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Best MP5 in 2016


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Old July 7th, 2016, 01:37   #1
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Best MP5 in 2016

Hi, i'm really looking into MP5 these days.
So I was wondering what was the best brand of MP5 nowadays.
My friend told me G&G was the way to go but i'm really looking into ICS's one.
Budget of around 300-400 bucks but accepting all suggestions.

Thanks peeps!
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Old July 7th, 2016, 07:48   #2
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Best for $300 - $400 is G&G. That gun'll need mags, batteries, etc, so all said and done G&G is the way to go. Also look into getting age verified on here, the classifieds might have some higher end ones at good deals.

The best MP5 as of 2016 is still the Systema TW5. That thing is a beast, but carries a price tag of about $1,000.
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Last edited by Ricochet; July 7th, 2016 at 07:51..
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Old July 7th, 2016, 08:27   #3
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the ics one isn't bad, it's slightly upgraded over the tm as a clone of the design. The only drawback is the way the hop is adjusted, the lever is not very tight and has a tendency to move around. You may need to find the adjuster upgrade. I think prometheus makes it. The parts make the adjuster a lot tighter so it hopefully stays put. The only other issue I have with ics mp5s if you are looking at the A models and not the SD models is the cocking tube and front end might have a bit of wobble to it, but you can minimize it with some bracing.

The g&g you have to deal with the bs toptech blowback system which I am not a fan of. Their gearboxes of made of cheese so they will crack no matter what you do. Their hopup system is a bit better in that it's a slider more like an ak unit inside the ejection port.

classic army also has their own hopup unit design also inside the ejection port, it's also a slider. But CA is notoriously weird with their manufacturing specs so aftermarket parts might fit poorly.

vfc makes a mechanically operated burst firing mp5, it has some proprietary parts to that mechanism which can probably be found and replaced direct from vfc. Not sure how their hop works, I would assume it's internal to the ejection port.

src had a beautiful stamped and welded steel upper like the real ones, but they are hard to find and src's manufacturing tolerances are weird. It's also got an ejection port accessed hop with a slider.

cyma is a clone of the CA I think, but their exteriors are heavy, however they have been known to be pretty decent guns. I've known a few people that have had them and had no complaints aside from weight. They take upgrades well.

JG/E1 are also pretty good, I think they also have ejection port accessed slider hopup units, but they're hard to find these days.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old July 7th, 2016, 12:21   #4
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VFC gets my vote
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Old July 7th, 2016, 13:16   #5
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Dollars-to-doughnuts, it's Cyma. Or I should say, Cyma after it's been gutted, cleaned, and rebuilt.

A more expensive gun will be worth it if you love MP5s so much that you want all the details to be "right", but if you just want an airsoft gun that functions as an MP5, it's really hard to argue with the price tag on a Cyma.

I'm on year six with mine, rebuilt it for mantenance twice, upgraded barrel and compression with spare parts, that's it. It's been gamed to hell and back indoors and outdoors, running an m100 spring on the stock motor. Retention tab on the trigger block failed, so I replaced the trigger harness. Still stock wiring.

This year when I rebuilt it it had developed body wobble, so I teflon taped every joint and body screw. Whoopee! I expect this thing will get another two good years before the gears die, maybe they won't die at all.

I should say that no matter what brand you get, going for a full stock model would be a good idea. Collapsible stocks are badass, but failure prone for a whole lotta reasons.

Last edited by Cliffradical; July 7th, 2016 at 13:19..
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Old July 7th, 2016, 13:44   #6
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Damn! thanks for the answers guys! I guess I forgot to mention some details about the context. So yea by let's say 350$, I kinda meant a gun that would shoots, meaning battery and charger included in the price tag. This is why the ICS one's were so interesting. (low price tag) not the sportline though.

Also, this is my first purhase, well I bought a glock in the past but apart from that, it's my first rifle/smg. So I wasn't really planning on rebuilding things and opening the gun. (not that I don't like to look into guns and disassemble them).

Anyways, all the answers you gave me lights up alot my questions, so thanks you for that.
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Old July 7th, 2016, 14:01   #7
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You'd be much better off getting your own battery and charger. The batteries they ship with guns are usually crappy and the chargers they ship with it tend to put them on fire.

Get a B6 charger from Hobby King along with some cheap Lipos, you won't regret it.

For an MP5 a battery like this would be great:

If you go for a full stock MP5 you could go for something bigger.
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Old July 7th, 2016, 14:11   #8
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Damn I'm having difficuties saying the way I want to say haha.
I didn't mean battery and charger included in the gun box, I meant after I bought the gun, the battery and the charger, I would like the amount to be around 350$. But I understand the confusion as I would've been confused too.

That being said, thanks you for the input, those battery and charger looks great and are really cheap.
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Old July 7th, 2016, 16:05   #9
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Another question.
While browsing for on various website, I came across this.
I don't really understand how the sd6 can be so cheap compared to other website, where I can find it for around 350$.

Does anyone has opinion on that? looks to good to be true... :/
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Old July 8th, 2016, 00:08   #10
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probably the sportline version?
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old July 8th, 2016, 01:23   #11
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Impossible, from what I know at least. From my knowledge sportline doeesn't have an SD6 version, only SD5. In addition to that, when looking at the SKU under the price on HO website, it says ICS-02, which refers to the metal SD6 version, as you can see here on ICS website.

That being said, looking a little bit more. I saw the same gun 150$ more here...

Really getting me confused lol. Either the most amazing deal i've ever seen or something's wrong.

I emailed them about it, haven't received an answer yet

Last edited by Tshiip; July 8th, 2016 at 01:25..
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Old July 8th, 2016, 09:03   #12
"bb bukakke" KING!
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the only difference between sd5 and sd6 is the stock. You could just call them... or take a chance.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old July 8th, 2016, 09:08   #13
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I understand, but still, the sku # is still the one referring to the sd6 proline.

I will just wait for their email to clear things up I guess... still weird lol
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