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Custom G36K handguard


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Old August 11th, 2013, 00:31   #1
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Custom G36K handguard

Hi all,

As you may or may not know I design some gear from time to time and my lastest creation is a custom G36K handguard, I started working from a model of regular G36KV handguard :

I designed it so it can accept MOE rails with a groove inside it so the eliptical support of these rails don't turn on themselves, you could do the same with regular nuts:

If you notice the holes in the lower part don't go all the way back that's because I wanted to provide some protection to the battery and not damage the plastic wrapping around.

Overall I designed that thing to give a more aggressive look and fix an issue I have on my RS : because the holes in the standard rail are quite small and the hand guard folds on itself at the end the heat tends to stay in. With the huge venting holes on all sides the problem can be fixed.

That thing will be made for airsoft though and given I can get it directly in ABS+ the nerd I am will probably get it 3D printed

It's not 100% done, I have to get the exact measurements for the rails and fine tune the design but that's the design I'm going for.

Thoughts ?
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Last edited by Ninja_En_Short; August 11th, 2013 at 19:05..
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Old August 11th, 2013, 01:04   #2
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Very interesting. You should have it prototyped by shape Ways and see how it works.
Please email me as I'm not on ASC too often.

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Last edited by HKGhost; August 11th, 2013 at 01:06..
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Old August 11th, 2013, 01:45   #3
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Already thinking about it

But before do that I have to field test that thing. According to my program it can take quite some punishing if made in ABS+ and not the regular one but I want to put it through hell and fire myself and make adjustments.
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Old August 11th, 2013, 17:39   #4
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i would rock it.
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...stalker's gonna kill you....and you wont even see it coming! Hell, he'll kill you and god himself will be going, "Where the hell did that come from!?" CDN_Stalker should just be the new god!
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Old September 6th, 2013, 02:51   #5
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Ok, got the MOE rails so I got my specs but that wasn't working with the gun shape so top and bottom rails are integrated in it.

The handguard is a a bit shorter than the regular hanguard, it's 267mm long (don't ask me length in inches you damn imperials ! ).
Top rail is 8 spaces, bottom is 22. It's not Picatinny or Mil-1913, I used the STANAG 4694 specification. All equipment are still compatible, it's just the last version.

For the side rails it's using the fixation of the magpul MOE rails, I thought it for use with L3 and L4 sizes, only the front screw locks the position.

The holes under top and lower rail are supposed to be a small detail for venting.

Now to get that thing printed !
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Old September 6th, 2013, 16:59   #6
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Very nice. If I had a G36C I'd consider buying on for sure!
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Old September 6th, 2013, 17:03   #7
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Sorry to disappoint (or not) but it's for G36K.

Should be compatible with a C given the piston assembly is at the same place but the 9" barrel would give a strange look compared to the 12" of the K.
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Old September 6th, 2013, 17:19   #8
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Originally Posted by Ninja_En_Short View Post
Sorry to disappoint (or not) but it's for G36K.

Should be compatible with a C given the piston assembly is at the same place but the 9" barrel would give a strange look compared to the 12" of the K.
Orrrr you can get a long suppressor and run the integrated suppressor look. Which I would like. Which means I want this handguard.

Also, once a prototype of this is live, what's preventing you from shortening it? If we're using the side notches (5 above and 3 below side rail), you could shorted in by two, move the side rail one notch... just saying
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Old September 6th, 2013, 17:40   #9
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Well I already plan on making a long version for regular G36, it doesn't exactly take a lot of work from my computer to do that anyway.
However if it has this angle in the front it's for a technical reason : when the real G36 works the short stroke piston is going to go back but unlike an AK which vents the excess gazes on the top and sides the G36 ejects them on the front of the piston assembly, leading to polymer hanguard becoming bendable when under too much stress (usual issue of the MG36). By cutting it that way I eliminate the issue because gazes are immediately vented out.

I know it's just airsoft but when a piece of a 2500$ gun bends under stress you get berserk

Another reason for the opening is that I got a CW AAC flashhider for my own interpretation of IDZ and "noticed" the handguard was going too far to mount a QD suppressor T_T

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Old September 6th, 2013, 17:44   #10
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Interesting. I have nothing against the opening, nor the angle. What I meant, is simply shortening the whole thing, and keep the angle. However, doing that, the rail would be really small at the top, which mean keeping the bottom one only could be good.
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Old September 6th, 2013, 18:04   #11
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You also gave to think on the side you'd get limited to an L3 size MOE rail (or even shorter if there is) because the support structure inside the hanguard would bump on the receiver itself.
A lot of problem making a C version.

Anyway I have to field test that thing first
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Old September 6th, 2013, 18:10   #12
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I would be interested in giving this a try/buying one when you get around to prototyping it. I would obliterate a 3D Printed version though. I'm too hard on guns.
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Old September 6th, 2013, 18:34   #13
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3D printed doesn't mean fragile. Regular JG G36 is made of standard ABS with 2 to 3 mm thick shell at the thinest, still strong, never broke one.

Waiting for an answer from another contact but I already have someone for making it into ABS+ which is more resistant than regular ABS (Cpt Obvious Inside) and the thing is 2mm thick at the thinnest so it should be able to take a decent amount of punishing.
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Old January 4th, 2014, 15:43   #14
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Previously on my hanguard : lots of dark pictures on which no one could see properly (not even I), but now that it's about to go into production so even if it'll be in black and still in M length (before C, L and XL variants).

So here the final version (normally) of the NES Tactical G36 T-RAS M :

Now in terms of productions I didn't find any manufacturer with interesting prices in Canada so it's going to be made in China (like 99% of our gear anyway), still in ABS+Nylon (injected, not 3D printed), for a 100$ price tag and delivery in early February.

If you have question you can always post them here.
For placing a pre order (regardless of quantities you want) send me a PM and I'll give you Paypal info (so I can track things easily and you get some protection).

Cheers !
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Old January 4th, 2014, 16:20   #15
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here's a question, did you oversize the base just a tiny bit to squeeze more battery pack in?
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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