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how serious?



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Old February 2nd, 2013, 14:29   #46
M.Garcia's Avatar
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Originally Posted by unknownvariable View Post
Is that not in and of itself a judgement?

One of the great freedoms we have as Canadians is choice and I choose to judge/question everyone. I also choose to judge myself more harshly. Also, as a Canadian I choose to keep these judgements largely to myself. Reasonably, if someone asks for my opinion I am also free to share.

The greatest thing about the above is now you may judge me. Whether you share it and how you choose to do so, well that is up to you.

Let's not kid ourselves. We make judgements every day (look up the definition). To not make a stand or you internalize everything seems rather disingenuous. To not question people and what drives them, their motives deprives you of an essential tool to maneuver through society and deal with individuals.
I was not saying "I" as in me, it is referring to "I" as in thyself, the reader.

You are certainly entitled to your way of life and your opinion unknown.
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Old February 2nd, 2013, 19:12   #47
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I first started playing airsoft around 2006 - a co-worker got me into it. i borrowed googles and guns from him, wore white pants+ hoodies, and bright ass red mechanic gloves. we played day skirmishes. it was fun. didn't really care much of the "seriousness".

a couple years ago a bunch of us spent a good chunk of change to borrow a helicopter at a 24hr game.

and yes I wore a helmet & looked the shit

so watch out, you may one day try selling your kidneys for a tank or a bag of bbs or something.....

Originally Posted by boogiebot View Post
I am totally new to airsoft. as some of you may know I just recently purchased my first gun and some gear. a few of my friends and myself decided to give this a try. it looks like a fun weekend thing to do and gives a bit of a break from family and kids.

As I dig deeper into the sport I am starting to realize that some people take this pretty serious. From what kind of gear to wear (is this what a specific force would wear), to running drills with their teams. Since I have not had a chance to really play or be involved with the sport for long I really could not tell you what kind of player I will end up being. My gut tells me that it will be more of a fun thing to just get out and blow some steam.

I am curious to hear from you guys how you play and how serious you take it.
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Old February 2nd, 2013, 22:31   #48
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As a side note no matter how serious you are pack your gear away for transport.

Don't be the guys in the ashamed thread wandering around all rigged out (or the truckload guys who got to taste pavement on the way to a game).
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old February 2nd, 2013, 22:52   #49
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Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING View Post
Considering I'm a constable for peel region police, it's not really dress up for me.
I would be embarsed if anyone I knew or if even my own parents saw me dressed up with extra fake gear, I.e. helmet, blood type patches , dog tags, fake plastic drop night vishion monocular, military/swat zip tie hand restraints, even talking like there is a Charlie at you're 6, there flanking us go for broke I repeat go for broke.
You could have simply said one guy behind us. Or there flanking us do you're best.
I don't look at people different or judge, I simply won't do it and I'm a constable graduating soon.
I carry what I need, and use, I have a dummy knife, my first 2 games I had over 3 kills with it already and I still believe its a little silly.
This is my own opinion about myself, again I'm not bashing anyone's ways or style or even judging them.
If you see a white dodge dakota driving around brampton with a rusted left fender, say hi. A lot of you guys like to hang around in that church parking lot on torbram and sandlewood lolol
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Old February 2nd, 2013, 23:58   #50
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Originally Posted by SlowEddy View Post
I first started playing airsoft around 2006 - a co-worker got me into it. i borrowed googles and guns from him, wore white pants+ hoodies, and bright ass red mechanic gloves. we played day skirmishes. it was fun. didn't really care much of the "seriousness".

a couple years ago a bunch of us spent a good chunk of change to borrow a helicopter at a 24hr game.

and yes I wore a helmet & looked the shit

so watch out, you may one day try selling your kidneys for a tank or a bag of bbs or something.....

SlowEddy I have to say that looks pretty badass!!
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Old February 3rd, 2013, 01:17   #51
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I don't even bother with camo I wear a sweater and jeans (or just a T-shirt and jeans depends on the weather) when I play, and I'm usually on the insurgent team in mil-sim's so I don't have to dress up.

And for CQB I wear an paintball jersey and a pair of baggy jeans it's comfier and the jersey breaths alot better than a normal shirt, it's not like I need the ability to use a trauma plate.
Also in CQB I just use my pockets to hold my mags and outdoor I use a vest. Hell if my paintball pant's weren't over kill for airsoft I'd wear them.

For me it's a performance over aesthetics thing and I just move better in my paintball gear.
BTW it's Speedball gear if your wondering so it's made to stretch and breath.

But to each his own if someone wants to dress up I'm fine with it. we actually made my friend get a helmet (He falls to much doing stupid stuff last time a truck got stuck on a berm trying to help get him out off the field).
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Old February 3rd, 2013, 22:00   #52
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That's how I am going to view my upcoming games - Not taking it seriously and just trying t have fun.
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Old February 3rd, 2013, 23:17   #53
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I especially love playing with or against competitive people, but at the end of the day any kind of airsoft is fun for me.
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Old February 7th, 2013, 10:29   #54
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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We run real gear, but only what actually works or makes us more effective. We also use some real tactics and phonetics, but once again only enough to make us more effective. We've had a few people who have shown up to play without camo, or decent guns; they didn't have fun. We would never carry something like a phony night vision piece, but we will carry real steel. Better gear pushes the limits of the game, and makes it more competative. We don't use acting or role playing, to us it's a competitive, tactical, combat sport. If your trying to ambush or shoot your friends then high end guns, tactics, and gear is and will remain the most effective way to do that.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...

Last edited by Ricochet; February 7th, 2013 at 10:35..
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Old February 7th, 2013, 11:16   #55
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
We run real gear, but only what actually works or makes us more effective. We also use some real tactics and phonetics, but once again only enough to make us more effective. We've had a few people who have shown up to play without camo, or decent guns; they didn't have fun. We would never carry something like a phony night vision piece, but we will carry real steel. Better gear pushes the limits of the game, and makes it more competative. We don't use acting or role playing, to us it's a competitive, tactical, combat sport. If your trying to ambush or shoot your friends then high end guns, tactics, and gear is and will remain the most effective way to do that.
agreed but if your not a sore looser youll have just as much fun gettin yer butt kicked by the "uber 1337" tacticool guys as youll have when u actually put up a good welp organized fight and come out ahead of the other team, plus for the most part at skirms we just play use our respawsn secure or escort or whatever is the goal and then reset and go for the next objective or what have you no one really "keeps score" we just play have fun and at the end poke fun or boast to eachother like "hey remember when you wer behind that building and we/i got you from way over by that car, that was awesome" type stuff not "oh we kicked yer asses you guys suck" cause we all know that even the best, most seasond players become vitim to luck and chances taken by "noobs" and get our asses handed to us by the new guys when based on experiance and equipment we definately should have had an easy time of "beating" the other team.
and we learn from those things just like the new guys get beter with every outting.
again as i cant stress enough at the end of the day 90% of us are out to get active and have a fun time shooting our friends and aquaintences.
we are grown ass men (most of us) who like to play soldier on the weekend and its all in good fun.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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Old April 23rd, 2013, 04:03   #56
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Just don't show up to the transit dressed like some sort of PMC or CF soldier... 3-4 yerars ago woman and I saw a guy on green line of TTC dressed in PMC style outfit with his tacticool rig on, a photo ID card, all bells and whistles and a big duffle. I kind of figured out where he was going but people around were giving him more of a funny look She looked and said something like: "must be one of your types". (She hated ASC ) I just laughed it off, didn't say nothing... but he looked very cerial in that outfit Just like Al Gore
P.S Every time I go to downtown Toronto for Halloween I see guys walking around wearing CADPAT, sometimes even with LBV's/armor/helmets on
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Old April 23rd, 2013, 10:27   #57
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I mostly wear stuff that will either make me more efficient or keep me safe. But whenever I can, I do actually try to buy real steel or mil-spec gear because I do plan on owning the real steel version of the airsoft guns I own so it would just make it less expensive in the long run not having the buy everything twice. I do wear a helmet but mostly as a way to have camo on my head and a mounting point for my gopro or contour. My helmet doesn't have any velcro patches because they kind of take away from the woodland pattern I painstakingly painted on.
(btw, we play in wooded areas)
Imagine Whirled Peas
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Old April 23rd, 2013, 12:43   #58
Brian McIlmoyle
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This is usually how it shakes out.. New guy comes in .. says you are all too serious.. wearing all the gear and stuff.. "ill never do that" then he gets into the game a bit.. and sees that having the gear that is designed for the job ( even if it's for fun) helps in doing the job. and wearing jeans.. kinda sucks when they get wet.

The a switch goes of in his head.. and he turns into the biggest geardo you ever saw.. and next thing he knows he's selling his guitar and amp to buy NVG.
Brian McIlmoyle
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If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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Old April 23rd, 2013, 17:35   #59
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
This is usually how it shakes out.. New guy comes in .. says you are all too serious.. wearing all the gear and stuff.. "ill never do that" then he gets into the game a bit.. and sees that having the gear that is designed for the job ( even if it's for fun) helps in doing the job. and wearing jeans.. kinda sucks when they get wet.

The a switch goes of in his head.. and he turns into the biggest geardo you ever saw.. and next thing he knows he's selling his guitar and amp to buy NVG.

This Sunday we saw a younger player at Waterdown battlefield with Nike sneakers and track pants (muddy day!). He looked like he was having a great time. Guaranteed he'll get kitted out eventually.
"Mah check"

Now you know

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Old April 23rd, 2013, 18:16   #60
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Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING View Post
Also I just started airsoft, mabe I just need some getting used to. The helmet on the other hand.... Never.
I used helmet just to protect my head especially if am playing cqb indoor... i like to have fun, but going home with a bunch of hits on the head thats a no no for me.. i like to protect my important parts of my body (head/eyes/neck/balls) lol ..
It might be to big but atleast you wont be going home saying "wish i got a helmet". LoL
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