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How to paint your helmet


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Old July 15th, 2012, 21:37   #1
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How to paint your helmet

So I finally got a helmet from Airsoft Park. It was a FMA Fast helmet in FG. Didn't feel like paying almost $90 for an Emmerson. I figured if the FMA sucked, I would just spring for a real steel(or carbon) FAST carbon helmet.

Anyhow, Since my team runs with woodland camo, I decided I wanted to paint mine in a US woodland pattern.

Here is the helmet as I got it:

Onto the actual paint job itself. First of all, I took out the retention system and washed the helmet with dish detergent. This will remove any mold release agent left over during the injection molding process.

With the woodland pattern, I noticed that the green and brown were overlapped by the tan and black. the tan was overlapped by the black and nothing overlapped the black. So I cut the shapes for the tan sections out of regular paper.

I removed the rails on the side (this is my personal preference) and I pulled a fishnet stocking over the whole helmet. (buying the stockings definitely got me some weird looks at the line up in walmart). Personally, if you can get it at the dollar store, buy it there. I was just in a rush and didn't want to go to a dollar store since I work near a Walmart. ANYWAYs... i then put the paper patches under the fishnet to hold them down since they will be the mask for the tan spots and will be painted over twice (brown and then green)

I then sprayed Krylon's camo Brown over the entire helmet

I cut large shapes for the green sections

I used them as masks for painting then green sections on the helmet on top of the brown. At this point, I also reattached the rails. (I didn't want the fishnet pattern to be on the rails.) I had also masked them off and painted them brown before painting the green sections over the helmet with the rails.

I let everything dry for a few hours and then I took the fishnet and the mask for the tan sections off and then put on another pair of lace stockings. I picked this one because the pattern was random and leaf-like. This time I put it over the rails as well

I lightly dusted the whole helmet with green again since I wanted the helmet to have more of a green look to it. This also added a bit of subtle texture to the tan sections.

Oddly enough, I didn't take pictures of the black masks I had cut out but the overall shape is thinner than the green sections. Very similar in size if not a bit smaller than the tan sections. I airbrushed the black on so I could have a bit of finer control.

After everything is dry, I took the fishnet off and the rails and I sprayed Krylon Matte finish on the helmet and rails separately. I must have put at least 5 coats on. I dunno how well it will hold up but fingers crossed.

So here is the final product!

And in case for all the people wondering, my head measures at 61-62cm around (I know.. big ass head) and this fits just fine. I did have to use the thinner set of pads though.
Imagine Whirled Peas
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Old July 21st, 2012, 12:49   #2
ShadowNet's Avatar
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Wow, that looks beautifully done. Nice work!
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Old July 21st, 2012, 12:51   #3
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man ,amazing work and great tutorial!
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Old July 21st, 2012, 13:27   #4
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You make me wanna buy a helmet!

Just goes to show, people with brain damage are the real heroes.
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Old July 21st, 2012, 20:39   #5
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You should totally get a helmet! It's so much more tactikewl.
Imagine Whirled Peas
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Old July 21st, 2012, 21:32   #6
ceazer's Avatar
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awesome job the helmet looks way different now
Guardians of Asgard
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Old July 21st, 2012, 21:51   #7
A Total Bastard
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Wow! Well done dude, I am not a helmet guy despite the group I hang around with (c3sk, Milan), but damn, that is one helmet I would love to own! Kudos on the old school US Woodland!
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