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Old February 17th, 2015, 14:20   #46
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Originally Posted by Laurel View Post
It is one of the more recent videos from Bryan (bobblobfancypants)

There isn't shit on his channel. Which one?
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Old February 17th, 2015, 14:58   #47
Brian McIlmoyle
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Minors mixed with adults.. faces covered , competition between strangers with no binding social contract.. = lawsuit waiting to happen. Particularly in SoCal ... I predict 15 suits for "psychological Trauma" among the bystanders.
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Old February 17th, 2015, 15:12   #48
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Minors mixed with adults.. faces covered , competition between strangers with no binding social contract.. = lawsuit waiting to happen. Particularly in SoCal ... I predict 15 suits for "psychological Trauma" among the bystanders.
I'm traumatized just by watching it.
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Old February 17th, 2015, 15:20   #49
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For anyone thinking that this was in any way "OK" because of a parent protecting their young it won't wash.

The main actor chose to put his kid at risk.

Situations like this are why I don't like mixed over and under 18. When it goes bad it goes bad in a big way.
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Old February 17th, 2015, 15:28   #50
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Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
There isn't shit on his channel. Which one?
Sorry, I think I may have messed up the link... just search in youtube for his name and it should be one of the 'gassy day at Mach1' videos... I forgot which one but it is for sure one of the 3 latest ones.
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Old February 17th, 2015, 15:39   #51
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Originally Posted by naminator View Post
As stated first priority would have been to seperate the to then figure out what is going on. What he did is inexcusable but people are vilifying this guy. We have two go pro videos in the form of helmet cams and Jericho airsofts statement.

I think everybody agrees that this guy should be banned from games as this behaviour is unnaceptable, but I am trying to look at it from the other side of things. I can understand the desire to protect ones off spring. In this case the guy was wrong, but we didnt see anything before the video and only have a statement about what happened after.

This was completely avoidable but I am just saying I can personally see why it happened. Not that it should have.
Do we really need to see what happened before? It was clear in the video that the guy in MC was not being aggressive, he had the other guy pinned to prevent that guy being aggressive. There was no punches being thrown when the father showed up. The father went on instant attack mode and just threw a sucker punch. You can't say, it was wrong and then say I can personally see why it happened.... either it's wrong or it's not.

If it shouldn't have happened then it shouldn't have happened. If he's wrong then he's wrong. There is no justification for it. End of story.

Last edited by waylander; February 17th, 2015 at 15:41..
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Old February 17th, 2015, 15:57   #52
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Originally Posted by waylander View Post
Do we really need to see what happened before? It was clear in the video that the guy in MC was not being aggressive, he had the other guy pinned to prevent that guy being aggressive. There was no punches being thrown when the father showed up. The father went on instant attack mode and just threw a sucker punch. You can't say, it was wrong and then say I can personally see why it happened.... either it's wrong or it's not.

If it shouldn't have happened then it shouldn't have happened. If he's wrong then he's wrong. There is no justification for it. End of story.
Exactly. Even if the first punch was thrown to get his son to safety, then after he apologized because he didn't know what was going on, that wasn't the case. This guy was a time-bomb before, a reactionary during and unhinged after. There was no reasonable out cause playing with people like that, and his son and friends were not much better. This man is an instigator, who used his size and age to create a large problem where there wasn't one and seriously hurt youth.
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Old February 17th, 2015, 16:21   #53
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Originally Posted by waylander View Post
Do we really need to see what happened before? It was clear in the video that the guy in MC was not being aggressive, he had the other guy pinned to prevent that guy being aggressive. There was no punches being thrown when the father showed up. The father went on instant attack mode and just threw a sucker punch. You can't say, it was wrong and then say I can personally see why it happened.... either it's wrong or it's not.

If it shouldn't have happened then it shouldn't have happened. If he's wrong then he's wrong. There is no justification for it. End of story.
Like I said, it was wrong. It should not have happened. I think he deserved to be banned.

But key word is this shouldn't have happened. Rules should have been better explained (something Jericho freely admits is going to be improved). Maybe that player has a history of a bad attitude (we all know players like that). This is all hindsight now of course.

Me personally saying I can SEE why it happened is completely different from me defending him. If I did that on a field (not that I would) being banned and charged by the police is what I would expect. The guy in the Multicam is a good example of airsoft as he didn't knock that kids teeth in, but instead tried to de-escalate the situation without violence.

Once again for people who seem to think I am defending this group of players, I am not. But I also don't buy into the whole witch hunt thing this shit always turns into. These players should be banned from this field and any others as they are obviously immature and a danger to others. I understand parental instinct taking over but this guy took it way too far and needs some psychological help obviously.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old February 17th, 2015, 16:33   #54
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Parental instincts to protect your child, or instincts to snap and kill everyone while putting you kid in danger? Wether you assault the guy holding him down or not, grabbing your kid after and removing them from the situation is protection. There was only one potential threat to the guys kid, and he was taken care of right away, though not technically at fault, but then his kid should be his priority, not throw down with everyone while acting like an ass.
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Old February 17th, 2015, 16:43   #55
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
not throw down with everyone while acting like an ass.
This behavior is disgusting, even if it is just verbal abuse against other grown men, it makes me want to stay home and just watch TV.

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Old February 18th, 2015, 11:28   #56
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[QUOTE=lurkingknight; blacky threw the first punch.[/QUOTE]

HaHa best line ever and would be the headline in US print media if they were quoting this.

In all honesty I don't condone this but guys forget what Airsoft was like even 6 years ago it was highly aggressive not the passive mercy stuff of today where a guy gets shot once and complains the whole day how someone shot him and throws a tantrum. Yes the guy went ballistic and all that but guys calling it disgusting and wanted to vomit and all of that... Really hockey fights, baseball brawls, soccer kicks, and almost any other competative sport you all watch them and it happens. Hell even men's league hockey you get a 1-3 game suspension for fighting and that's it.

-Minors should play with minors
-Games should have sufficient refs
-Rules and consiquence lists should be provided to all players (no one does this it's all reactive)
-At the end of the day it didn't happen here and lawsuits will be filled
-Weither they were playing Airsoft or Larpping in fairy costumes or in the streets all are inconsequential to anything we do and if it wasnt caught on camera it would have just been another story out there.
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Old February 18th, 2015, 11:36   #57
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Originally Posted by Foxer2373 View Post
Yes the guy went ballistic and all that but guys calling it disgusting and wanted to vomit and all of that... Really hockey fights, baseball brawls, soccer kicks, and almost any other competative sport you all watch them and it happens.
The fuck are you babbling on about? A 40 year old man comes charging in and sucker punches a bunch of teenagers. This isn't a competitive hockey fight, its a bunch of kids getting smacked around by an adult.

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Old February 18th, 2015, 11:45   #58
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Originally Posted by redmond View Post
The fuck are you babbling on about? A 40 year old man comes charging in and sucker punches a bunch of teenagers. This isn't a competitive hockey fight, its a bunch of kids getting smacked around by an adult.
Thats why he said Minors should play with Minors, adults with adults. 14 year olds with short tempers and wearing tactical gear look similar to 40 year olds with tactical gear.

Once again not condone the actions, but everybody looks about the same in tact gear, especially when it is full face, with helmet, vest and bulky camo.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old February 18th, 2015, 12:02   #59
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Originally Posted by Foxer2373 View Post
Really hockey fights, baseball brawls, soccer kicks, and almost any other competative sport you all watch them and it happens. Hell even men's league hockey you get a 1-3 game suspension for fighting and that's it.
sorry no, you can't claim fights in airsoft equate to hockey fights.

You are stupid if you don't see the fundamental differences in the 2 activities.

One is a self policing sport of intimidation, the other is running around playing cowboys and indians.

It's a fucking game that's friendly and fun with a bit of a competitive edge, there's no prizes if you win, no championships, no best in the worlds, no multimillion dollar salaries with millions in endorsement deals.

There is no place for fighting in airsoft, and if you believe there is and there's entertainment value in it, I hope you get your ass kicked off the field as well.

You're comparing mainstream sports to a fringe culture activity involving GUNS. The root source of the activity is inherently violent, we are trying to turn it into a teamwork activity that's competitive and fun that happens to involve guns, we don't need any more stigmas involving violent behavior. Enough people are already freaked out enough about us getting dressed up in full camo and running around with real looking guns. We don't need real blood and guts nor do we want to be seen being lenient on people who bring that shit into our game.

The fact that this IS making the news and the rounds on all airsoft communities means people want to sensationalize it and turn it into something it's not. The communities are so far being unilateral in condemning these actions and saying there is no place for this shit and that the punishment SHOULD be extreme. The public eye sees everything and the last thing we want is a legion of suzy soccer moms banding together to start getting this activity banned. If you really can't see the severity of what happened at jericho, you seriously need to wake up.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.

Last edited by lurkingknight; February 18th, 2015 at 12:06..
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Old February 18th, 2015, 12:14   #60
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This isn't a pro league with a disciplinary committee, and it certainly isn't a sport where physical violence is expected as part of the experience. Considering, I'd say the last thing airsoft needs is real violence attached to it. We're all strangers for the most part, how many of us would continue to play if fights were common? Some guy can just lose his shit and punch you out because he's angry you shot him? No no, it's much more intelligent to ban them for life. This game highly depends upon honor, and there are already too many grey areas to condone more BS. Your anger can be controlled, or you shouldn't be shooting at people.

I remember this one time a guy I was playing with got angry with me. It ended up three against one, I was the one, and they were boxing me in. I doubled back, drew them in, and ended up winning. Tempers were already bad that day, and no one was getting along. Anyways, he starts by calling me a coward, a camper, a cheater, etc. He's mad he got embarrassed, so he starts saying things like I should've gone head on and faced them. It started out even, so they were winning, and I turned that around on them. Obviously he was incorrect, I did nothing wrong by beating them at their own game, it's what it's all about after all. I said something like "don't call me a cheater if you can't back it up, you got beat, end of story.", and I walked away. He responded by spraying me in the back full-auto in the safe area at close range, he was so mad. Now I could've turned around and broken my gun over his head, lord knows I wanted to. If I had, then I'd be just a stupid child like he is. The difference is, now everyone knows how what he's about.

Having a temper is one thing, reacting violently, threatening, and/or calling people names and screaming at them is another.
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