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Canceled Milsims, Refunds, Consumer Rights and a meta post about the community as well as those responsible for hosting events



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Old September 23rd, 2017, 12:16   #31
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I'm going to revive this a bit since the situation still persists.

The community needed to show patience with the refund process but the process, in my estimation, has not been as transparent as it needs to be. The initial emotional woes have had enough time to wind down; the event cancellation was over two months ago. In that time, perhaps a refunding schedule (even as a fair estimation) could have been drafted and released but there has been little for the public to go on.

Don't get me wrong, the situation sucks all around but there is a duty to be as open to the community as possible here.

Nothing will be served by shit slinging, however things need to be more forthcoming.
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Old September 23rd, 2017, 12:55   #32
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I will likely see the organizer today if everything works out. I will ask him how things are coming along if I get a chance. As long as refunds are still rolling along then it's probably as good as it's going to get.

I haven't returned to this post in awhile. So as far as Mr. Hamill is concerned, he did acquire a buyout chunk from Panther, as per their agreement, how much I couldn't tell you. I was told that he took at least some of that and bought a massive chunk of inventory for his store, more than you'd think a small store in the Okanagan would, but whatever. He has also recently gotten access to six acres on the gun range out that way and intends on holding airsoft there. I assume he's going to aim at kids because six acres is almost nothing and there are still a few free fields up that way. This in no ways says he had anything to do with the event cancellation, I just wanted to add the details.
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Old September 26th, 2017, 20:31   #33
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Originally Posted by beta678 View Post
$150 was early bird... a good chunk of players paid the full pop $200... maybe $220... can't remember. But based off last year's experience, it wasn't remotely worth even $150. Might've passed as a $100 game but I feel even that was pushing it for what we got out of it by the end of everything. Basically a lack of planning for last year's game, and once again for this year's, which ended up flopping bad.
A 1 day even in Vancouver is almost 100$ your getting a few days of play and people who went to that event and Iceback? i think thats the name say that event was a bit better.

The dude hosted a garage sale for airsoft stuff last weekend, most of his guns were put on sale to likely get some capital back. he sold me a nice pair of M2's that were in great condition for 70-120$ less than retail.

The situation is pretty chill down here now. The guy shows up regularly to games
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Old September 26th, 2017, 20:45   #34
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When I popped by to see him I had both my kids with me (not part of the plan), so I didn't really get into it with him. We had a quick chat about a few things. I assume everyone is still receiving money back at some interval?
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Old September 27th, 2017, 03:55   #35
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Originally Posted by NoGear View Post
A 1 day even in Vancouver is almost 100$ your getting a few days of play and people who went to that event and Iceback? i think thats the name say that event was a bit better.
The one day sims ran by Omega locally are well planned and well organized. They were significantly better than Red Dawn imo, which tbh was kinda saved by the same guys who run the Omega sims.

I mean, we couldn't even find the game admins at Red Dawn, and whole lack of information from them. The Omega guys kept things organized on red side and essentially ran the game, fighting blue was kinda like fighting a disorganized militia. Best example is basically the entire blue team going to sleep the first night, and ended up getting their HQ raided when they left it alone with everything in the open (we all signed the "command book") which led to Blue's commander quitting and playing "Barbie Girl" on Red comms which was against game regs and telling people to essentially violate rules over the radio.

The only time I saw the game admins after the initial game speech and at the BBQ, was when they decided to ride around in their little atv thing and overshot a bunch of people with their MG's as a "kill confirmed perk" because "blue team handed in more kill cards than red team" even though red essentially had their entire stack of kill cards after finding them in their HQ after the night raid. Couldn't turn them in because admins were nowhere to be found. The whole thing was a mess, the only saving grace were the people we went with and the Omega guys who kept things running smoothly on Red side.

Originally Posted by NoGear View Post
The dude hosted a garage sale for airsoft stuff last weekend, most of his guns were put on sale to likely get some capital back.
I have no problems with the guy holding a garage sale, he does it annually more or less. Good for the community, but in the end it doesn't matter if he's selling his guns or his gear, truth is, he still owes people money.

Originally Posted by NoGear View Post
he sold me a nice pair of M2's that were in great condition for 70-120$ less than retail.
That's nice. Not sure how this is relevant though.

That said, entire thing lacks transparency and I echo Janus' sentiments, as do many other people. Just because locals don't bring it up when said person is around, doesn't mean we don't talk about it. I mean, the last public "update" on facebook was AUG 10th and after that absolutely nothing.
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Old September 27th, 2017, 11:00   #36
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Originally Posted by beta678 View Post
which led to Blue's commander quitting
Had more to do with the nearly having a seizure and vomiting for an hour in the field, but okay.
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Old September 27th, 2017, 11:56   #37
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Anyway, I'm just hoping to see some information on this, even if it isn't progress. A lot of the guys local to me have seen either no refunds or only partial refunds and the questions are being asked.
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Old September 27th, 2017, 13:02   #38
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Originally Posted by beta678 View Post
The one day sims ran by Omega locally are well planned and well organized. They were significantly better than Red Dawn imo, which tbh was kinda saved by the same guys who run the Omega sims.

I mean, we couldn't even find the game admins at Red Dawn, and whole lack of information from them. The Omega guys kept things organized on red side and essentially ran the game, fighting blue was kinda like fighting a disorganized militia. Best example is basically the entire blue team going to sleep the first night, and ended up getting their HQ raided when they left it alone with everything in the open (we all signed the "command book") which led to Blue's commander quitting and playing "Barbie Girl" on Red comms which was against game regs and telling people to essentially violate rules over the radio.

The only time I saw the game admins after the initial game speech and at the BBQ, was when they decided to ride around in their little atv thing and overshot a bunch of people with their MG's as a "kill confirmed perk" because "blue team handed in more kill cards than red team" even though red essentially had their entire stack of kill cards after finding them in their HQ after the night raid. Couldn't turn them in because admins were nowhere to be found. The whole thing was a mess, the only saving grace were the people we went with and the Omega guys who kept things running smoothly on Red side.

I have no problems with the guy holding a garage sale, he does it annually more or less. Good for the community, but in the end it doesn't matter if he's selling his guns or his gear, truth is, he still owes people money.

That's nice. Not sure how this is relevant though.

That said, entire thing lacks transparency and I echo Janus' sentiments, as do many other people. Just because locals don't bring it up when said person is around, doesn't mean we don't talk about it. I mean, the last public "update" on facebook was AUG 10th and after that absolutely nothing.
Sheeit! Wasn't the whole premise of Red Dawn about a disorganized militia going toe to toe with a standing army?

Except this time the good guys won!

The admins were tucked into a loading dock over on the East side of the field; pretty well straight across from the fire station and above the Blue respawn.

Early Sunday I went over and chatted with them a bit about some of the stuff that went on. Not so much gameplay and tactical rules all that other stuff as hard to changes to safety rules. As an example the rule change that the school roof was off limits that came down at some point in the night and how to make sure that was shared across all players vs. the in game objectives and briefing notes that would come down via your chain of command. If you miss those orders then it's your own fault and can swing the balance of a game in the manner of the fog of war vs. a hard change to boundaries or what buildings not to enter.

The organizers as a group were really open to constructive criticisms at that time.

The ATV strafing runs for the blues I just put down to shit happens. As a Red team player I am 100% against handing any advantage to an opponent but as as I can also shift off and view the big picture In can understand why it was done. In a game the I'd describe as a "Film-Sim" those script rewrites have to come in sometimes so a side that's on their heels gets a morale boost. I've seen way worse at other games where the winning side was essentially predetermined and rule change after rule change rolled out when they were getting hosed.
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Old November 2nd, 2017, 06:18   #39
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Old November 2nd, 2017, 08:12   #40
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Old November 2nd, 2017, 08:56   #41
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Originally Posted by AnthonyG View Post

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