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Mich or Fast Helmet?


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Old April 20th, 2015, 17:35   #1
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Mich or Fast Helmet?

this year I'm making the move from full face mask to helmet/goggle/mesh lower.

I've got my eyes on a pair of Revision Locust Fan goggles so i'll need a helmet to accommodate those as well someday i might consider a full headset comms set up. (peltor? type)

I ultimately want everything to tie into one and another.. bungee/Velcro type attachments all around.

What decisions need to be made going into either a MICH or FAST helmet? Why one over the other .. outside of looks. (I like the 'over the ear' look of the fast over the ski-doo helmet look of a Mich though)
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Old April 20th, 2015, 17:55   #2
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I would stay away from fan goggles. Get yourself a normal pair of revision locusts, and remove all the foam form the outside. IF you still have a problem get some fogtech in the eye dropper bottle (not the wipes). If you still have a breath like a wounded hippo and should adjust that, you dirty mouth breather you.

I would suggest getting a base jump helmet (Repro opscore "fast" helmets). Alternatively you COULD get a real one, which would be the way to go if you plan on ever running night vision attachments in the future.

The way I have my helmet setup, is so that I can remove my lower mesh without having to remove my eyepro or my helmet, so that I can eat or drink or otherwise. I connect the mesh using tension from the nvg bungee cords to hold it up against my locust goggles. Never had a problem with stability or movement. As well my eyepro is not attached to my head but to my helmet so that I can remove a velcro strap from my helmets side and the eye pro comes right off and can hang to one side.

The only strap that touches my head is the chin strap from the helmet.

I would also suggest getting an in ear bone mic or the like, rather then a bulky set of comtacs. I ran comtacs integrated from my helmet rails for two years, and since I switched id never go back to them. Less weight, heat, more situational awareness, no batteries and I can hear people talking to me that arnt on the same if I want to take my helmet off I can still have my radio in my ear.

Helmet: 50 (Or 300 for a real one)
Side ear covers: 10-20
Mesh lower: 10-20
Goggles: 100ish
Revision PDQ Retention system: 50ish
Fogtech: 20ish
In ear bone mic with ptt : 210 (taxes and shipping inc)

You can find mostly all of this from airsoftdepot, with the exception of the revision gear (that you should buy from them directly) and fogtech, which oyu buy from their website.

P.S Dont worry about the gap in the pictures between the mesh and the goggles. There's actually no gap at all as the mesh and goggle are a perfect fit to one another. Thats the only thing you will have to shop for really. getting a well fitting mesh mask is a chore, or oyu can mod the one you have already, but ive tried it....with terrible results personally.
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Is he a spambot or is he a francophone? I really can't tell the difference sometimes.
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This is one of the funniest things I've read.
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Old April 20th, 2015, 18:03   #3
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Just for comfort alone, got with the fast
The retention system is way better ("head strap" plus chin strap, vs just chin strap in the mich)

Fast also for the arc rail for versatility

I honestly see no reason to buy a mich unless it's to make an impression of a specific unit using these
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Old April 20th, 2015, 22:21   #4
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You really need to decide for yourself if you want/need fan goggles. Just because someone else can use non fan goggles and not fog doesn't mean it'll be the same for you.
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Old April 21st, 2015, 01:01   #5
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Originally Posted by MultipleParadox View Post
Just for comfort alone, got with the fast
The retention system is way better ("head strap" plus chin strap, vs just chin strap in the mich)

Fast also for the arc rail for versatility

I honestly see no reason to buy a mich unless it's to make an impression of a specific unit using these
Opscore offers a dial kit just like that of the Fast for the Mich for about $120. That's what I have on mine.

You can put Arc Rails on a Mich

The Mich is an outdated helmet compared to a Fast, but it's still a solid helmet, and you can get real ones for relatively cheap. I like my real Mich more than my fake Opcore, granted I'd take a real fast over the mich if I had the the chance

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Old April 21st, 2015, 09:51   #6
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Definitely the fast helmet. Mich helmets I find are clunky and heavy. Having a fan kit is great, especially if you're in a place like where I am (BC), where a fan kit is par for the course. You're other option is to try thermal lense goggles. As far as Revision goggles go, I love them, but the Desert Locusts were massive, like wearing a wide screen TV on your face, try the Wolfspiders. I attached aftermarket fans to mine because just the heat of your body mixing with the humidity will fog goggles out here instantly, at game start too, it doesn't take long.
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Old April 21st, 2015, 09:54   #7
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There's 30% coupons on google for Revision goggles.

My setup:

- Revision Desert Locust with Fan
- Thermal Lens
- Removed Foam

No more fogs or problems in CQB hot days, or hot days outdoors .
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Old April 21st, 2015, 13:16   #8
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I personally use a FAST helmet. Here's a picture of me at the OLCMSS Lightning Strike event this past weekend.

I don't have it on, but I also have a lower face mask that meshes perfectly over my eye pro like in daishi's photo. However, my nose guard fits nicely over the nose area on the goggles to create a seamless transition between the two without any gaps.

I personally recommend fan goggles. I've never had an issue with fogging, and I sweat profusely which means even normal sunglasses will fog on me.

I love ESS Turbofans. They have foam padding compared to the Revision which use rubber, which makes the ESS more comfortable over extended use. However, Smith Optics has their own fan goggles which they claim is better than the ESS Turbofans.
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Old April 21st, 2015, 15:55   #9
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There are a million different chinese fast helmets ($39-$79 for different maritime versions). Which brand is the best? Are there big differences?
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Old April 21st, 2015, 16:30   #10
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Dragon Red Premium = FMA > Emerson Premium

DR and Emerson both make "basic" versions, but those are pretty terrible. I believe Lancer Tactical just rebrands the Emerson versions.

On the Devt6 forum, you can find several comparison reviews.

Essentially, the DR Maritime has better materials, but the FMA Maritime makes its parts closer to the real spec Ops Core parts. FMA also makes a "ballistic rated" Maritime.
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Old April 21st, 2015, 18:00   #11
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I bought an Emerson FAST helmet I gotta say quality isn't quite best compared to some of the other stuff out there. if you just want something for looks its not bad. The velcro on it is really good and has a drop down visor which isn't quite good for gaming with as its not rated CSA safe. but still..all in all the Emerson FAST helmet isnt a bad buy if you just something to put on.
But yeah. I agree with pretty much everyone's opinions here.

This is my FAST helmet from Emerson
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Old April 21st, 2015, 19:44   #12
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ok so a FAST helmet it is then..

i just bought a pair of Revision Locust Fan goggles.. i want to set the goggles up on the helmet in a way that will allow for quick release and that cool look of the goggles attached via bungees and stuff.. not just the strap wrapped around the back of my helmet.

But how do i go about modifying the straps for this type of set up when they are wired with a battery pack for the fan?

anybody have fan goggles integrated with their helmets?
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Old April 21st, 2015, 21:44   #13
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I've the Smith Optics with the fan and I mounted the battery pack on the rail with a part coming with the REAL OpsCore FAST helmet. 2 tightwrap to the plastic part holding the battery pack and boum.
I bought separately bungee cord(?) to replace the large strap to my goggles. It come with 2 pins that you slide also on your rails.
And to conclude, I'm in shape, slim and I fog like Newfoundland. Thanks to fan and removed foam.
In summer, I can't run the helmet because it block the air to access the fan (how bad I fog)so I wear boonie at with DIY setup for battery pack.
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Old April 21st, 2015, 21:56   #14
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My personal choice would be MICH 2000 with ear protection. You can find it for $20 - $40 from China.

In my case, I misread and bought M88 PASGT instead, with a not-so-comfortable retention system... Don't feel like spending on another helmet though.
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Old April 22nd, 2015, 21:54   #15
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I"ve seen some old looking ugly MICH helmets but have you guys seen the Emerson Mich helmets at Depot? They have rails.. NVG mounts and velcro..

If i get a FAST Helmet i'll need ear protection so now im leaning back towards this MICH helmet.. looks cool.. has ear protection and rails for attaching my goggles and mesh mask.

i can't find a single FAST helmet at any retailers here in ON..
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