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A&K SR-25 inquiry


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Old August 2nd, 2013, 17:33   #1
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Location: Ingersoll, Ontario
A&K SR-25 inquiry

Hello all,

I've become quite displeased with my G&G G96 lately, and so, I've decided instead of pouring oodles of cash into it just to make it FUNCTION, I'm going to spend a little less money on a WORKING gun: the SR-25. Originally I was going to get the G&G GR-25, but it's low velocity rating, lack of rear sight and high price kind of turned me off. Until I saw the A&K version. By all that I can see, it's nearly identical. All metal body, full stock, etc... Sure it's got a longer gearbox, but it's got a higher FPS rating out of the box. Considering that I've got a game coming up on the 18th of this month, I want something I can use straight away and not muck around with various after market parts... *cough* G96 *cough*

As much as I love the look and feel of the G96, I'm extremely disappointed in it. Having a bent inner barrel straight from the supplier is just lacking in terms of quality control, and a nuisance for replacement as a new barrel would have cost close to $200 for me. I'd rather spend the extra bit to get a SEMI AUTOMATIC DMR that works.... assuming I don't end up with a lemon. /end rant/

Anyway, my question: (long winded as it is lol) I'm thinking of replacing the stock hop-up unit with a Madbull Ultimate Hop-Up unit (put one in a G&G CM-16 Raider and LOVED it) as well as some kind of tight-bore steel barrel, likely a 6.02 or MAYBE a 6.01. Not sure what brand just yet. Maybe Prometheus or something. Would the hop up unit be compatible with the gearbox system? Externally it looks SIMILAR (not the same...) as any M4/M16, and internally as well, but since it ISN'T... I'm not sure if it's possible. As i'm going for a DMR role, I'm hoping for max range/accuracy with it. Battery will likely need an upgrade too, apparently the stock one isn't all that great, but hey, what do I know.

Anyone with an A&K SR-25 who reads my long winded and likely repetitive 'inquiry' would be much appreciated to respond with any tips, suggestions, and other information they've gleaned from their experience with said rifle.

In retrospect I suppose that should be in the 'upgrades and modifications' section, so I'll continue with other questions:

When stock, the gearbox apparently has a bad shim job. Is this true? If so, what did you do to fix it?

The mock suppressor does not have any foam in it. Also true?

What, on average, was your range/accuracy like when stock?

What upgrades did you do to your DMR to make it 'yours'?



Last edited by Reaver_RRTS; August 2nd, 2013 at 17:52..
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Old August 2nd, 2013, 17:50   #2
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I have a G&P SR25 which looks no different than a G&G or AK. I also have a VFC SSR H which gets the most use because it also looks the best.
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Old August 2nd, 2013, 17:59   #3
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Little pricey, that brand. I'm personally not fond of SCAR variant rifles. They are neat rifles to be sure, but I don't like the design of it.

In regards to the SR-25, do you use a bipod often or foregrip? What kind of ranges do you usually target the other other players?
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Old August 2nd, 2013, 18:03   #4
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fps doesn't equal range
first upgrades to any gun should be 6.03 or 6.05 tightbore and either Rhop, firefly or PDI-W hop rubber. the 6.01 and 6.02 barrels are gimmicks and I don't know of anyone that makes a decent 6.04
If you want a DMR, first step is to use the highest quality ammo
You also need the proper weight of ammo, either .28s or .30s in the 380-400fps range
And for the mechbox, really you just need to make sure it's compressing as well as it can

Not uncommon for most DMRs to be in the 200-240ft range, depending what the base rifle is.
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Old August 2nd, 2013, 18:45   #5
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I understand that FPS does not equate to better or worse range, but the reason I wanted the higher fps was that it shot a little harder, and coupled with .28 or .3's (which is what I intended to use with the SR-25 anyway, no reason to skimp on low weight ammo) would give ideal performance. The barrel was going to be one of the first things I upgraded, although I had forgotten about the bucking as well. Thanks for that. Firefly is a common one I hear. Concerning the barrel, 6.02 would be the smallest I'd go.The hop up itself is basically just icing on the cake, if it needs it. If i find the hop up is lacking, I'm going to replace it as quickly as I can.
It's going to be a purely outdoor rifle, so I didn't want to be spending money on a more powerful spring, and any other parts to beef up the gear box just to handle it, to make it outdoor ready. I know range is primarily affected by the ammo weight, quality, hop up adjustment, and barrel. the fps is just the power that drives it home. But why use a lower power that costs more when I can buy a cheaper rifle that is outdoor ready? It seems to have great reviews, so I can't see it having a ton of problems.
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Old August 2nd, 2013, 19:19   #6
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Originally Posted by Reaver_RRTS View Post
Little pricey, that brand. I'm personally not fond of SCAR variant rifles. They are neat rifles to be sure, but I don't like the design of it.

In regards to the SR-25, do you use a bipod often or foregrip? What kind of ranges do you usually target the other other players?
I have both foregrip and bipod. I use the bipod whenever terrain allows it.
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Old August 2nd, 2013, 19:26   #7
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I was thinking of installing an AFG foregrip on mine with a bipod. Vertical foregrips are fine, but I don't really like them. I tend to get shot in the hand whenever I use one -_- <-- Bad luck with vertical grips lol I find the AFG is actually pretty comfortable, although my buddy hates them with a passion lmao. I've got a bipod similar to what would be I believe is called a 'Harris' bipod, however it was initially a paintball BT barrel mount that I machined an aluminum block that would slide into the metal RIS and the bipod would screw into it from below. Not sure, but does the RIS on the SR-25 have circular holes in the rails on the RIS?
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Old August 2nd, 2013, 20:16   #8
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I have a bipod and a AFG2 on it
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Old August 2nd, 2013, 20:17   #9
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The Sr25 is pretty long and heavy to be using the AFG in my oppinion. The vertical grip is much better for heavier weight. I too have a bipod on it and that makes it even heavier.
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Old August 2nd, 2013, 20:25   #10
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I don't mind the weight, I owned a M14 and handled the M14 EBR for a couple games and that thing is stupid front heavy lol. M249 SAW is also not bad, so I'm confidant i can handle the SR25. And good point, the AFG isn't really a weight-friendly attachment... might just put the rubber RIS covers on it and be done with it. lol
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Old August 2nd, 2013, 20:29   #11
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No problem using the AFG2. I have it on all my SR25 . Just mount it where your hand is when your arm fully extended.
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Old August 2nd, 2013, 20:36   #12
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Really? I hate having it that far. On my M4 it's positioned where it's most comfortable for balance, a little more than halfway from the receiver. I figured placing it about four to six inches away from the receiver on the SR-25 would be more than sufficient. I suppose I could just test it out, but I need to order the rifle first..... -_- I hate waiting lol
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Old August 2nd, 2013, 21:07   #13
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It depends, I was using an AFG (first version) plus a two piece VLTOR Bipod. The gun front weight is not a problem in my opinion because it is still a pretty well balanced and light rifle. Also the AFG is not as low as most foregrip and I tend to find it useful when prone in messy environments (trunk, hard twigs, etc).
If you had an M14 EBR then I would go for a foregrip without a second thought because ALL the weight is in that massive front RIS... and I think the one who designed that must have been either high, drunk, incredibly stupid or all of the above to design something with center of mass right next to reaction hand.
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I can do a CTRL+ATL+DEL on your gun !

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Old August 2nd, 2013, 21:17   #14
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I completely agree about the M14 EBR lol although it wasn't mine, but another player's who was 'kind' enough to let me use it for two rounds before my arm was so sore from carrying it I had to give it back lmao. And yes, that was my reasoning behind using the AFG, because it's so much lower profile than the standard vertical grips. Can't wait to get it and load my scope onto it and take it out the field for use.... Gah I want to order it like NOW but the place I want to buy it from (canadian store) doesn't show on their site whether it's in stock or not -_- I emailed the owner who I'm sure I should keep anonymous being non AV'ed (thanks to a particular person being irresponsible as far as I'm concerned...) so I'm HOPING he has it or I'm going to be pretty upset as it's the only company I've seen that has the A&K version. If I wanted the G&G, there's LOADS of places, hell I can get one in London, not 30 minutes from where I am now... But I don't wanna spend all that money on it when the A&K is so much cheaper.
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Old August 2nd, 2013, 22:24   #15
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I shoot real steel the same way. My control hand grips the rail as far as I can reach. The AFG2 aids in better control. For the airsoft side, same handling technique.

PTS RM4 ERG (Electric Recoil Gun) - YouTube
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