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Systema to Release Mad Max Version PTW


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Old July 16th, 2012, 22:10   #1
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Systema to Release Mad Max Version PTW

Personally I don't see the point. I wish they would focus on making new guns instead of making another one even more pointless than the Supermax.

Read on

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Old July 19th, 2012, 12:02   #2
Death March
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There's some different stuff on this one,I would like to see more on the motor as it's STILL an on going issue.
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Old July 19th, 2012, 15:12   #3
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I rather purchase more FCC full gun than another stock Systema PTW, it seem that the newer the stuff that they come out with the more issue. really 600fps, 1400rpm? what's the use? why can't they mak etheir stuff more reliable? I'll pay for that.
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Old July 20th, 2012, 09:05   #4
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Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
I rather purchase more FCC full gun than another stock Systema PTW, it seem that the newer the stuff that they come out with the more issue. really 600fps, 1400rpm? what's the use? why can't they mak etheir stuff more reliable? I'll pay for that.
I agree FCC parts and Full builds well worth the money
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Old July 23rd, 2012, 20:16   #5
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Originally Posted by Karma_ View Post
Personally I don't see the point. I wish they would focus on making new guns instead of making another one even more pointless than the Supermax.

In innovation side it doesn't take much work to make a higher fps gun.
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Old July 23rd, 2012, 20:53   #6
The engrish is fucking epic tho.
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Old July 24th, 2012, 00:40   #7
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I interpreted the title of this thread completely wrong. I had visions of a post-apocalyptic M4 when I clicked that link.
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Old July 24th, 2012, 18:47   #8
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Must be strictly marketed towards training.

Maybe if Systema would quit changing their minds on what's next. I'm sure it'll be whatever the US military moves to after the M series rifle. They did poke the idea of a SCAR, or the Masada. I do however remember a release they had years ago, where they claimed that they did not support the use of their training platforms as Airsoft guns. So, as much as a new gun would be awesome, I don't think they are thinking of us whilst making those decisions.
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Old July 24th, 2012, 22:03   #9
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They did have a little survey on their facebook page about what they should make next. Systema would be foolish to ignore their airsoft base. I would think they have now realized the market share they get from airsofters.

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Old July 25th, 2012, 00:21   #10
a.k.a. Greedy
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I'd pay the hefty price tag on a Systema Ak
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Old July 29th, 2012, 10:03   #11
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Originally Posted by Kozzie View Post
I'd pay the hefty price tag on a Systema Ak
or the long rumored LMG (1996)
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Old August 23rd, 2012, 12:03   #12
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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For those that are curious about the differences, here is a synopsis. I will tell you however that the FPS rating "must" be wrong, as a M170 spring will put out more than 460 FPS.

Latest Systema PTW- The shocking Madmax.with extremely high muzzle velocity and rate of fire! 460++ FPS.

This time Systema is releasing into the market a product that was believed to be the domain of the physically impossible, let us introduce you the "MAD MAX".

Precision shooting requires a gentle parabolic orbit trajectory, a longer flight distance is achieved when the HOP combines with Power.

High power proves ones advancement in technology. Let us introduce the parts in the "Madmax'
-MAD MAX Exclusive M170 Spring
-MAD MAX Exclusive O-Ring for Stainless Cylinder
-MAD MAX Exclusive Cylinder Grease for bettering air seal and heat proof
-MAD MAX Exclusive Gear Box ・Planetary Gear box with "sun gear"
-MAD MAX Exclusive 7512 Type Motor
(as well as the 7512 Type Motor exclusive Grip)
-Mad Max Exclusive Lithium Polymer 14.8V / 1400mAh 25C lipo
The material for the spring used in our P.T.W. which is the SAE9254 was specifically developed for the valve spring, and is the most reliable material for the use of AEG For our MAD MAX, we conditioned the surface of the spring with our double shot-peening process to ensure an even stronger wear resistant product.

Lubrication in the Cylinder is an important problem in order to maximize muzzle velocity. Generally, Fluorine based grease is used, however there are various things that are unknown regarding this product. Systema sells the Cylinder grease to the general public, they formulated the grease with a little higher viscosity to be used in various types of cylinders. However, for the MAD MAX series Systema created special low viscosity grease exclusively for this product. There may be customers who think that ?all grease is the same?, however that is not the case.

MAD MAX Exclusive Gear Box
Contrary to the compact appearance, the extremely durable and high performance of the P.T.W. Planetary Gear Box has been re tuned for the MAD MAX. The spring used in the MAD MAX is an unprecedented in terms of load.
Mad Max Exclusive Lithium Polymer 14.8V / 1400mAh 25C Battery The Mad Max exclusive 7512 type motor is superior in startup torque, however is slightly lacking in the number of revolutions in comparison to the 7511 type motor.

Systema developed a new battery that dramatically increases the voltage thus supplementing the number of revolutions.

This battery will be able to comfortably go through one full magazine with Full Auto firing without any worries.

There are many users already familiar with the benefits of using LiPo batteries; such as it light weight, non-self discharging properties, no memory effects, usability in recommended chargers, and so on. The feeling of shooting using this battery will leave you shocked and speechless.

The trigger response to the P.T.W. in Semi-Auto mode already has a very crisp reaction speed; however in regards to the MAD MAX, Systema highly recommend experiencing the sensation of firing in burst patterns in Full Auto mode.

During the test Systema found that; with a fully charged battery 400 rounds of intermittent firing will produce no lag.

With the MAD MAX surpassing the SUPER MAX?s (24 rounds per second) overall speed using the M170 spring, it truly deserves the name "MAD"

Note: The fps quoted is for reference only, actual results might vary according to individual products.
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Old August 23rd, 2012, 13:15   #13
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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I'm really surprised their MP5 didn't take off, as it's a pretty popular first world law enforcement weapon.
But then, look at the price of 9mm with a government agency discount.... You can buy a lot of ammo for the cost of a TW5

The next best option might be the UMP, but even then police agencies typically only buy the UMP in .45 to supplement the MP5....

You could buy an arsenal of AK's and a lifetime supply of ammo for the cost of an AK PTW, and if you're using an AK, chances are it would be beneficial to the rest of the world if you did not receive any training....

The HK416 trains like an M4
The 468 and IAR (colt or the 416 doesn't matter) both train like M4s
Maybe the G36 actually, it's current service, widespread use, used by police in various countries, very popular.

I'd say it's either the G36 or they get into making GBB pistols lol
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Old August 23rd, 2012, 17:09   #14
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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If you understand their M/O, you'd know they'll never make an AK, unless the US, Canada, and/or Britain adopted it as primary weapon. That however; will never happen just on the fact it's a Russian weapon. That and although it gas it's charms, it's really a fairly useless gun. It really is only popular for it's pop culture, and in third world countries because they are cheap. A few countries have designed some decent variants out of it though; such as the Israelis.

The most likely gun you'll see from Systema is the ACR Masada. That is if it's "issues" get worked out, and it's adopted as a replacement for the M series. They had talked for years about making a Scar until the US dropped it. That's why I think they've waited do long to make another weapon. They seem to be interested in whatever the US army is using. So, some realistic possibilities would be; the ACR Masada, the Scar H/L, and the XM-8. You have to remember that they don't go out of their way to go after airsoft markets.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old June 23rd, 2013, 10:39   #15
Join Date: Jun 2013

Hello guys,

I'm a newbie here and I want to get some advice from you more experienced guys...

I have a SYSTEMA PTW M4A1 2008 version, the Smart Electrical Control Unit is damaged as far as I can see and I want you to tell me if you know something about it two things:

- Where I can get in general this replacement (Online) part and the rest of replacement parts for this model in order make an overhauling of it.

- Can I make an upgrade of this model based on the assumption of that framework it's compatible with the the new ones models as PTS Max, and MAD MAX? Which parts I must replace for achieve that?

Thanks in advance for your support guys.

Take care

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