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Why does Airsoft Scotland get to have all the fun?



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Old August 31st, 2005, 17:58   #1
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Why does Airsoft Scotland get to have all the fun?

King Arms Rail cover with tac switch recess
A RIS rail cover which is formed to accept your tac switch for lights or lasers. Comes with adaptor inserts to fit 16mm and 24mm remote switches. Constructed from nylon which is almost impossible to break.

Summer Pyro-Maniac Special! (While stocks last) are happy to bring you a one off, never to be repeated deal which will save all you grenade fans a fortune.

We have 10,000 (200 boxes) of these superb grenades which were surplus from another order so we need to get rid of them to make room in our warehouse.

Don't let the rock-bottom price put you off, there are no catches, this is a genuine deal! These grenades are physically the same size as Enola ones but are in our opinion better quality and more reliable. GUARANTEED.

Features Include:
The casings are stronger than the standard ones, so they won't crush as easily in your pocket.
Made from recycled paper pulp with dried peas as the 'shrapnel', they are 100% biodegradable.
The seams are 100% sealed, providing a bigger bang and wider spread of the shrapnel.
Available in CQB Black or woodland green to blend in with the environment.
These are the lowest price in the country.

Mk9 German stick grenade
A superb new addition to our expanding choice of pyro's!

This is a Mk9 thunderflash contained within a scaled down replica German WWII potato masher grenade. It works just like the real thing too; you pull off the bottom cap to release the fuse cord from within the hollow handle, pull the fuse cord and throw the grenade. Whadooooom!

These look SO smart, you will be unhappy blowing them up.....

Ring-pull Tennis-ball grenade
At last!

No more broken strikers or exploding pockets! Just pull the ring (very hard...) and dispose of in an orderly manner.


*NEW* Stun Grenade. *IN STOCK!*
The best pyro we have offered so far! These babies contain a 6-10sec smoke grenade which upon ignition release a good deal of very fast output white smoke. Just as the 'enemy' think they are safe because you have chucked a smoke grenade at them, the stun content releases a salvo of flash-bangs equivalent to 4xMk5 thunderflashes. Each thunderflash detonates approx half a second apart which is an underpants-filling drumroll!

So, you throw the grenade, the enemy smirks as they prepare to shoot you through the smoke screen you have laid down, then Bang!-Bang!-Bang!-Bang! you smirk back at them with a wink as their brown 'adrenaline' runs down the side of their combat boots with your BB's floating on the top. Or was that too much detail?

Oh yes!

*NEW* 90sec Military style screening smoke. *IN STOCK!*
These brand new smokes are absolutely awesome! One and a half minutes of HIGH output white screening smoke. The dummy ring-pulls are for attaching to your webbing and add to that realistic 'cool-factor'. They have a regular break off and strike cap for safety.

Another huge benefit these have is their weight; 170g ensures a decent enough mass which provides the thrower with extra distance and accuracy without accidentally cracking your opponents skull if your aim is as good as that of a drunken octopus. The case is very thick heavy duty cardboard which does not heat up in use and is also environmentally friendly.

A Dangerzone 50sec smoke is shown in the photo as an indication of size. For reference, a DZ smoke weighs 45g.

The best bit about these is the price. We are charging only £3.50 for these huge smokes!

Can only be sent by our Courier NOT via Post Office

That settles it, I'm moving to Scotland. :salute:
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Curiously enough, if you take the sine of 666°, you get 0.80901699, which is one half of negative phi, or perhaps what one might call the "anti-phi" / It is opposite of balance and harmony ergo: chaos and disharmony.
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Old August 31st, 2005, 18:28   #2
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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hooo, I agree, we have dumb laws here. We should be allowed to play with that!

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old August 31st, 2005, 18:33   #3
Join Date: Oct 2002
Wow, they have lots of cool stuff there.
Солдаты Свободы
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Old August 31st, 2005, 18:47   #4
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hmm.. sweet looking grenades and stuff.

Sponsored by Boland Howe: Cause Scheisse Happens
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Old August 31st, 2005, 19:02   #5
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"Features Include:
The casings are stronger than the standard ones, so they won't crush as easily in your pocket.
Made from recycled paper pulp with dried peas as the 'shrapnel', they are 100% biodegradable.
The seams are 100% sealed, providing a bigger bang and wider spread of the shrapnel.
Available in CQB Black or woodland green to blend in with the environment.
These are the lowest price in the country. "

No kidding! What's war-sim without grenades!??!! The above description reminds me a LOT of the grenades my team uses (right down to the died peas "shrapnel", except ours look like toilet paper rolls for some reason).......... when we are allowed to of course, which is not that often. Safe enough that having one go off 5ft away from you hurts less than a spriger shooting .12g BBs at the same distance. No fun when realism, however safe, is shunned. Too bad we can't get any of the above into the country though, grenades definitely up the realism and the fun to any game!
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Old August 31st, 2005, 19:07   #6
Looking for form T-whatev
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Airsoft Scotland is going to have to deal with the Violent Crime Reduction bill soon enough. If you've forgotten the VCR bill makes things look good in Canada.
Nothing to see here
May you live in interesting times.
ASCMART, your smart choice
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Old August 31st, 2005, 20:17   #7
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Assuming things go smoothly and irresponsible people don't f*ck it up for the rest of us, I will have airsoft hand grenades approved for import from Scotland sometime next year. There will only be one kind (likely the pull-ring tennis ball) as each different device requires a lengthy and expensive government approval process. There is a good chance these can be approved as a class 7.2.5 non-theatrical pyrotechnic and available to the public.

Keep your fingers crossed.
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Old August 31st, 2005, 22:35   #8
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I have used all of these things while playing in Scotland. First of all, the green/black grenades are paint grenades. The smoke grenades are not very good, they only produce smoke for about 30 - 60 seconds. The stun grenades are very loud, and therefore fun to toss at unsuspecting newbs! I was going to bring some of these goodies home from Scotland on my trip home back in July, but the airline, n/m canada customs would never have allowed it. The guy that owns Airsoft Scotland is a friend of mine, so I'll ask him what he can do to get em over here.
Douglas Alexander Maxwell (Known pedophile).
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Old August 31st, 2005, 22:59   #9
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Originally Posted by ATREYU
I have used all of these things while playing in Scotland. First of all, the green/black grenades are paint grenades. The smoke grenades are not very good, they only produce smoke for about 30 - 60 seconds. The stun grenades are very loud, and therefore fun to toss at unsuspecting newbs! I was going to bring some of these goodies home from Scotland on my trip home back in July, but the airline, n/m canada customs would never have allowed it. The guy that owns Airsoft Scotland is a friend of mine, so I'll ask him what he can do to get em over here.
Atreyu, I'm sure you could make a killing if you brought things like the patato mashers over here, the WW2 nuts would eat those up with a fork and knife.

I'd love the pull ring flashes, we use thunder's at the atlantic game, however they could possibly blow up in someones face. Which would make quite a mess. I was thinking about emailing A.S.S (spells ass, yeah I know) and asking them about importing some of their pyros.

If you take the time to browse their site, your jealousy levels would grow considerably.
Buyer & Seller Ratings
Curiously enough, if you take the sine of 666°, you get 0.80901699, which is one half of negative phi, or perhaps what one might call the "anti-phi" / It is opposite of balance and harmony ergo: chaos and disharmony.
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Old August 31st, 2005, 23:32   #10
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we can plays with those the cops just dont have to now.
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Old September 1st, 2005, 00:28   #11
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Originally Posted by ATREYU
The guy that owns Airsoft Scotland is a friend of mine, so I'll ask him what he can do to get em over here.
I've spoken with him for over an hour on the phone about these things. ANY pyrotechnic device being imported, sold, or used in Canada MUST be on this list. No exceptions. Getting it on there will be an uphill struggle and the company I work for has a lot of experience getting explosives approvals successfully completed. It's also expensive, which we're willing to fund. Once it's approved a sea container will be booked and an order placed.

Trying to get them before they're approved, either legally or otherwise, will put more nails in the coffin of this project. This isn't something Joe Blow can call up to a government office, get rubber-stamped, and mail a case worth across the ocean. If the Explosives Division gets requests from young males looking for "hand grenades" to use in their wargames, you can bet there'll be a cold reception for the actual approval request. This is a bureaucracy, and they can very easily say NO if they don't like what they hear.

We know what we're doing and we'll try to get them. Now that the fireworks season is winding down we'll have more opportunity to concentrate on new products such as these.
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Old September 1st, 2005, 19:00   #12
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Originally Posted by W.K.Shuridys
We know what we're doing and we'll try to get them. Now that the fireworks season is winding down we'll have more opportunity to concentrate on new products such as these.
What's a reasonable time frame to get something cleared for import? 12 months or less?
I'm not looking for a date, just what the average processing time is with the Canadian Gov't.

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Old September 1st, 2005, 23:37   #13
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Twelve months is pretty long, although six to nine months isn't unreasonable. There really isn't a definitive timeframe for government work, more like "when it's done".
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Old September 1st, 2005, 23:47   #14
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Hrm, not bad really, especially considering its an explosive device. Hopefully we'll have some new pyro gear to play with in time for some spring events.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 19:28   #15
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Heck yeah, I know these would be a huge hit in Canada, and probably be well worth your time getting the import licences for this product. These have been drooled over by the Canadian airsoft community for many years.

Good luck with this, and keep us all updated on the progress.
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