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Rcmp given final control of firearms classifications



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Old February 13th, 2016, 12:21   #1
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Rcmp given final control of firearms classifications

Will they use this to further restrict airsoft ? taking power from the elected govt to make law & giving it to police doesn't seem like a good idea ...
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Old February 13th, 2016, 12:58   #2
ASC's Whiny Bitch
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Great, lets give the jackbooted nazis back their power to make and bend law as they please.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old February 13th, 2016, 13:42   #3
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Considering the Canadian Firearms Program helped to make airsoft classifications legal, I'm not worried about airsoft in particular. For firearms owners though, this could be a problem. They don't have a great track record of handling firearms classifications and seizures well, nor logically. That being said, last time they did one it was overturned by the Government. The current government however won't likely side with gun owners this time of the RCMP-CFP decide to ban something.
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Old February 13th, 2016, 14:01   #4
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With the amount of trouble airsoft guns give the RCMP, I really doubt they have any reason what so ever to place any restrictions on them at all.
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Old February 13th, 2016, 16:13   #5
Cobalt Caliber
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Though the whole idea that we can give the organization that enforces law, the ability to alter or create a law as they see fit is not exactly a progressive move towards ones freedoms or rights as a whole.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old February 13th, 2016, 16:37   #6
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Originally Posted by Curo View Post
Though the whole idea that we can give the organization that enforces law, the ability to alter or create a law as they see fit is not exactly a progressive move towards ones freedoms or rights as a whole.
No, it isn't. Unfortunately the Supreme Court of Canada, back in 1994, ruled that firearms ownership ISN'T a right. Although I agree with responsible/accountable and licensed gun ownership, I don't agree with the banning of firearms for invalid purposes. I also don't see the beneficial purpose of firearm classification being moved out of the courts and into another origanization's hands, it's not like gun classification was taking up a lot of court time. If, for the sake of argument, new technology was developed for firearms and there was no guidelines in place, then a program, such as the CFP, could be used to handle the transition and how they relate to our current gun laws and ideals. Making it all up as you go is weird. I was watching an interview with some of the top staff of the CFP and a few of their brass seemed fairly anti-gun on a personal level, which may explain some of the BS that's occurred. Maybe it's time they had different leadership, as most RCMP members I've talked to are not anti-gun, they own and use firearms personally. But as I said, the Trudeau government isn't gonna come to our aid.
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Old February 13th, 2016, 17:58   #7
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Considering the Canadian Firearms Program helped to make airsoft classifications legal, I'm not worried about airsoft in particular.
The CFP was incredibly accommodating in that regard, right up to the top. They knew exactly what I was going to do with my research (I told them) and they basically said "since the law supports airsoft, we'll help however we can".

In fact, the only reason I was the one to pull it off was because apparently no one before me bothered to try. We treated them with suspicion and mistrust, and that got us nowhere.
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Old February 13th, 2016, 21:46   #8
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
The CFP was incredibly accommodating in that regard, right up to the top. They knew exactly what I was going to do with my research (I told them) and they basically said "since the law supports airsoft, we'll help however we can".

In fact, the only reason I was the one to pull it off was because apparently no one before me bothered to try. We treated them with suspicion and mistrust, and that got us nowhere.
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Old March 21st, 2016, 06:21   #9
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From a rights and freedoms perspective its definitely backwards. Unelected bureaucrats defining and making laws. As a firearm owner recently turned airsofter I've seen what the RCMP and CFP will do to legal law abiding gun owners. Reclassifying previously non-restricted firearms to prohibited firearms overnight without any notification was our most recent fight. Imagine that legally purchasing something only to have it make you a criminal later on without even knowing. Luckily the Conservatives reversed that before getting turfed. Now with a Liberal government things will get worse. The RCMP is currently trying to redefine the magazine regulations to make our much loved LAR-15 mags and .50 Beowulf mags illegal and the RCMP and Liberals seem pretty hot on prohibiting many semi auto firearms if they can get away with it. As Canadians we do not have property rights so all it takes is a few reclassifications or regulations and bye bye personal property or face criminal charges. With society becoming hoplophobic and anti-gun I think it's only a matter of time before airsoft gets dragged into the mix. It might not be on anyone's radar today but it'll slowly fall victim to more regulation and legislation.
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Old March 21st, 2016, 07:44   #10
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Yes, unfortunately that's the risk of new government. Trudeau has been incredibly lame one doing anything though and with bigger fish to fry we'll see if he gets around to it. I won't worry about the sky falling until it is, literally.
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