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Old June 28th, 2011, 22:08   #16
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I understand where you came from;

Not wanting to accept a return for whatever the reason, if the item is in good condition, is a really bad business practice.

About the discount thing, I don't see a big negative point here, as it's up to him. Then again, maybe he could have shown more respect though.

Concerning the ordering of items: this is kind of a grey area to me about customer service. You own a shop that doesn't do a shitload of business, margins on hi-priced items is low. You don't want to stock a lot of them but still want to offer good choices to your customers, so you list them on your website for them to order. If a customer wants item "x" he order it on the website, thus pay for it, then you do whatever is needed to have it shipped to him, everybody is happy. When customer wants you to order item "y" before actually paying for it, for him, you have choice to make obviously: you either do it, and thrust the customer to buy the item, accepting the risk of staying stuck with the item inducing loss of profits if he change his mind, or you just don't do it and ask the customer to oay upfront.

I'm pretty sure this is what hapened, or something close to this; now, who's at fault? The customer for asking the seller to buy an item and then pay for it? Or the seller for refusing to do so because he don't want to risk loosing money in the end, considering he might not be getting any request for that item in a potetially long time?

Personally I think both are in their rights. But in a situation like this, if the customer gets a no, I think he should just understand it's not a store policy to do so and go shop elsewhere for this item. As for the seller, he has some kind of "obligation" to refuse the request respectfully or offer some alternative, at least that's what every customer would expect.

Now if the problem is one of attitude, that's a different matter than being a crook or anything...

My 2cents from that story, it probably don't account for everything and I surely can't claim fully understanding the issue, but take what you will!
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old July 1st, 2011, 14:22   #17
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Longueuil,Quebec
Let's take it easy !!!

I am confused! You guys are going hardcore on the poor guy!!! Were else can you find Airsoft stuff at your local shop right around the corner??? Come on guys give him a break!!! It is a tough business to be in? Lots of legal, custom and laws around the sport! You try getting AEG's imported and give top notch service!!!
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Old July 1st, 2011, 18:21   #18
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I went there and spoke to him directly. He was very nice, relaxed and worth talking to. I order some things not too long ago, and he has kept me up to date on the status of my order. I haven't gotten a tracking # yet, but I expect to some time this weekend. It's nice to have a real shop not too far from home. And if there is ever a problem, I can go see him, which is convenient as heck. I'll update when my order is delivered.
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Old July 1st, 2011, 20:19   #19
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I ordered an ARES G36c from them on june 9th, and while I haven't received it yet (despite being told it'd take 2 weeks - I guess I can't put the blame on them for the gun being stuck at the border on top of the Canada Post situation and besides, he did warn me about it), I'm fairly satisfied with the way things have been handled. They didn't give me any update after the 2 weeks were up, but they answered within 1 hour on the two occasions where I emailed them about it, and for the past few days have been updating me on what's going on.

Martin was quite nice when I went to his shop to place the order and seemed very honest as far as giving advice goes. Admittedly, I am not too surprised he might have an attitude with some customers, as, despite being nice with me and my friend, he did strike me as a fairly blunt person.

I do look forward to doing some more business with them in the future. Hopefully I can get my hands on my G36c soon enough though
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Old December 19th, 2012, 12:52   #20
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I just ordered from Airsoft QC 4 days ago (Friday). I ordered a KWA MP7 GBB, a can of Green Gaz and a Silencer for the MP7. Before ordering, i sent an email to him to know if he has these items in stock. He told me i would have the MP7 and the can of green gaz on thursday, and the silencer about 7-10 days. Then after, i send him and email to know if there was a difference between standard free shipping and expedited shipping (which cost 10$). No answer. So i decided to choose the expedited option, and it cost me 10$ supp. Today, i sent him another email to know why my order status was ''Being Processed'' for about 4 days long. He called me now about 10 minutes ago, telling me that he send me 3 or 4 email to tell me i was going to have my gun an green gaz on thursday, now maybe on friday because of the bad weather, and my silencer 7-10 days. He told me that i was very annoying with my email, and asked me if i wanted to be reimbursed. All this with a bad attitude. I told him after that i just wanted to know if there was a difference between expedited and standard shipping because i paid for faster shipping, and he said that there was not really a difference. After i said i was just wondering why it was so long to precess my order, expecting the status of my order would be updated to ''shipped''. But it's now 4 days ago and it's not shipped yet.

Personally, i didnt liked his attitude and his way to tell things. No, i'm not that little boy who is offended, but in term of professional service, and customer service .. he don't have the right attitude with us. I see on this thread i'm not the first who experienced that kind of situation with him. He offer good product at a resonable price, but his personnal service is completely poor.


30 minutes after he called me, he cancelled my order and reimbursed me by paypal. He cancelled my order without asking me !! So i called him to know why, and he told me i has been bad, he told me i was going to buy from another shop because he wont accept any futur order from me. And then he closed the phone before i was able to tell a single word.

I never saw that from a store owner of my entire life !! Now im forced to find my mp7 and the silencer from another shop. But the freaking silencer is out of stock everywhere in Canadian shop
I stepped on a Cornflake, and now I am a

- KWC 1911 Governor
- G&G M14 EBR Top Tech
- Ares Upgraded G36C SOLD
- WE Tech P226 SOLD
- WE Tech HK416 Closed Bolt SOLD

Last edited by ramdipam; December 19th, 2012 at 17:41..
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Old December 19th, 2012, 15:40   #21
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Well, that's a lot of emails... You could have just called... Once... Did you pay by cc or paypal?? Paypal takes longer to process... It is 4 days... But then again, i can understand your frustrations... Hope it works out!!
* This message has been approved by Barbie

I dont have a team, i have an open relationship with many... Jealous? Yep! I tought so..

Originally Posted by Themis View Post
Now if you excuse me, I have to go put on my spacesuit to attend my "And much more" training session.
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Old December 19th, 2012, 15:41   #22
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Oh!! And please dont consider Caspian testimony, he is not banned cause we just did not like him...
* This message has been approved by Barbie

I dont have a team, i have an open relationship with many... Jealous? Yep! I tought so..

Originally Posted by Themis View Post
Now if you excuse me, I have to go put on my spacesuit to attend my "And much more" training session.
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Old December 19th, 2012, 16:18   #23
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Nevertheless, I concur with his findings.
I have no further desire to deal with Martin directly, either.
However, Kevin in the South Shore store is alright.

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Old December 19th, 2012, 16:24   #24
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Yeah, agreed: Caspian may be a total little fucktard, but airsoftQc is definitely on the "To Be Avoided" list.
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Old December 19th, 2012, 18:58   #25
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
airsoftQc is definitely on the "To Be Avoided" list.
Why is that? Because of the attitude, or bad business practices?
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Old December 19th, 2012, 19:08   #26
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I bought my first airsoft pistol there. WE 5.1 Dragon. Service was nice and he told me how to to take care of it. My friend ordered a GBB MP5 from H&K i think and when we went to go pick it up i was going to buy a king arms speed loader for my pistol and he gave it to me for free. This was back in June 10th
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Old December 19th, 2012, 19:16   #27
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Originally Posted by Barbie View Post
Well, that's a lot of emails... You could have just called... Once...
They cut their phone line because quote ''they got tired of getting asked too many stupid questions'' so there you go, impossible to call their montreal store.

I learned this from someone I work with that switched from paintball to airsoft recently, he got really bad service there. The guy did'nt feel like answering his questions. He was so stoked by the guy's attitude that he went to another store.

He ended up at Airsoft Lanaudière and had a lot better service and bought an AEG with 10 magazines.

So there you go, you lost one right there Airsoft QC. You should really revise your store policies in mtl.

I know a new player now because I heard him bitching about it in the break room

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Old December 19th, 2012, 20:17   #28
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Originally Posted by Metalsynth View Post
They cut their phone line because quote ''they got tired of getting asked too many stupid questions'' so there you go, impossible to call their montreal store.

I learned this from someone I work with that switched from paintball to airsoft recently, he got really bad service there. The guy did'nt feel like answering his questions. He was so stoked by the guy's attitude that he went to another store.

He ended up at Airsoft Lanaudière and had a lot better service and bought an AEG with 10 magazines.

So there you go, you lost one right there Airsoft QC. You should really revise your store policies in mtl.

I know a new player now because I heard him bitching about it in the break room
They should revise being in business. Period. I fired employees for less. And I experienced first hand the cold shoulder treatment at the St-Hubert store.

Coming from someone who did not know what he was talking about, I took my business elsewhere.
Originally Posted by 5kull View Post
Aegiis ?* raison
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Old December 19th, 2012, 20:21   #29
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Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
Why is that? Because of the attitude, or bad business practices?
Both. I'd say 70% Attitude and 30% Bad business practices, but I definitely recall some complaints/horror stories.
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Old December 20th, 2012, 00:23   #30
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Went there to check out the store when I first started airsoft.
He seemed very annoyed answering my questions and when I asked if he have any pistols that does not have that clear receiver.

He answer was "why? Do you plan to rob a bank with it?" At first I took it like a joke but then realized that he wasn't. He says I won't sell full metal guns to people I don't know and since I don't know you I won't do business with you.

I though it was just me but I'm
Glad that others are complaining also with his stink attitude.

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