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Old August 3rd, 2005, 00:15   #76
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Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
And when all those little fucktard kiddies from Paintball that think "oh n03z k00l CS gunZZZ s0 r3ali5tic" come flooding in, what are we supposed to do?

Just a thought.
err... gabe, i just dont think thats gonna happen at $300-500/gun

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Old August 3rd, 2005, 01:48   #77
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Originally Posted by some_punk
REally BCAC has open houses with the police? this i got to see, when is it? i only played with op-for so i wont know about it.
some_punk - please READ what I wrote!

"This has even lead to discussions of having an "open house" where the local police and media would be invited out to view and partake in some skirmishing. So far this has just been in discussion within the club."
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 01:52   #78
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Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
And when all those little fucktard kiddies from Paintball that think "oh n03z k00l CS gunZZZ s0 r3ali5tic" come flooding in, what are we supposed to do?
Well one would hope that the airsoft club you belong to would use some discression when considering who your club skirmishes with or when accepting new members. I have no problem telling the fuck tards out there to bounce.
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 02:48   #79
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Well, that's not really what I was pointing at. Playing with them wasn't really what I had in mind...they're still going to have airsoft guns, and being the fucktards that they are...
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 12:21   #80
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Unfortunately this can be said for damn near anything and everything people do these days. Yes kids will be kids and kids will do dumb things without thinking of the consequences or the repercussions of their actions. Fact of life that we, the responsible airsofters, now have to deal with more and more.
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 14:43   #81
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Originally Posted by wolfman01
Word of mouth works but it is a slow way to build.Plus sweaping shit under the carpet is no way to hide from a growing problem.I played paintball for
16years and through positive advertising,even when thease lefties screamed
and marched to town hall to remove us war mongers they finally gave up.It took them 10 years but they gave up(sore lossers).Take airsoft down the same path and people will know it,and not fear it.After all if we expect to play our sport "in the shadows" on some corner of a paintball feild or private setting don't expect people not to look at us as a shady community.Anyhow I won't carry on.
Perhaps they gave up because paintball markers look nothing like real guns (unless you consider some teen tv scifi stuff being real :lol: ).
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 17:46   #82
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Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
And when all those little fucktard kiddies from Paintball that think "oh n03z k00l CS gunZZZ s0 r3ali5tic" come flooding in, what are we supposed to do?

Just a thought.
hmmm, airsofters bashing paintball users? Never thought I'd incur this :roll:
I thought there were morons on both sides of the line.
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 18:06   #83
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Er, that didn't quite sound as much like an anti-paintball comment as it sounded like an anti-fuckstick kid comment. Could have easily said 'Laser Tag' and it would have sounded the same.

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Old August 3rd, 2005, 18:29   #84
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Originally Posted by JanusDP
Er, that didn't quite sound as much like an anti-paintball comment as it sounded like an anti-fuckstick kid comment. Could have easily said 'Laser Tag' and it would have sounded the same.

I see, I just thought it was "those paintball morons". It's because of little fucksticks like those that have their parents buy them top of the line shit that I don't play paintball. :rrr:
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Old August 6th, 2005, 00:36   #85
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I play airsoft as much as anyone.And yes airsoft is a more realistic form of the game.Most paintballers that try it usely switch over.Most airsofters have played paintball...What ever.I suppose you thinking they the"fuck tards"(What ever)means that every paintballer isn't responsible.Most are.Anyway,I play both for the most part,mostly airsoft.I guess i have a open mind to things.I still think advertising the game is a great way to spread the word our way,not theirs.And we will always have stupid people that will screw shit up.So move past the negative shit and get on with the game.I think alot of airsofters blow the game out of perportion as to how"serious" it is.Ask everyone to use comomon sense and a gun case.If they don't boot them out call the cops on there shotty handling of the weapon and get back to the game.

No need for flaming anyone man.
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Old August 6th, 2005, 00:55   #86
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I don't think you see the point people are trying to make. Airsofter's don't care so much about what happens to said kid when he carry's an m4 around town. Its the negative attention that the WHOLE AIRSOFT community recieves for one stupid kid. Any negative feedback hurts the whole scene not just that kid.
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Old August 6th, 2005, 01:26   #87
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:smack: Yes I get it!I see the danger in the looks of thease guns,and how bad things can go if they are in the wrong hands.I think its pretty much common sense.So I try not to point out whats obvious.But people are finding thease guns.As a matter of fact many play airsoft where they shouldn't and no one knows who they are and what club they are in.But they have a gun and who the hell knows how they got one.Pisses me off too.But like i said before,show people the good side of airsoft.Afterall we are the side they never hear about because we are responsible airsofters.

And for what its worth,I wasn't suggesting recruiting paintballers.I could care less if they play.I was just pointing out that they over came the ential shock from the masses.When it first came out people thought we were out of our minds.Now its mainstream.I'm not suggesting we go mainstream but at least give people a clue.But I'm just showing a simalar path *is* being beaten down.

I respect that everyone who loves airsoft(myself included),wants to protect the sport.I'm with you all the way!But I think we sometimes are trying to prevent the worst from happening.To somehow control it.Control is a myth,
we need a form of damage control,what ever that may be?At the moment we chose to panic and post up with the idea thats its one more step to being banned ideas.I don't see anyone stepping up to the public and saying,Its just a fun game we love to play responsibly and they aren't handling it the way we promote.

I noticed that a few cities now have a place to go for "drifting"cars.The police were cracking down,and now its becoming a legitmet hobby.Far more dangerous than airsoft,but is now excepted when done in the proper location.Its just that easy as long as we work towards a higher goal for our sport.

Anyways...Just ideas
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Old August 7th, 2005, 05:05   #88
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Originally Posted by wolfman01

I noticed that a few cities now have a place to go for "drifting"cars.The police were cracking down,and now its becoming a legitmet hobby.Far more dangerous than airsoft,but is now excepted when done in the proper location.
Drifting has actually been around for many years in Japan,But accepting a driving style is a bit easier then accepting a replica gun of sorts.
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