifles. For a milsim, a pistol is insufficient - you will require a primary rifle or support weapon. Your pistol is your secondary.

2) Radio & hydration is mandatory. Flashlights & kill-lights for night play also. Emergency first-aid kit is optional but nice to have.

3) There are AEGs that have electric blowback - they suck for the most part. More moving parts increases the odds of something breaking in the gun.

4) M4 style rifle - lots of customization options available. Current choice for a first rifle is a Kings Arms M4 AEG.

5) Some paintball fields can be hired out for airsoft games, often hosted by established players. There are also a number of private fields that hosts games.

6) Comms are useful, even during skirmish games. They can help you determine hot spots, call for help, or execute maneuvers without giving your position away.

7) Depends on where you live. Outside of city limits, go nuts (away from public eyes). Inside city limits, most have non-discharge bylaws that prohibit shooting anything outdoors. In such a case, practice in your longest INDOOR space.

8) There are established teams, but most milsims also have a general sign-up - pick your side and the CO will organize the various individuals into units/elements. That is, being part of a team is NOT a requirement to attend a milsim.

Again, welcome. Have a pleasant stay.
The Three Sisters - WE G39 E/K/C
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Old July 18th, 2012, 14:25   #3
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Welcome to airsoft. I would HIGHLY recommend you to get AV'ed first so you can start looking in the classified for the look of gun you like.

1. Yes you could but you would be highly at disavantage vs full auto

2. Maybe somekind of hydration device ( camelback or something else)

3. Blowback AEG exist if im not mistaken but its something more that can break.

4. The best bang for the buck right now is the King Arm M4, but almost every gun is good for starting, jsut depend on what you like.

5. Depends on the field.

6. For milsim its a mandatory , for skrim a bit less

7. In most town yes, just check with your local authorities

8. You can come has a solo but you'll probly get squaded with other solo.

Feel free to ask questions and if someone want to add go ahead.

edit: slink got faster but we pretty much say the same
''I will support my team, with superior accurate suppressive fire, and make a lot of noise doing it!
SAW operator moto ''

Last edited by Juic3; July 18th, 2012 at 14:27.. Reason: damn you slink !
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Old July 18th, 2012, 14:52   #4
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Thanks guys! I'm definately gunna fill out my profile and get AV'd.

As far as the target practicing, I live just outside downtown Toronto.

Also, for the M4, do you think TorontoAirsoft would have it? I'm also considering this for my pistol --> WE lightened Hi-Capa 5.1 K1-version
Do you think that would be decent?

For the gear, there is an military surplus store that sells all kinds of used vests, holsters, and gear in general. Would a pistol holster for a 1911 work for a 1911 modeled gun? As far as ammo pouches, would the magazines fit in a pouch made for a real gun?

Also, as far as buying things, how many extra magazines/clips do you think I should get to be comfortable in a match?

With the hydration, this may be a really dumb question but, would you recommend Gatorade, Vitamin water, energy drinks, or just plain water? <--- Lol such a dumb question

Last edited by Costane; July 18th, 2012 at 15:16.. Reason: Removed retailer links
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Old July 18th, 2012, 15:07   #5
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As far as the pistol choice goes - i don't know much about it to offer an opinion. Your listed retailer does have the King Arms M4A1 'full metal', yes.

I'd suggest removing the retailer link in your post - generally linking to retailers for guns outside of the restricted guns discussion sub-forum is frowned upon - it's an AV thing.

Airsoft weapons generally are scaled 1:1 with the real deal (ie if they are a counterpart to the real deal) so magazine pouches, holsters generally will work the same.. some variations in weaponry features like under-barrel 20mm rails may cause fitment issues on occasion, however.

If you have a rifle for a primary weapon, and are using the pistol as a back-up, then treat it as such - 2-3 magazines should be sufficient for carrying on person. More magazines as necessary, if you are relying on it in more CQBish situations. I get by with 2 magazines in the outdoor field environment that i'm used to, so far.

When they are referring to hydration - pick your own poison. They are referring more to the method of carrying liquids - the more common method is usually by a 2.5 litre bladder carried on person in a 'camel-back' or backpack attached to your webbing or chest-rig. Hydration when playing is one of the more important aspects of playing - if you are running dry, it's like running without ammo.. you are pretty much useless to yourself and others, dehydrated.
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Old July 18th, 2012, 15:21   #6
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Originally Posted by Costane View Post
With the hydration, this may be a really dumb question but, would you recommend Gatorade, Vitamin water, energy drinks, or just plain water? <--- Lol such a dumb question
A hydration carry system would be like a CamelBack, Condor or Source Hydration system. Other systems includes nalgene bottles and belt/over the shoulder canteens.

Water is the primary choice. Gatorade should be avoided - it can really mess up your digestive tract with extended use. Same with vitamin water (contains vitamins, but not much more). Most energy drinks may provide an energy boost, but they are diuretics and will dehydrate you.

Water and electrolytes. Electrolytes can be from salt tablets (bleh), jerky, trail mix, tactical sandwich, or electrolytic tablets - keeps muscle cramps/fatigue at bay.
The Three Sisters - WE G39 E/K/C
Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
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Old July 18th, 2012, 15:22   #7
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I removed the retailer link. Thanks for the tip!

Thanks for the info about the gear, I think I'll bring my pouch/holster to the store and just see if they fit before I buy.

In the case of having a rifle, would you recommend more magazines for it? I was thinking 2-3 extra pistol mags, and maybe, 4-5 rifle mags. (Not including the racked mag)

Also, a 2.5L camel pack would be really heavy wouldn't it? I think I'd go for flavored water. They have electrolytes added and they taste okay. But I don't really know the long time use of it, if it would make me sick or something.

Last edited by Costane; July 18th, 2012 at 15:24..
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Old July 18th, 2012, 15:26   #8
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The best advice I can give for magazines is see how many you need before you buy. I have 2 pistol mags and carry 3 140 round mags for my primary. I'm never alive long enough to need all that! You can always carry a speedloader as well and load up on the field
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Old July 18th, 2012, 15:28   #9
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I would start with 1 spare pistol mag, unless that's ALL you're running for the near term. You can always add more later.

The number of rifle mags will depend on their capacity. If running mid-caps (80-160 rds each), 4-5 would be enough. If running low/real caps (20-50 rds each), probably more.

In milsims, typical primary loadout is 300 rds.

And really, stay away from the Gatorade, and don't add it into the Camelback - it's a pain to clean out, and it tastes like crap when warm.
The Three Sisters - WE G39 E/K/C
Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
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Old July 18th, 2012, 15:33   #10
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Thank you guys for being so welcoming and friendly! With the King Arms M4A1, I kind of like the nylon body more than the full metal. Would I be able to change the rail system and stock on the metal body? I'm also quite intrested in the King Arms AK47 fixed stock....Mmmmm...AK...
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Old July 18th, 2012, 16:02   #11
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Originally Posted by Costane View Post
I removed the retailer link. Thanks for the tip!

Thanks for the info about the gear, I think I'll bring my pouch/holster to the store and just see if they fit before I buy.

In the case of having a rifle, would you recommend more magazines for it? I was thinking 2-3 extra pistol mags, and maybe, 4-5 rifle mags. (Not including the racked mag)

Also, a 2.5L camel pack would be really heavy wouldn't it? I think I'd go for flavored water. They have electrolytes added and they taste okay. But I don't really know the long time use of it, if it would make me sick or something.
For my M4, I generally run 6 120rnd mid-caps. Never have used all of them in one go. Your ammo loadout really depends on the type and duration of games that you are attending.

A 2.5 litre camel pack isn't heavy at all. As far as flavored water goes, i usually just mix up a dilute mix of canned fruit punch from the grocers and freeze it before the game. Not too sticky diluted, and cleans out pretty easily afterwards.

Originally Posted by Costane View Post
Thank you guys for being so welcoming and friendly! With the King Arms M4A1, I kind of like the nylon body more than the full metal. Would I be able to change the rail system and stock on the metal body? I'm also quite intrested in the King Arms AK47 fixed stock....Mmmmm...AK...
Full metal M4A1 is the way to go. Fully compatible with add-ons, and is generally more durable.

Last edited by HackD; July 18th, 2012 at 16:05..
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Old July 18th, 2012, 16:15   #12
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if you're playing indoors, it's not so much a requirement to carry 2L of liquids on you at any given time... if you're playing a longer milsim game outdoors, you don't know when you'll visit a safe area next to refill... so having 2L on your back is a good thing.

Not to mention, just cause it can carry 2L doesn't mean you need to fill it with 2L. I usually carry anywhere from 1-2L of normal water in the bladder, and a 500ml bottle of some flavored electrolyte beverage in a pouch on my vest. Nothing beats regular water. Gatorade et all have tons of sugar you don't need in 2L of fluid.

My record of fluids consumed in a 24h game was 6L of water and 2L of gatorade. that was a scorcher.

btw... there are 4 main electrolytes your body needs. normal gatorade only has 1 of them, poweraide has 2 and only in marginal amounts. As a true electrolye supplement, commercial sports drinks are very bad in doing what they're advertised to do.

Last edited by lurkingknight; July 18th, 2012 at 16:21..
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Old July 18th, 2012, 16:21   #13
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Well, lately it has been kinda insane with the heat around here, I think it would be terrible to be in full combat gear in weather like this without a water pack lol.
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Old July 18th, 2012, 16:26   #14
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Originally Posted by Costane View Post
Well, lately it has been kinda insane with the heat around here, I think it would be terrible to be in full combat gear in weather like this without a water pack lol.
Even with the water pack - you've got to be in some fine damn shape to be able to tolerate this heat, all geared up. I'm not in great shape, for a variety of medical reasons, so it's more torture than fun when the heat index starts slipping up above 27 degrees or so. With the water pack - all you are doing is trying to keep up with what you are sweating off - I literally don't need to take a pee, for ~8 hrs, on a game day in this heat.

This year at least, Airsoft (for me) is turning into a spring and fall thing, skipping this scorcher of a summer for the comforts of an A/C inside.
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Old July 18th, 2012, 16:31   #15
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Huh, I'm really looking at this M4, I really really don't like the front rail system, seems like it would be hard to mount any grips or tac lights on it. It also seems rather small, but that could just be from the pictures.
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