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Rebuilding a GBB pistol mag *solved*


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Old July 21st, 2012, 02:38   #1
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Location: Shawinigan, QC
Rebuilding a GBB pistol mag *solved*

Hi everyone.

This is a very basic problem, but I still thought I might get some help by asking here.

I have disassembled 2 leaky GBB mags in an attempt to fix them. My problem is when putting them together. I cannot insert the "Pins" all the way, they get stuck on the "other side" of the mag body.

(picture so you guys can understand better).

I've been trying for at least an hour, even banging the damn thing with an hammer, and the pins wont go in any further.
Have anyone had to deal with this? Somebody got a tip to share to re-assemble GBB mags?

Thank you.

Last edited by JuicyFruits; August 3rd, 2012 at 17:46..
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Old July 21st, 2012, 03:45   #2
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1) Put pressure on the "green" part while pressing the pin through.

2) Put a pin through the opposite side to locate the holes, put a second pin through and as you push it in you'll knock out the first one.

3) Make sure the pins don't have a particular orientation or a knurled end.
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Old July 21st, 2012, 07:15   #3
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
1) Put pressure on the "green" part while pressing the pin through.

2) Put a pin through the opposite side to locate the holes, put a second pin through and as you push it in you'll knock out the first one.

3) Make sure the pins don't have a particular orientation or a knurled end.
#2 use a precision screwdriver or allen key to assist in alignment

Sometimes I use a small hammer and tap the floor plate as I put downward pressure on the pin

One thing I had happen many times, if you have created the perfect seal, press the flow/hammer valve and release any trapped air. Just the act of putting the plate back on can create enough pressure to fight against you when trying to seat.

Last thing I do, with the pins partly installed/inserted, stand the mag on a table and press down with all your weight while tapping the pins with a small hammer. Rock the mag from one side to the other to force the opposite side to seat.

Edit: do not hammer away forcing the pins. You can damage the opposite side wall if it's slightly out of alignment. This can negate the seal job you did if you warp it too much.

Last edited by coach; July 21st, 2012 at 07:17..
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Old July 22nd, 2012, 01:42   #4
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This is getting very frustrating. There must be something I'm doing wrong.

I'll ask someone for help (maybe he can hammer the pins while I hold the bottom + body together ), because I need 2 hands to put enough pressure to align the holes properly.

I'll update this in a few days hopefully :P
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Old July 22nd, 2012, 01:53   #5
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Don't "hammer" the pins.

Get a clamp or workmate to hold the mag but you really only need to tap the pins in and out. Any more and you'll wreck a pin or the mag itself.
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Old July 23rd, 2012, 12:09   #6
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Absolutely this...

Originally Posted by Danke View Post
1) Put pressure on the "green" part while pressing the pin through.

2) Put a pin through the opposite side to locate the holes, put a second pin through and as you push it in you'll knock out the first one.

3) Make sure the pins don't have a particular orientation or a knurled end.

Works for me, tap in one side and then tap in the other and they will align slowly, and if you have to apply a bit of pressure to squeeze them together, and make sure you don't have too much "gunk"/sealer in there. You can't compress that.

You can tap the one pin in on one side and leave it out, flip it over and use a roll of tape to prop up the mag and tap the other pin in from the opposite side.
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Old July 23rd, 2012, 16:29   #7
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
1) Put pressure on the "green" part while pressing the pin through.

2) Put a pin through the opposite side to locate the holes, put a second pin through and as you push it in you'll knock out the first one.

3) Make sure the pins don't have a particular orientation or a knurled end.
I use the same process. Works like a charm.
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Old August 3rd, 2012, 17:39   #8
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Hi everyone, thought I'd update this thread with what I did.

I tried everything and STILL could not completely align the holes to fit the pins properly. The mags were leaking all over the place (obviously). So I gave up, went to canadian tire and bought blue gasket maker.

I generously applied the blue gunk everywhere, closed the mags and tried my best to insert the pins. They are still not completely aligned but the gasket maker is at least preventing any leaks.

Repaired 2 mags this way! They should hopefully hold for a while.
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Old August 3rd, 2012, 17:47   #9
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Depending on the gun, if the pins aren't all the way in the mag might not fit in the gun, or it will cause damage every time you insert it.

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Old August 3rd, 2012, 17:55   #10
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Yeah I was worried about that too.

The pins aren't sticking out a lot, just a little bit. Because of that, those 2 mags fit "tightly" inside the mag well. However I dont have to use any force to insert them (its is only a very small amount of resistance) so I figure it's all good.

I'll keep a close eye on the inside of the mag well for any sign of potential damage / wear.
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