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Old June 30th, 2013, 01:50   #1
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Cardinal, ON
New to the country as an Airsoft player.

Hello Airsoft Canada! I'm a newcomer so call me JT. As an introduction... my family and I are moving fresh to Ontario in the Cardinal/ Spencerville region from New York so I have a few questions... I noticed a requirement for age verification on the website so I'm wondering if anyone really covers the Cardinal/ Cornwall/ St. Lawrence area or is nearby enough to do so without having to drive too much of a distance. I noticed one in Ottawa, but that's still a bit of a distance from where I'm going to be living.

I've been an active Airsoft player in the USA for some time now, so I'm joining this community with the move. I'm also wondering if there's anyone in the area around Cardinal/ Cornwall and that lot too so I can see about if there are any local suppliers and such, because depending on what may be in the immediate area, I might be seeing if there are any jobs for any airsoft stores and if not, seeing if I could open up my own, anyone know the area I'm talking about at all? I'm still figuring it out when I get to visit the house up there while waiting on my papers to come in so I can get my social numbers set up with the government and such.


P.S. If there is anyone in that area, I'd be more than happy to meet them once I've finished moving (or maybe even during my next visit to the new place.) I'm kind of moving to a place where I know no one and my only family up there right now is in Ottawa, which while it isn't too far, it's still a bit of a drive to see them.
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Old June 30th, 2013, 02:03   #2
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definitely look around and learn about canada and airsofting here, as in my opinion most other countries in the world consider canada to be a place where airsoft is illegal. if you are planning on bringing guns with you when you move, learn about local laws regarding airsoft.further to that if you are planning to be a retailer you must understand 2 things. 1> airsoft is a niche market where the community is small and tight and 2> canadian airsofters are the cheapest people in the world. competition is fierce among distributors and they are well known, unless you can find a new way to impress the people in the market, your gonna have a bad day.....
You're a Lion
You find yourself in the ocean,20 foot waves,Going up against a 800-pound tuna with his 20 or 30 friends?You lose that battle.You lose that battle 9 times out of 10.Well guess what? You’ve wandered into a school of tuna and we now have a taste of lion! We’ve communicated.Lion is good!
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Old June 30th, 2013, 03:01   #3
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Location: Cardinal, ON
I understand the legal factor, believe me, been doing more than a little bit of research on the laws involving airsoft, especially when it comes to Customs and border control. Though, I've actually been selling my current guns since they fall under the "questionable" category regarding the laws and more than a few of my friends have interest in starting up and getting more set up when it comes to Airsoft down here. I'm thinking it'd be much more preferable to be on the fully legal end by buying Canadian you see.

As for what's around, I've been looking and not much really comes up to be honest, which is why I decided to ask on here if anyone knew the local market. Online searching shows almost nothing unless it's all the way in Toronto or even father (I'm looking at you Alberta...)
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Old June 30th, 2013, 09:07   #4
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Just bite the bullet and go to an Ottawa verification event or game where an age verifier will be. Once you have that done, you'll get access to the Canadian classified here, as well as people willing to be a bit more loose-lipped about where to buy brand new airsoft guns in the country.

Besides, you can use that as an excuse to go play a game as well. I'm sure there are plenty of airsofters in the city willing to lend/rent you a gun for a game.
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Old June 30th, 2013, 09:13   #5
cranky old man
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welcome to OnTerrible!
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Old June 30th, 2013, 09:41   #6
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Cardinal, ON
Question, do age verifiers accept non-Canadian documentation? I only have US documents at the current time, working on getting my Citizenship papers (born with Citizenship through my mother as she was born North of the Toronto area) so I can then proceed to getting my social numbers and upon completing the move, residency and trading over my NY license for an Ontario one. Because during my next visit I might be able to set up an appointment for age verification, but I'd only have US documentation still.

EDIT: And thank you Hollywood. I look forward to it more than living here, believe me... When your city has the nickname "Hellmira" you know it's pretty bad.

Last edited by JT_Lord; June 30th, 2013 at 09:47.. Reason: Forgot part of the intended message.
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Old June 30th, 2013, 11:48   #7
Can't fix my own guns. Willing to fix yours.
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Convince ur parents to move to a better state if they wanna leave NY, dont come to Canada, we have no rights, we cant even legaly "own" anything, we have our posessions at her majesties graces...

Words to live by
Originally Posted by Kid View Post
The apartment I am in right now costs $100 a month.
My average spending on food per day is less than $4.
My airsoft spending in the last month and a half has totaled over $1400.
They're called priorities. Get yourself some.
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Old June 30th, 2013, 11:52   #8
Mr. inked
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im not aver but i think aslong as its a legit photo id u should be ok.....dont quote me on that tho
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Old June 30th, 2013, 12:01   #9
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Cardinal, ON
Convince ur parents to move to a better state if they wanna leave NY, dont come to Canada, we have no rights,
This isn't going to be a discussion of politics. Now, back to the original subject... Or next time I'll click that lovely little report button if this ventures off topic. I have my reasons for moving where we chose, you can keep your own thoughts silenced unless I ASK about them.

im not aver but i think aslong as its a legit photo id u should be ok.....dont quote me on that tho
Thanks, but I'll probably want something from a bit more of an official...

Last edited by JT_Lord; June 30th, 2013 at 12:03.. Reason: Reply submitted while typing.
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Old June 30th, 2013, 12:04   #10
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Originally Posted by sammynac99 View Post
definitely look around and learn about canada and airsofting here, as in my opinion most other countries in the world consider canada to be a place where airsoft is illegal. if you are planning on bringing guns with you when you move, learn about local laws regarding airsoft.further to that if you are planning to be a retailer you must understand 2 things. 1> airsoft is a niche market where the community is small and tight and 2> canadian airsofters are the cheapest people in the world. competition is fierce among distributors and they are well known, unless you can find a new way to impress the people in the market, your gonna have a bad day.....
The other issue for someone considering a start-up, and who is not familiar with the area that the start-up is proposed for, is population density.

Aside from the Trenton/Belleville and Ottawa areas, you are talking about a primarily sparsely populated, rural region. Most of Ontario's population resides in a belt ringing lake Ontario from Ajax to St. Catherines. It's no longer the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) but now the Greater Toronto-Hamilton Area.. something like 90% of the Ontario population is in this region.

The point of above - if you are contemplating setting up a retail airsoft business in that area that you are moving to, don't. Chances are, any individuals living in your region already source their supplies through existing small businesses in airsoft in Eastern Ontario (there are a few out there), or via the internet out of economic and travel necessity, anyway. If you decide to go for it - it'll be a very steep, uphill battle for success.

It comes down to whether you can assure a large enough customer base for survival - i would have my doubts that there would be one existing that is large enough in your proposed area.

Last edited by HackD; June 30th, 2013 at 12:10..
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Old June 30th, 2013, 12:10   #11
cranky old man
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Originally Posted by JT_Lord View Post
This isn't going to be a discussion of politics. Now, back to the original subject... Or next time I'll click that lovely little report button if this ventures off topic. I have my reasons for moving where we chose, you can keep your own thoughts silenced unless I ASK about them.

Thanks, but I'll probably want something from a bit more of an official...
If you have Legit NY State ID and Pubic Hair you should be good
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Old June 30th, 2013, 12:14   #12
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Cardinal, ON
Originally Posted by HackD View Post
The other issue for someone considering a start-up, and who is not familiar with the area that the start-up is proposed for, is population density.

Aside from the Trenton/Belleville and Ottawa areas, you are talking about a primarily sparsely populated, rural region. Most of Ontario's population resides in a belt ringing lake Ontario from Ajax to St. Catherines. It's no longer the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) but now the Greater Toronto-Hamilton Area.. something like 90% of the Ontario population is in this region.

The point of above - if you are contemplating setting up a retail airsoft business in that area that you are moving to, don't. Chances are, any individuals living in your region already source their supplies via internet out of economic and travel necessity, anyway.

It comes down to whether you can assure a large enough customer base for survival - i would have my doubts that there would be one existing that is large enough in your proposed area.
Well the region is fairly dense in tourism, it's right in the Thousand Islands and Alexandria Bay NY and Ogdensburg NY are right next to it. Putting out advertisements in that area could have a consistent yearly flow for tourism, but it'd be seasonal then, which while already being a seasonal sport, already hurts that a little. As vacation times for that area tend to be during the summer only. It's one of those cases where you have to really see what it's like and what people would be involved, but being a tourist area (along with yearly vacationers) it could develop a nice summer market if some fields are opened with a store-front. But it'd take some serious research as for the tourist flow and the expenses of running during the year versus seasonal only.

Plus I do know that having a store has one major advantage over internet based purchases, which is the ability to test a gun out before walking out the door, and you get it on the day of purchase, which I know for some can be a hassle putting in a couple hundred to wait a few days of shipping... and getting a broken product. I've been in that boat more than a few times.

If you have Legit NY State ID and Pubic Hair you should be good
Already two bases covered then, awesome.
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Old June 30th, 2013, 12:31   #13
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Location: Somewhere between Hamilton Ontario, and Hell..
Originally Posted by JT_Lord View Post
Well the region is fairly dense in tourism, it's right in the Thousand Islands and Alexandria Bay NY and Ogdensburg NY are right next to it. Putting out advertisements in that area could have a consistent yearly flow for tourism, but it'd be seasonal then, which while already being a seasonal sport, already hurts that a little. As vacation times for that area tend to be during the summer only. It's one of those cases where you have to really see what it's like and what people would be involved, but being a tourist area (along with yearly vacationers) it could develop a nice summer market if some fields are opened with a store-front. But it'd take some serious research as for the tourist flow and the expenses of running during the year versus seasonal only.

Plus I do know that having a store has one major advantage over internet based purchases, which is the ability to test a gun out before walking out the door, and you get it on the day of purchase, which I know for some can be a hassle putting in a couple hundred to wait a few days of shipping... and getting a broken product. I've been in that boat more than a few times.

Already two bases covered then, awesome.
Tourists from the US? Airsoft costs tend to be 25-50% less expensive once you are back upon US soil. Canadian airsoft guns do NOT require a blaze orange tip - so unless you can retrofit them back on the guns before you send them with your customers back over the US border, you are setting them up for a customs seizure and lots of grief.

Tourist traffic? They are coming for the 1000 Islands, historic Kingston and Cornwall, the Canal system and the Peterborough cottage life.. not airsoft.

The one thing about the internet - cheaper. Way cheaper - both as a business setting up and operating, and for customers to buy from, domestically. Brick and mortar stores have no hopes of really competing on the price front unless they have seriously significant volume, and purchasing deals behind that significant volume. There are only a few brick and mortar stores across Canada, that can compete on that level.. the rest are pretty much primarily internet based, and perhaps a small store-front to sell locally.

Last edited by HackD; June 30th, 2013 at 12:36..
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Old June 30th, 2013, 12:35   #14
Join Date: Mar 2009
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As long as it is Government Issue Photo ID that has your Date of Birth you are fine
Some AV'ers may ask for a second piece of ID if they are uncomfortable with the first piece. If you have a passport handy bring that just in case.

Costs for airsoft up here a little more then what they are in the states, not by as much as they used to be(3-4X).

But we have access to almost everything everyone else does.

As soon as your verification is accepted and updated by the mods/admins you will have access to the restricted portions of the forums retailers, classifieds, age restricted decisions.
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Old June 30th, 2013, 12:51   #15
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I would go with HackD on this one JT. I'm not going to tell you not to retail, if thats what you want to do then have at it, but start online/in your house first.

Airsoft in Canada is not even close to the same popularity as it is in the states, and our total population is a tenth of the US. The population of the area you are moving to is FAR to small to setup and maintain a physical storefront.

Check out our online retailers first, we have TONS. Look at their prices and see if you can match them while importing legally. If you can get P* stuff in at a competitive price, I know that is going to start growing in Canada, I am pushing it on everybody I can! lol

As for AV, Any official government issued ID will do. (passport, driver's license, etc.)
Both Kingston and Ottawa are very close and not much of a drive at all. At the moment I don't think we have any AVers activated in Kingston, but there are a few on Ottawa who will be more than happy to help you out.
Go up for a game on a weekend, im sure an Aver will be there to.
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